Comments by fearless_mandarin

Comment Post Date
I think family plays an influential role in supporting women in football. Here are some reasons... Women's sport 05/2/24
If I could meet Jérôme's Mangelinckx. I would ask him some questions about his work : 1.... Jérôme Mangelinckx 04/2/24
Staying informed about local news helps me to become more responsible and active in my ... Responsible citizens 04/2/24
I agree with Joycelyn that two people feel different about eco- anxiety. It’s a personal... Joycelyn Longdon on different experiences 04/2/24
One news about the climate that makes me feel good that revolutionary Carbon-Capturing Material... Finding a balance 03/2/24
If I could meet Richard Hughes. I would ask him "What should the government has to do to make... Richard Hughes 03/2/24
If I could meet Emma Hogan. I would ask her " what other countries can learn from this ... Emma Hogan 03/2/24
I chose the option ' C '. Bangladesh is grappling with a range of problems due to the rising... Climate change in your country 02/2/24
I agree with Option 'A' the most. The AI developer is most responsible in cases of AI... AI accident: who is responsible? 02/2/24
One unique initiative that someone from Bangladesh has undertaken to protect the planet is the... How to make a change 02/2/24
One major reason why enough people are not changing their behaviour to protect the planet is... Why don’t people change? 01/2/24
If a developer makes an AI robot just for me. I want it to help me in my work which would help... AI companion 31/1/24
I think that AI will be more good than bad for the planet. AI can help us on various sectors... AI and the planet 31/1/24
I agree with you. The impact of replacing real adults on Hubs with AI bots can have both... AI bots on the Hub? 31/1/24
I scored 10 out of 15. The fact that most surprised me is that more than 11.5 millon people are... Show what you know 30/1/24
I agree with the option B "A bad person can make crime worse instead of better." When... What if prisons aren’t working? 30/1/24
Yes, I think the majority of the population in my country would agree to the state that... Prevention or protection? 30/1/24
Yes,it is right. Restricting people's freedom is acceptable if it is done with the intention of... Freedom v safety? 29/1/24
I choose to prevent crime. The best way for the governments to keep their people safe is by... Prevention or protection? 29/1/24
I had a great conversation with my friends about eco anxiety. There are some new perspective... Report back 29/1/24