Comments by students of Futures Languages School | Egypt Student Comment Post Date efficient_dove Sure . Thanks for noticing! I meant that most of the researches done on AI prove that AI has... AI and the planet 31/1/24 excellent_keyboard I would be happy to have an AI companion it would be very interesting thing,but I will only use... AI companion 31/1/24 efficient_dove On one hand I think that AI will have a negative impact on the environment as it’s system... AI and the planet 31/1/24 peaceful_grape For voting I think that the age restriction should be 18 because a lot of younger people might... Age restrictions 31/1/24 peaceful_grape In Egypt a lot of people don't seem to care about animals at all. In my school there's a cat... Animal rights 31/1/24 excellent_keyboard Hi! Here in Egypt we have the age to start voting is 18 and I believe that is the right age to... Age restrictions 31/1/24 joyous_avocado I believe that all parts of society must be included in political systems, I felt grateful when... Competition #2 winners 31/1/24 mindful_history I think there should be a hub discussion post about Eco-Anxiety according to different... Suggest a discussion 31/1/24 inspired_drawing I agree with you straightforward king about recycling plastic and plant trees and... Suggest a discussion 31/1/24 mindful_history In my point of view, I would prefer real adults than Ai bots because AI only applies algorithm;... AI bots on the Hub? 31/1/24 fascinating_wilddog I think that animals need to be more respected in Egypt because most of the animals are treated... Animal rights 31/1/24 excellent_keyboard The purpose of the prison is complicated,surronding punishment, mental healing,and... What’s the purpose of prisons? 31/1/24 mindful_history Personally,I think that prisons should prioritise reformative methods, because it's possible for... What’s the purpose of prisons? 31/1/24 inspired_drawing Most of the teenagers now are interested in fashion and they bring it to any thing that hits a... Suggest a discussion 31/1/24 fascinating_wilddog I think that point C is the most accurate one in my country because I live in Egypt which is... Climate change in your country 31/1/24 joyous_avocado Climate change is spreading out in the media and with the number of environmental awareness... Why don’t people change? 31/1/24 bright_conclusion The student who managed to make me think differently about why people don’t change and do... Competition #2 winners 31/1/24 inspired_drawing In my opinion, there should be a Hub discussion post about plastinian , Ukrainen and Sudanese... Suggest a discussion 31/1/24 joyous_avocado I believe that many jobs are and will be created by AI like natural language processing engineer... Jobs of the future 30/1/24 enchanted_coconut For sure education system in the future will be better than the education system nowadays ,... Will schools exist in future? 30/1/24 < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 >