vivacious_engine has not published standpoints yet. Comments by vivacious_engine Comment Post Date Comment: I agree with Option A because it is up to everyone to save our climate crisis - even if it means... Post: Businesses v the environment Date: 05/3/24 Comment: In my class, we did the live lesson on women in media. I found the live lesson very interesting... Post: Did you do the classroom lesson? Date: 29/2/24 Comment: I would like to suggest a topic about the famous equality vs equity image and how it relates to... Post: Suggest a discussion Date: 28/2/24 Comment: The piece of information which suprised me the most was the one about pay. It isn't fair that... Post: Gender inequality: have your say! Date: 22/2/24 Comment: I think that Joe Biden's policies are fair because if too many immigrants come into America,... Post: Fair or unfair? Date: 12/2/24 Comment: This a very tough choice because on one hand I think that the company who developed the AI is... Post: AI accident: who is responsible? Date: 09/2/24 Comment: On one hand, I think that safety over freedom is definitely the right thing to do because... Post: Freedom v safety? Date: 09/2/24 Comment: I didn't complete this lesson with my teacher but I did do the live lesson in my classroom. My... Post: Classroom spy! Date: 09/2/24 Comment: If I was the owner of a global buisness I would not take my buisness out of the country. From a... Post: Countries behaving badly Date: 08/2/24 Comment: I think that a good hub discussion would be, will AI take over the world. I have been looking... Post: Suggest a discussion Date: 08/2/24 Comment: LET'S BUILD A SAFER WORLD I think that this would be a great caption because the image shows... Post: Caption this! Date: 08/2/24 Comment: I really do hope that schools will exist in the future because personally I would not want to be... Post: Will schools exist in future? Date: 07/2/24 Comment: If I were to have a robot companion, I would make it have the agility to jump up and down on a... Post: AI companion Date: 30/1/24 Comment: I think that too much good information about how we are tackling climate change is really bad... Post: Too much negative news? Date: 29/1/24 Comment: I think that AI is very dangerous as people just keep finding ways of making it smarter. One... Post: What's your reaction? Date: 29/1/24