Comments by tranquil_attention

Comment Post Date
In my opinion, it is better not to link any relationship between work and relationships, because... Nepotism poll results! 09/5/23
Why not put an end to nepotism? Or we put observers on the work and make sure of the files of... Suggest a discussion! 09/5/23
Thank you for your comment I can answer your question: I think there are very few unjust kings... Royalty poll results! 25/4/23
In your opinion, can dissatisfaction with work be expressed in a better way than strikes?... Suggest a discussion! 21/4/23
I do not know what to tell you, what you did is something that not everyone can do, but when I... Ask Dr Rachel Clarke! 21/4/23
In my opinion, all workers have a great influence, and a profession or work cannot be dispensed... Strikes poll results! 21/4/23
Thank you for your comment I agree with you strongly, so governments must provide all the needs... Strikes poll results! 21/4/23
Thank you for your comment, in my opinion This crisis can be resolved by assigning officials to... Strikes poll results! 20/4/23
Lessons learned from strikes are resolving disputes between parties, achieving justice for... Lessons learned! 20/4/23
He must make sure that he has a policy in force, that there is no bribery or discrimination... Working conditions 19/4/23
Doctors should be allowed to strike for several reasons and goals: first, so that everyone knows... Can everyone strike? 19/4/23
If people went on strike and did not receive a response, what should they do in this case?What... Suggest a discussion! 19/4/23
I have joined the Earth Day discussion on the topic of Climate and answered the Dog Narrative... Competition #2 Global discussions 19/4/23
Thank you for your comment. In my opinion, it has a lot of positives, it facilitates our lives,... Report back 17/4/23
Metaverse is the virtual world of our real world, and it is a double-edged sword that we can... Suggest a discussion! 17/4/23
I really like what you've done, it's pretty cool but my question is does violent video games... ...Matthew Ball! 14/4/23
Is it possible to get rid of the problem of climate change forever? and how's that ?How do gases... ...Ben Mango! 14/4/23
My country is affected by climate change, so the temperature rises, precipitation decreases, sea... Climate change in your country 14/4/23
This is very wonderful and we need it in all countries of the world. My question is how does the... …Joe Burton! 14/4/23
Thank you for your comment Ways to protect the environment and drive economic growth There is a... Earth Day poll results! 14/4/23