Comments by eager_seed Comment Post Date media allows for much more personal communications between leaders and their followers. This... Would you be a leader? 24/11/22 Possibly if all people just wanted physical possessions. Other people need some things that... Expert challenge: who owns space? 24/11/22 Sure. I understand the average people and I understand how little the majority knows of how... Would you be a leader? 24/11/22 Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. I believe that book changed my life, it really made me become... Who could change the world? 24/11/22 Without the web, we'd be sleeping better, socialising more and we would be more active. The... Should the internet be a human right? 23/11/22 Girls and women suffer most of the negative impact of rigid gender norms and roles, they are... Gender inequality: have your say! 23/11/22 Conservation of water, land, energy, and nonrenewable resources, including maximum feasible... How sustainable is YOUR community? 23/11/22 i think songs are good way to share messages because songs and communication are closely linked... Protest songs: what would you choose? 23/11/22 If I could share a song with the world about equality of all men and women. and also all humans... Protest songs: what would you choose? 23/11/22 yes space exploration important for a positive human future. since Space exploration allows us... Space: a positive human future? 22/11/22 Millions of people around the world are simply too poor to be able to buy food. They also lack... Why haven't we solved the problem of world hunger yet? 22/11/22 There are many ways people can reduce food waste, including properly storing food, freezing,... Expert challenge: what could you do? 22/11/22 In my most recent internship, we had a project that had a fixed delivery date, since it was tied... Do you have to see it, to be it? 21/11/22 I think it is important to see diversity in films because people are influenced by what they... Why is it important to see diversity in films? 21/11/22 I think all jobs are important in our life, but i agree with person (A), because The primary... Pick a side! 21/11/22 I definitely agree with this opinion, women's accomplishments are not documented, published or... Do you have to see it, to be it? 21/11/22 "A good working environment" mean to me that the employees/workers feel safe and is fine with... Working conditions: what’s acceptable? 18/11/22 In theory, i believe being a leader would be good thing in real life, not so much. To be a... Would you be a leader? 18/11/22 I think everybody should have the opportunity to go to space, because we are all human in same... Money, money, money! 18/11/22 Yes,I think that songs arre a good method to share the message, because it's speaks to all when... Protest songs: what would you choose? 18/11/22 < 1 2 3 4 >