Comments by talented_apricot Comment Post Date I think that is the responsibility of every people living in this earth . Everybody should... Climate change and inequality 24/2/24 I also think that electric cars are expensive but by only use of electric cars climate change... Climate change and inequality 23/2/24 "If everyone will work together They can save the earth" it will be good caption for this image... Caption this! 23/2/24 Hello everyone, By planting trees there are many advantages like it reduce environmental... How to make a change 22/2/24 Hi friends, I live in Nepal ,Nepal is one in million countries . Nepal is like small world... Meet our school communities! 21/2/24 Hello tropical users i am from nepal and I feel that nepal is the small version of this world... Meet our school communities! 21/2/24 The information surprise me was unpaid it is genuine unfair that in the same work men are... Gender inequality: have your say! 20/2/24 Replacing Ai bots by adult of this hub then there will positive and negative effects but i think... AI bots on the Hub? 20/2/24 The woman from the news i like to celebrate is Aanuradha Koirala she is a promient nepali social... Competition #5 winners 19/2/24 I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the portrayal of women in leadership... Suggest a discussion 19/2/24 I think option C ,providing support for mental health , is the best choice because it addresses... Prison staff 18/2/24 "Local Community unites to clean Up park After storm" because this headline highlights a... Create a headline 18/2/24 My headline will be " Community Comes Together for Annual Charity Fundraiser " This headline... Create a headline 17/2/24 My headline will be "Local Festival2024:A Vibrant Tapestry of culture and Unity " because the... Create a headline 17/2/24 Absolutely,you've hit the nail on the head ! AI's impact on the future of work and education is... Catch up on the live lesson 17/2/24 In my view Option C ,providing support for mental health is the best choice. Prioritizing mental... Prison staff 16/2/24 Absolutely,discussion the impact of immigration policies on cultural diversity is vital. It's an... Suggest a discussion 15/2/24 "I think there should be a hub discussion post about the impact of immigration policies on... Suggest a discussion 14/2/24 In my thought COPevents bring countries together to tackel environmental problems. While each... Global action! 14/2/24 Hi,Tiff@tropical talk the examplepf AI being used in surgery one example is The use of AI... Will AI transform the emerging world? 13/2/24 < 1 2 3 4 5 6 >