Comments by fearless_mandarin

Comment Post Date
I think countries shouldn’t hold elections during wartime. Wartime conditions involves... Should countries hold elections during wartime? 08/3/24
I want my country’s leader to spend more money in education reform and skill development.... “What do young people want from their elective leaders?” 08/3/24
I disagree with you. I think " first past the post " is unfair. The "first past the post"... How does the Indian election work? 07/3/24
I will respond to opinion B " Countries should have more than one leader if they have a big... How would you respond? 07/3/24
When it comes to consuming news during an election here is some important advice : 1.People... The media and elections 06/3/24
I think there should be a hub discussion about "Can we use AI in elections to prevent... Suggest a discussion 06/3/24
I think voters has the most power in democracy. The voters hold the most essential power in... Who has the power? 05/3/24
If I could meet Richard Nash. I would ask her several questions : 1. How effective are current... Richard Nash 05/3/24
I scored 6 out of 10. I learned a lot of new things from the quiz. Most shockingly, I get to... The elections quiz 04/3/24
The skill I am going to focus on is "listening".This skill is important for understanding the... Competition #7 winners 04/3/24
Yes, I would like to be the leader of my country one day because I want my country to be a role... Your country in your hands! 04/3/24
It is important for young people like me to learn about the news because it widens our... STEP TWO: get ready for the competition 03/3/24
When a brand openly supports a specific political party.Brands that publicly take a stance on... An interview with Phyllida Swift 03/3/24
The news that might affect businesses in 2024 is economic fluctuations. For this news... How might the news affect businesses? 02/3/24
There are many social issues that I would like to see change. One of them is the promotion and... How could businesses make positive change? 02/3/24
If I could meet Aron D'Souza. I would ask him several questions : 1.How do the Enhanced Games... Aron D’Souza 01/3/24
In my country, there's an inspiring initiative called "Green Roofs For Healthy Cities" that aims... How to make a change 01/3/24
I think athletes that take performance - enhancing drugs have to reveal that to others.... Should people know? 29/2/24
While international games have numerous benefits, they can also bring certain negatives. One... Which sports “matter”? 29/2/24
An international games event can be beneficial for people and countries in several ways. At an... Which sports “matter”? 28/2/24