prodigious_eagle has not published standpoints yet. Comments by prodigious_eagle Comment Post Date Comment: My advert for a reopening art gallery/ museum would say: Hello, we are pleased to inform you... Post: #40 - An Advert for Art Date: 19/6/20 Comment: i would display some online paintings do some fun games and deliver food for them try Post: #39 - Your Virtual Festival Date: 08/6/20 Comment: Art is important because it helps you express your feelings and no one tells you what to do , or... Post: #38 - Hundred Word Challenge Date: 05/6/20 Comment: I think Scepticism because journalists have to ask questions before writing it down so they know... Post: #35 - Skills for success Date: 15/5/20 Comment: "EARTH IS CRACKING" I chose this title because the rainbow looks like our world and the outside... Post: #32 - Give it a title! Date: 21/4/20 Comment: I think that picture C is the odd one out because it hasn't got any news things in it just a... Post: #30 - News Odd One Out - Winners Announced! Date: 09/4/20 Comment: I think to improve the NHS we need to start looking after ourselves to stop us overworking the... Post: #27 - Ideas for Improvement Date: 20/3/20 Comment: My chosen comment is: "THE DOCTOR WILL SEE YOU BY SKYPE UP TO 30m NHS APPOINTMENTS TO BE THROUGH... Post: #25 - Behind the Headlines - Winners Announced! Date: 05/3/20 Comment: all i would like to say is : we appreciate your comfort so thank you Post: #24 - Notes to the NHS Date: 25/2/20 Comment: I think that politions should get more respect than us but I still think they should listen to... Post: #21 - Poll - Do politicians deserve more respect? Date: 07/2/20 Comment: I would like our politicians to think more about climate change and how it's effecting our... Post: #20 - What One Change....? Date: 28/1/20 Comment: The word Democracy makes me think about freedom and happiness across the world.🆓 The word... Post: #19 - Concept Comments Date: 21/1/20 Comment: My questions: 1.Why do you question politicians and how brave are you talking to big, powerful... Post: #18 - Question the Questioner - Winners Announced! Date: 17/1/20 Comment: Returning the samples would be more worth it beacuse it will maybe lead to more things. I am... Post: #13- Breaking News Reaction - Winners Announced! Date: 03/12/19 Comment: No.1 don't trust any news until you look it up No.2 are sites always real? Post: #7 - Design a test - Winners Announced! Date: 21/10/19