Comments by peaceful_penguin

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Hey Aimee @ Topical Talk, I believe that individuals might resort to stealing due to various... What are the benefits of immigration? 16/2/24
The purpose of a prison should be to reform and rehabilitate individuals so that they can become... What’s the purpose of prisons? 16/2/24
I think one of the best ways a country can benefit from an immigrant is if the immigrant brings... What are the benefits of immigration? 14/2/24
Hi, if I could meet Robert Guest, I would ask him for advice on what to do if someone becomes an... Robert Guest 14/2/24
If I could meet Jonathan Birdwell, I would ask him an important question. I would ask, "What is... Jonathan Birdwell 11/2/24
If I could meet Jerome Mangelinckx, I would ask him an interesting question about people in... Jérôme Mangelinckx 11/2/24
If I could meet Raman Rai, I would ask her two interesting questions. First, I would ask, "Can... Raman Rai 11/2/24
I concur that citizens should lend a hand in addition to the government in order to combat... Countries behaving badly 07/2/24
Well, I believe it will depend on how the attack affects nation B. This is because, in order to... Countries behaving badly 07/2/24
I wholeheartedly concur with your statement. It is extremely dangerous and impossible to grow... Countries behaving badly 07/2/24
I disagree because, as everyone knows, a jail is a place where crimes are punished, and being a... What if prisons aren’t working? 05/2/24
I agree that a lot of well-known and prosperous companies face social and political challenges... How could businesses make positive change? 05/2/24
I completely concur with you because unemployment is a major contributing factor to crime.... Prevention or protection? 29/1/24
The Maitama explosion The explosion happened on January 3, 2024, on a Wednesday, next to a... Suggest a discussion 28/1/24
AI will undoubtedly alter the workplace because it will require less human labour from... Jobs of the future 26/1/24
1. Nigeria advanced to the next round of the Africa Nation's Cup after defeating Gunea in their... Suggest a discussion 24/1/24
AI(Artificial intelligence) can be used as a double edged sword. It has an impact on our lives... What's your reaction? 23/1/24
I agree with opinion B because you as an individual also need to have the knowledge for yourself... Will schools exist in future? 23/1/24