hardworking_mulberry has not published standpoints yet. Comments by hardworking_mulberry Comment Post Date Comment: Yes, teachers have feelings because they play a crucial role in the development of AI. And with... Post: which is better robots teacher or teachers Date: 15/3/24 Comment: It's a fact that plants can absorb carbon and have a positive impact on reducing pollution.... Post: Is agriculture a potential solution to climate change? Date: 14/3/24 Comment: Hi! AI is a good and useful tool with it we can use it in home like helping in cooking and we... Post: Is artificial intelligence good for us? Date: 14/3/24 Comment: as a young person,i want my country's leader to build a house for opharnage and make free... Post: “What do young people want from their elective leaders?” Date: 13/3/24 Comment: In my opinion, elections should not take place when there is a war going on because the enemy... Post: Should countries hold elections during wartime? Date: 13/3/24 Comment: "I disagree with option B which suggests that countries should have more than one leader if it... Post: How would you respond? Date: 12/3/24 Comment: I think that it is important for young people to learn about AI because learning AI will have... Post: Competition #8 winners Date: 12/3/24 Comment: hi! AI has advantages like -reducing human error AI can increase accuracy and precision by... Post: AI- The Advantages and Disadvantages Date: 12/3/24 Comment: Hi! Skills shortages and job openings can be filled. It is possible to maintain economic... Post: How did the lesson go? Date: 11/3/24 Comment: Hi there! AI is more effective than humans in war and can be used to defeat opponents and save... Post: AI: and the future of war Date: 11/3/24 Comment: hi! Social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google hold the potential to alter civic... Post: The media and elections Date: 08/3/24 Comment: Hi, I think a cure for eco-anxiety would be great because there would be no more worries about... Post: The Cure to Eco-Anxiety Date: 08/3/24 Comment: i think that media is a good tool for election because with media it can spread information of... Post: The media and elections Date: 07/3/24 Comment: Leadership, especially in a country, is fraught with challenges. One of the reasons I'm hesitant... Post: Your country in your hands! Date: 07/3/24 Comment: I agree because... In a democratic system, the voters play a vital role as they hold hold the... Post: Who has the power? Date: 06/3/24 Comment: Hi! It helps in identifying diseases more quickly and accurately, speed up and streamline drug discover. Post: Will AI transform the emerging world? Date: 05/3/24 Comment: Hello! We had an excellent conversation about the elections in India in our class.We discussed... Post: How did the lesson go? Date: 05/3/24 Comment: Hi Afifah! It will assist me in operating the machines more effectively through task... Post: Classroom spy! Date: 04/3/24 Comment: It will help them in making note like using ChatGPT in searching for more information to write... Post: Classroom spy! Date: 04/3/24 Comment: Hello Chloe. In my opinion some of the downside of this enhanced games include drug addiction... Post: How did the lesson go? Date: 03/3/24 View more >