discreet_harmonica has not published standpoints yet. Comments by discreet_harmonica Comment Post Date Comment: Absolutely! Your sympathy towards Nigeria is commendable, but you should look at the negative... Post: Your country in your hands! Date: 13/3/24 Comment: Hello stupendous_swan! I mainly agree with you because in our country, we have only one leader... Post: How would you respond? Date: 12/3/24 Comment: Yes, not all businesses are able to help the environment. But, they should try all of their best... Post: Profits or the planet? Date: 12/3/24 Comment: Elections should not be held during war. There are so many things happening in the war and... Post: Should countries hold elections during wartime? Date: 11/3/24 Comment: I agree with you. But, listening to everyone's idea is not so easy as you think. Sometimes their... Post: “What do young people want from their elective leaders?” Date: 11/3/24 Comment: I think the media is bad for the elections because anybody could post anything on there. Whether... Post: The media and elections Date: 10/3/24 Comment: Hey enigmatic_singer! I agree with your thoughts about how social media can be a great... Post: The media and elections Date: 09/3/24 Comment: Hey storytelling_crab! I do agree that a single leader would be able to make decisions fast and... Post: How would you respond? Date: 08/3/24 Comment: I totally agree with you! I wouldn't want to be the leader of the country too because if I make... Post: Your country in your hands! Date: 07/3/24 Comment: Hey, glorious_truth. You changed my mind about it! At first, I thought we should reveal it for... Post: Should people know? Date: 29/2/24 Comment: All of the options are all unfair advantages except for physical advantages since we can't do... Post: Unfair advantage? Date: 28/2/24 Comment: I think that people should know whether or not the athletes are taking drugs. Some people take... Post: Should people know? Date: 28/2/24 Comment: I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the connection between gender inequality and... Post: Suggest a discussion Date: 23/2/24 Comment: Hey steady_studio! I'm not so sure about this. First, I do agree that having more prison staff... Post: Prison staff Date: 22/2/24 Comment: I agree mindful_redcurrant, people are always judging journalists no matter what. They are... Post: Challenges to journalists Date: 22/2/24 Comment: I agree jazzed_ocean, women are very incredible as they have affected our society a lot. Jobs... Post: International Women’s Day: good or bad? Date: 22/2/24 Comment: All of this information surprised me but, what surprises me the most is women not being able to... Post: Gender inequality: have your say! Date: 19/2/24 Comment: I agree with option A. International Women’s Day is a great day to be reminded of the... Post: International Women’s Day: good or bad? Date: 19/2/24 Comment: Hi Eva, thank you for replying to me! At first, I just thought that the training involves... Post: Prison staff Date: 18/2/24 Comment: I think the clink charity in the UK because, after they leave prison, they would be able to get... Post: Reformation Date: 18/2/24 View more >