Comments by talented_cicada Comment Post Date That was a motivational comment motivated elephant because the more we get to know the impact of... Climate change: regular reminders 25/1/24 I solidly supportes you phenomenal technology because I myself never knew that for every moment... Finding a balance 25/1/24 Well that was a marvellous comment straightforward King but I will like you to throw more light... Suggest a discussion 25/1/24 That was a marvellous comment phenomenal technology because Nigeria is a good and populated... Meet our school communities! 24/1/24 If I eventually meet with Daniel Hulme, my question will be if it can be possible for an AI to... Daniel Hulme 24/1/24 I greatly disagreed with you when you said that the AI will reduce our creativity scope because... What's your reaction? 24/1/24 According to what I have learnt concerning the AI, I think I want this topic to be debated... Suggest a discussion 24/1/24 Ai can also be used for self assessment, We have access to CBT examinations online, Ai... AI and the future of education 23/1/24 I solidly support you for your comments ethical power because AI as the name implies are man... People v robots 23/1/24 I reasonably disagree with you because when you're in class, you might not tell your teacher... AI and the future of education 23/1/24 It will be a very great learning experience with Ai in my school and in Nigeria as a whole... AI and the future of education 23/1/24 There are so many jobs that can be created through the use of AI; Such includes; the... Jobs of the future 23/1/24 There are definitely jobs that humans will definitely do more better than Ai such as poem... People v robots 23/1/24 Hi. I solemly agree with point A because Ai will take over the teachers ,because they will be... Will schools exist in future? 23/1/24 < 1 2 3 4