Standpoints by happy_painting Written by: happy_painting Doctor shortages are here----and they'll get worse if we... 08 December 2022 0 comments Written by: happy_painting Fast Fashion 07 December 2022 0 comments Comments by happy_painting Comment Post Date Comment: I agree with the reply that was " you would be a good editor for a newspaper, tv show,... Post: Competition #5 Journalism jobs Date: 01/12/22 Comment: Thank u for appreciating!! Post: Expert challenge: achieving dreams! Date: 01/12/22 Comment: Right!! Its all about interest or passion. If you are doing even a normal job but you are... Post: Expert challenge: achieving dreams! Date: 01/12/22 Comment: In my country, doctor talks about the shortages of doctors because we have 230 millions... Post: A doctor's words Date: 18/11/22 Comment: I believe all the jobs has their own importance but I agree with person A because doctors are... Post: Pick a side! Date: 18/11/22 Comment: I joined a discussion in the fast fashion topic. I was going through everyones opinions. A... Post: Competition #3 Global discussion Date: 17/11/22 Comment: i think both the personality and policy matters because a person who has a good personality but... Post: Personality or Policy? Date: 14/11/22 Comment: What should be done to help more young people to achieve their dreams? I personaly think... Post: Expert challenge: achieving dreams! Date: 11/11/22 Comment: Some of the cases were seen in which many people's voice are silenced simply because they speak... Post: What does the cartoonist think? Date: 11/11/22 Comment: Being the leader of a country would be a good job but....a hard, responsible and difficult task... Post: Would you be a leader? Date: 10/11/22 Comment: If you were to draw a cartoon to represent your country, what would it be?? If i get this... Post: What does the cartoonist think? Date: 10/11/22 Comment: Is a cartoon good way to share news? Yes.... I do believe that cartoon is a good way to... Post: What does the cartoonist think? Date: 10/11/22 Comment: From my point of view, Yes!! Space exploration is important for a positive human... Post: Space: a positive human future? Date: 09/11/22 Comment: Ofcourse, people outside the Iran should speak out for Iranians beacuse no one can force anybody... Post: Iran: Should people speak out? Date: 09/11/22 Comment: Well, a really tricky challenge ! I never thought about the questions that I wanna ask from a... Post: Competition #2 Questions for leaders Date: 07/11/22 Comment: Politics is important here because it can take a valuable role in raising awareness about... Post: The food crisis: why can’t we just share? Date: 07/11/22