Comments by students of St Cenydd Community School | United Kingdom

Student Comment Post Date
unique_music Media is a frightening tool especially when its in the hands of journalist. Social media is a... The media and elections 05/3/24
accurate_ferret In my opinion i think that voting should be 17 years + because 17 year olds might not be as... Age restrictions 05/3/24
accurate_ferret sun my opinion i think that we should all start planting trees. I think this because trees... How to make a change 05/3/24
accurate_ferret The skill i am going to be focusing on is speaking. This skill is important for us becausr... Competition #7 winners 05/3/24
smart_grape I agree with B because if the event happens, it wouldn't be fair for the athletes, such as Usain... What do you think about the Enhanced Games? 04/3/24
digital_coconut All opinions have very valid points but it's clear that opinion A is correct though some people... AI accident: who is responsible? 04/3/24
digital_coconut It is obvious a brand shouldn't have completely control over a person even if they have a... The “face” of a business 04/3/24
unique_music I would like there to be a discussion on the hub about how AI could help children with learning... Suggest a discussion 03/3/24
unique_music I think there should be discussion about what inventions people would make to help the planet.... Suggest a discussion 03/3/24
unique_music I think there should be a topic about how people would improve the enhanced games. This would... Suggest a discussion 02/3/24
digital_coconut I'm from the UK and beleive it is inhumane to slaughter these animals just to look nice and to... Animal rights 02/3/24
digital_coconut It is a obvious stand point that people should not be allowed to vote until they are 18. But It... Age restrictions 02/3/24
talented_nature I love learning about what the future might hold for AI I think its very interesting, I scored... Test your knowledge 02/3/24
talented_nature I think the news should show more positive news about climate change though I do think its just... Show what you know 02/3/24
unique_music In my class we went around discussing if robots or humans would be better at some jobs. However... Classroom spy! 02/3/24
unique_music i believe that if AI had emotions it could understand the human mind better and think with the... Suggest a discussion 01/3/24
talented_nature I scored 11 out of 16, and I was shocked to find out that according to the World Anti-Doping... Show what you know! 01/3/24
talented_nature I believe that the main goal of prisons are safety, so no one can get out and commit more crimes... What’s the purpose of prisons? 01/3/24
unique_music I feel it would be fun to have a discussion about whether AI should be given the ability to have... Suggest a discussion 01/3/24
balanced_painting We did this lesson yesterday and it went extremely well there were lost of different things... How did the lesson go? 01/3/24