Comments by students of Cantonment Public School and College | Bangladesh

Student Comment Post Date
composed_starfish The topic AI is a very common thing in the world at this moment. I have got correct all the... Test your knowledge 24/1/24
composed_starfish AI is one of the common news of present days. AI is making the world fully dependent on it day... What's your reaction? 24/1/24
joyous_piano It was really hard for me to choose one option. Because I believe in the balance of showing bad... Too much negative news? 24/1/24
composed_starfish I agree with you because what you said is completely true. I also believe that the education... Will schools exist in future? 24/1/24
composed_starfish The news that caught my attention is the 'new curriculum'. In our country the honorable minister... Competition #1 winners 24/1/24
joyous_piano Well, it's true that almost everyone has eco-anxiety, but they feel it in a different way as it... Joycelyn Longdon on different experiences 24/1/24
joyous_piano Through this quiz I understand that having eco-anxiety is actually a good thing. It can be a... Show what you know 23/1/24
loving_brain The thing is people are getting scared about Climate change. What I think that they should be... Show what you know 23/1/24
loving_brain In my opinion most jobs will be replaced with AI like management, automation etc. because they... Jobs of the future 23/1/24
loving_brain So from this video I came into a conclusion that AI can be used in both good and bad ways. They... An interview with Raman Rai 23/1/24
loving_brain As we know there is a project called Universal Health Coverage. I heard about it a year ago. One... Suggest a discussion 23/1/24
joyous_piano Thanks a lot. You have really changed my vision on AI. I totally agree with you that we need... An interview with Raman Rai 23/1/24
composed_starfish Yes i agree with you. AI can operate the jobs in future. All the works will be operating to AI. Jobs of the future 23/1/24
joyous_piano Yeah. I do have a plan about turning my anxiety and fear into strength. Firstly, I want to be... An interview with Caroline Hickman 23/1/24
composed_starfish The future job will mostly operated by AI. For example- Robots. Robots are one of the most... Jobs of the future 23/1/24
fantastic_song Hey , everyone I think we should talk about the consequences we will face due to the "overuse... Suggest a discussion 23/1/24
logical_tsunami Assalamualikum to all (greetings). The topic that I mostly suggest is "women's cricket and... Suggest a discussion 23/1/24
fantastic_song I feel a roller coaster of emotion well thinking about this topic because I could never decide... What's your reaction? 23/1/24
beloved_octopus AI is said to be our future. AI is said to be more intelligent than humans. In my opinion, they... People v robots 23/1/24
beloved_octopus before starting i just wanna say this, " we do not when we will expire, we do not even know if... Competition #1 winners 23/1/24