Comments by efficient_camel Comment Post Date Good question! I believe that we need artificial intelligence, especially in our daily lives,... Student suggestion 02/5/23 Will AI art make artists more or less important in the future? My answer would be no, because... Thinking questions 02/5/23 Good! According to my research on this topic, my questions are: But what is the percentage... Student suggestion 02/5/23 Good! There is no person who inspired me, but what made me keep my environment clean is my... Who inspires you? 28/4/23 I don't agree with you because just like with games, addiction can become an issue, and it could... Particular people 28/4/23 I am one of the people who look at life in a positive way and see things from a positive point... Teenagers and social media 28/4/23 I think having relationships with people on the internet like friendship etc and meeting new... Particular people 27/4/23 It is very bad for teenagers to spend long hours on social media because it affects mental... Teenagers and social media 27/4/23 I believe that the monarchy has benefits first - that the king's personality plays an important... The role of royals 24/4/23 The impact of the strike will be negative on school students, as it will have effects on it ... Can everyone strike? 19/4/23 Good! I believe that the strike has more disadvantages than advantages. For example, when... Suggest a discussion! 18/4/23 Yes, people should enjoy freedom on the Internet, because this is a human right, so a person... A new realm to rule? 17/4/23 I agree with you, the Internet is known to be a cruel place, and strangers tend to be cruel and... The metaverse: marvellous or madness? 17/4/23 I believe that if we want to reduce our carbon footprint, we must follow these steps: 1-... Climate change in your country 14/4/23 I agree with you Climate change threatens the full and effective enjoyment of a variety of human... Earth Day poll results! 14/4/23 I do not agree with you. Everything in life has its pros and cons. Metaverse has its pros,... Suggest a discussion! 14/4/23 The news story that is affecting my area is the moderate earthquake that shook parts of... Competition #1 News near you 14/4/23 I agree with you, we humans are responsible for the environment in which we live. Our... Classroom spy... 14/4/23 I cannot agree more because the role of governments is really prominant. Regarding my country, ... Climate change in your country 13/4/23 Scientific evidence suggests that reducing meat consumption can have environmental benefits,... Suggest a discussion 13/4/23 1 2 >