Comments by fearless_mandarin

Comment Post Date
** One rule that would keep my event safe is that all participants have to go through a medical... You make the rules! 28/2/24
I think the statistic "Less than one tenth of people..." represents the issue of gender equality... Competition #6 winners 27/2/24
Yes,all these things give an athlete advantages. But all these advantages are fair in sports... Unfair advantage? 27/2/24
It is right that the Olympics is a neutral zone for politics. Olympics desires to preserve the... Sports and politics 27/2/24
I scored 13 out of 16. I have learn a lot of things from the quiz. Most shocking news was that... Show what you know! 26/2/24
I agree with opinion "B" and "C". Opinion ' B ' raises concern about fairness and integrity in... What do you think about the Enhanced Games? 26/2/24
I agree with the quote C " The more I learnt, the more I realised that racial justice and... "Climate anxiety is a failure of the systems of power." 25/2/24
As a teenager, I often feel that I am not fairly represented in the news. Most of the news is... Do you feel represented? 25/2/24
International Women's Day has served as a catalyst for change in various ways throughout... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 24/2/24
If I could meet Luba Kassova. I would ask her several questions : 1.How can we encourage media... Luba Kassova 24/2/24
If I could meet Catalina Ruiz Navarro . I would ask her several questions : 1. In your... Catalina Ruiz-Navarro 24/2/24
If I could meet Josie Verghese . I would ask her several questions : 1. How can media... Josie Verghese 23/2/24
From Zanny's quotes, I have the strongest reaction to quote ' C ' that " Everything around us... “Nations that fail women, fail.” 22/2/24
If I could meet Selam Gebrekidan. I would ask her several questions : 1.How do you cope with... Selam Gebrekidan 22/2/24
On a scale of 1 to 10 I would give it a 8 on the opinion that total equality for women will not... Are journalists the answer? 21/2/24
I think that parents and teachers has more power on influencing children's behaviour to stop... Who has the power to stop social bias? 21/2/24
One information that surprises me the most is women are more likely to do more unpaid work at... Gender inequality: have your say! 20/2/24
I disagree with the statement that women are better at reporting about women and men are better... Selam Gebrekidan: this topic’s poll! 20/2/24
One women that I would like to celebrate this International Women's Day is Greta Thunberg. Greta... Competition #5 winners 19/2/24
I scored 8 out of 10. I learned a lot of interesting things from the quiz . According to the... The women in media quiz 19/2/24