lovely_instrument has not published standpoints yet. Comments by lovely_instrument Comment Post Date Comment: SCEPTICISM Scepticism is an important skill to have as a journalist as you need to ask... Post: #35 - Skills for success Date: 11/5/20 Comment: Thank you Post: #32 - Give it a title! Date: 24/4/20 Comment: World over ! I choose this title because the picture shows the world cracked which makes me... Post: #32 - Give it a title! Date: 20/4/20 Comment: The news supplies you with important information . I believe the important word is supplies .... Post: #31 - Say it in Seven! Date: 16/4/20 Comment: Dear All, I would like to start by saying how much this country values and appreciates you .... Post: #29 - Write an inspiring speech - Winners Announced! Date: 03/4/20 Comment: I believe that we are all living in good news . I say this because , right now we could all have... Post: #28 - Good News Stories - Winners Announced! Date: 27/3/20 Comment: I suggest that the NHS change the how the doctors help patients. I believe this as many people... Post: #27 - Ideas for Improvement Date: 20/3/20 Comment: I think that the world is expanding and we will end up with a black hole. As well as that , the... Post: #15 - Will, Might, Won't! Date: 16/12/19 Comment: I agree with you as Aerospace engineering dose include all BNC skills but with aerospace... Post: #14 - Space Job Skills - Winners Announced! Date: 12/12/19 Comment: If I were to send a message into space I would send some food from earth and things that the... Post: #12 - Message in a Rocket - Winners Announced! Date: 25/11/19 Comment: Motto: Take a leap of faith I picked this because it shows how big of a risk it is for people... Post: #11 - Make a Motto for NASA Date: 22/11/19 Comment: I agree with you and partly disagree as space is somewhere to explore and learn new things .... Post: #10 - Brain-stand! Winners Announced Date: 15/11/19 Comment: Cool , unique , intriguing space is all about very interesting thing. Some which is an awe to... Post: #8 - Three Words And Why Date: 25/10/19 Comment: I disagree with you because a website could be very safe and you may not have heard of it . Also... Post: #7 - Design a test - Winners Announced! Date: 21/10/19 Comment: I think it is picture B it seems to have nothing to do with the rest . Post: #3: Odd-One-Out - Winners Announced! Date: 25/9/19 Comment: I aggree with everyone who says B Post: #3: Odd-One-Out - Winners Announced! Date: 25/9/19