Comments by students of Government Lab Model Higher Secondary School B | Pakistan

Student Comment Post Date
allowing_drum Hello, I want to share here my point that with the passage of time women also getting educated... Gender inequality: have your say! 01/3/24
allowing_drum I agree with first statement, because in my opinion women are too creative, intelligent and... “Nations that fail women, fail.” 20/2/24
reliable_robin I think immigration is beneficial because immigration exchanges the culture of other country,... What are the benefits of immigration? 20/2/24
focused_meaning I agree with option A because international women day tells us that women treats us like men as... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 20/2/24
focused_meaning In my observation there is gender unequality exists not just in salaries I think it is about to... Gender inequality: have your say! 20/2/24
focused_meaning In my opinion, media role is less important than family background. In our country, I feel that... Women's sport 19/2/24
confident_tiger I think journalists can feel physically insecure when they report about the conflict , any... Challenges to journalists 19/2/24
nice_message There are mostly not young people in politics in our country right now but hopefully in future... Are young people politically engaged? 19/2/24
polite_sheep In my opinion, government should provide safety and security to prison staff. Because mostly... Prison staff 18/2/24
polite_sheep In my opinion, clink charity in the UK providing very important role in trainings about cooking... Reformation 18/2/24
awesome_didgeridoo Hello, I think Boycotts are very effective way of convicing own point of view. As we have seen... Are boycotts helpful? 18/2/24
composed_apple Hello, I am from Pakistan this topic is very interesting because we all childrens and youngsters... Businesses and elections 17/2/24
allowing_drum Yes, I think in public health AI algorithm can help us in MRI and X-ray to detect early... Will schools exist in future? 15/2/24
reliable_robin Suggest A Discussion ... Suggest a discussion 15/2/24
reliable_robin Hello, I strongly agree with the statement that everyone is responsible to change our... Climate change and inequality 14/2/24
proactive_mango Hello everyone, I want to share that our country is also effected with climate change no doubt... Climate change in your country 13/2/24
confident_tiger I am from Pakistan and i have seen as well observe that in summer season every year our country... Climate change in your country 07/2/24
allowing_drum In Pakistan we are facing energy crisis issue as well as climatic changes in our country there... How to make a change 05/2/24
considerate_blueberry Assalamualaikum everyone, I am feeling happy to share that we have learned about eco-anxiety... How to make a change 05/2/24
easygoing_camel Hello everyone, I want to share my deep concern about climate change which can effect us in... Suggest a discussion 04/2/24