Standpoints by happy_sealion Written by: happy_sealion A world dominated by equality will be more stable and prosperous 19 May 2023 0 comments Comments by happy_sealion Comment Post Date Comment: Learn knowledge and skills... To be honest, I wasn't familiar with the story of King Charles'... Post: The Festival is coming to an end… Date: 22/5/23 Comment: Hear from the experts... A doctor who was a journalist encouraged me to be like her, and enter... Post: The Festival is coming to an end… Date: 22/5/23 Comment: Yes really, to be honest in my country people deal with favoritism and they take chances that... Post: Nepotism: The Never-Ending Battle Date: 22/5/23 Comment: Establishing justice and equality and fulfilling the rights of its people is one of the reasons... Post: Expert challenge: Nepotism and equality Date: 18/5/23 Comment: There is no benefit in setting regulations, laws, and deterrent penalties if they are not... Post: Expert challenge: Nepotism and equality Date: 18/5/23 Comment: The Sudanese Justice and Equality Movement welcomes Political honesty Press Statement The... Post: Expert challenge: Nepotism and equality Date: 18/5/23 Comment: We see a lot of developments. The Metaverse was an element of science fiction films, but... Post: METAVERSE: FRIEND OR FOE ? Date: 17/5/23 Comment: The government needs a qualitative shift in the executive branch, i.e. the issue of ministerial... Post: What should be done? Date: 17/5/23 Comment: Favoritism has mold forms that are difficult to limit. Relatives are preferred for their kinship... Post: What should be done? Date: 17/5/23 Comment: correct! Artificial intelligence has no intellectual property rights because it acts as a tool... Post: Photos and voices Date: 16/5/23 Comment: Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Minister of the Environment, held an expanded meeting to discuss ways to... Post: The news where you are Date: 16/5/23 Comment: ANKARA - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his "public" alliance topped the results of... Post: The news where you are Date: 16/5/23 Comment: Everything in life has a bright side and a dark one. Likewise, strikes have a bright and a dark... Post: STRIKES TO BE ALLOWED OR BANNED Date: 15/5/23 Comment: The history of the United Kingdom is full of turns, customs and traditions, and despite the... Post: Does the modern world need royals? does America? Date: 15/5/23 Comment: Workers in the UK chose this time to stroke as they realize the fact that if they perform their... Post: Which situation is best? Date: 12/5/23 Comment: I agree with you.. But the youth will not abide by the laws unless there are laws, or virtual... Post: METAVERSE: FRIEND OR FOE ? Date: 12/5/23 Comment: I believe that corruption has many factors among which is nepotism or favoritism. It leads to a... Post: Nepotism poll results! Date: 12/5/23 Comment: Can't agree more. It's right that Emma's parents used their power to help their daughter get a... Post: Where does nepotism start? Date: 11/5/23 Comment: The term nepotism or favoritism must be rejected in part and in toto. One of the main pillars of... Post: Nepotism poll results! Date: 11/5/23 Comment: I'm going to choose problem-solving skills since it's one of the high-thinking skills in Bloom's... Post: Competition #5 Standpoint skills Date: 11/5/23 View more >