Comments by credible_acorn

Comment Post Date
I completely agree with A. They should make sure that the robot is safe and flawless before... AI accident: who is responsible? 02/2/24
I think a good discussion would be on the difference between a prison and a mental hospital.... Suggest a discussion 02/2/24
I think there should be a discussion about the difference between a prison and a mental... Suggest a discussion 01/2/24
The citizens of Ecuador should not complain about losing their freedom because their lives are... Freedom v safety? 30/1/24
What I think prison officers should care more about is Punishment and Reformative. When... What’s the purpose of prisons? 30/1/24
I chose preventing crime because it is better for crime to not even happen that makes the world... Prevention or protection? 30/1/24
The student that made me think differently is curious_octopus from Bangladesh. They made me... Competition #2 winners 30/1/24
I saw 23 ways of reminding people about climate change in the image, but in my country none of... Climate change: regular reminders 29/1/24
I disagree because the feelings of the people wouldn't really matter if the world is in trouble.... Too much negative news? 28/1/24
I agree because here in our country we are behind in most of the world's technology having... Suggest a discussion 27/1/24
I chose bad news because if people see what is wrong with our planet it will push them to do the... Too much negative news? 25/1/24
I agree because the people should know that something they are doing is making the planet that... Too much negative news? 25/1/24
I personally wouldn't want an AI version of me, as that can create problems. If I was to say I... AI and the future of education 24/1/24
I choose worried because I know this only happens in TV shows, but AI world dominance is... What's your reaction? 24/1/24
I scored a 14/16. I learned that AI is able to complete assignments using just an idea of the... Test your knowledge 24/1/24
One thing AI may be able to do better than humans will definitely be building construction. AI... People v robots 23/1/24
AI (Artificial Intelligence) did not exist and yet jobs were still done. ... Jobs of the future 23/1/24
I agree with opinion C. At school you learn to be sociable, you learn to tolerate different... Will schools exist in future? 23/1/24