Comments by students of Kassie Braun Memorial Schools A | Nigeria

Student Comment Post Date
nice_eagle Hi Harriet @Topical Talk, Please I would like to respond to your tentative question, that says... Unfair advantage? 11/3/24
educated_harmonica Thanks for that amazing comment of yours, but I will like to say that the people that has the... Who has the power? 11/3/24
bright_philosophy Hi Topical Talk I will say that AI should provide job's for everyone and avoid... Unemployment 11/3/24
nice_eagle I agree because... Voting when war is going is going to ruin their lives in risk. The fear of... Should countries hold elections during wartime? 10/3/24
polite_pomegranate Well said, but do you think ,en are important as well? WOMEN: THE FOUNDATION OF OUR WORLD 10/3/24
polite_pomegranate Thank you dear, do you think that females should be respected only in the society? WOMEN: THE FOUNDATION OF OUR WORLD 10/3/24
bright_philosophy Hi Molly @ Topical Talk It is important that men and women have equal rights because men and... Women's sport 10/3/24
bright_philosophy Hi Keya @ Topical Talk Thank you for the interesting question, and I want to answer the... Suggest a discussion 10/3/24
educated_harmonica In my own opinion, I will like to say that reminding people about climate changes is a good one... Why we need climate change reminders 09/3/24
educated_harmonica I agree because... AI have been designed in a way that they can assist man in several fields.... AI: and the future of war 09/3/24
bright_philosophy Hi Olivia I think that it is the government, individual and the community that should help... “What do young people want from their elective leaders?” 09/3/24
nice_eagle I solidly agree with you charming artist and I also said yes if I am was to be the president of... Your country in your hands! 09/3/24
unbiased_planet Yes I also agree with what you have said. The problem we have in Nigeria about choosing their... How would you respond? 08/3/24
unbiased_planet I totally agree with you on your comment because no this present country Nigeria, our leaders... Your country in your hands! 08/3/24
polite_pomegranate Okay, I said yes because I believe that Nigeria really needs an educated leader who has a... Your country in your hands! 08/3/24
educated_harmonica I solemnly agree with you glad_outcome on what you concerning the cure to Eco anxiety, I just... The Cure to Eco-Anxiety 08/3/24
polite_pomegranate Women are seen as the children producers in the society. They are the pillars supporting the... WOMEN: A Pillar Of Our World 08/3/24
passionate_reindeer I think that AI bots might be very important in he coming future, because of the what the can do... AI and the future of education 08/3/24
motivated_elephant I will say something's can be abused and there are some people that don't want good for the... “What do young people want from their elective leaders?” 08/3/24
motivated_elephant I am not sure about this because if AI bots are on the hub this will reduce the rate of people... AI bots on the Hub? 08/3/24