Comments by students of Kassie Braun Memorial Schools A | Nigeria

Student Comment Post Date
nice_eagle I solidly agree with what charming artist mentioned about AI and according to my own opnion, i... AI and the future of education 06/2/24
nice_eagle According to my own understanding and opinion, i will agree wuth tge statement that states AI... Competition #3 winners 05/2/24
nice_eagle I solidly agree with what unbaised palnet said. According to my own opnion, i will say that a... How should prisons be run? 05/2/24
bright_philosophy Actually, the government, media and fans all contribute to encouraging women's sports, I would... Women's sport 05/2/24
polite_pomegranate Wow I scored 11/12 I never believed that I could. Sincerely speaking I learnt so many things in... The business and politics quiz 05/2/24
polite_pomegranate Women have an increase in their exercise life. Women are very good in sports like, basketball,... Women's sport 05/2/24
educated_harmonica I agree because... I agree with you also because as the saying goes that problem shared is... An interview with Caroline Hickman 05/2/24
passionate_reindeer I disagree because I don’t think that is the media that is responsible for supporting the women... Women's sport 05/2/24
motivated_elephant One of the ways a business can have an immediate positive impact is by helping out in their... How could businesses make positive change? 05/2/24
enigmatic_singer The government plays the most important role in the women sports, because the government don't... Women's sport 05/2/24
witty_cheetah I disagree because prisoners are not ment to be set free if they are able to escape is just... What if prisons aren’t working? 05/2/24
unbiased_planet I agree with option B because here in Nigeria, deforestation is the problem we are having in... Climate change in your country 05/2/24
intelligent_nectarine Hi, I will like to caption this as "let's join hands and keep the planet clean". They are lots... Caption this! 05/2/24
motivated_elephant I think everyone should be heard about climate change . Everyone 's view about things is... Joycelyn Longdon on different experiences 05/2/24
prodigious_globe Well I think that a great caption we could give this is "Saving our planet from Eco Anxiety" Caption this! 05/2/24
educated_harmonica SAFE PLANET. They are group of people who have decided to come together in order to safe the... Caption this! 05/2/24
talented_cicada I agree because... Without information, how will the people be able to communicate effectively?... Responsible citizens 05/2/24
prodigious_globe i suggest that there should be a hub on "TEENAGERS, ADDICTION TO SCREENS, EFFECTS AND... Suggest a discussion 05/2/24
witty_cheetah I agree because yes safety is more important than one's freedom. For one to do anything at this... Freedom v safety? 05/2/24
prodigious_globe I do think that we have a lot of bad over whelming news, and i think it is high time we start... Caption this! 05/2/24