Comments by students of St Cenydd Community School | United Kingdom

Student Comment Post Date
accurate_ferret I think that the pay of prison staff should be higher. I think this because the salary of a... Prison staff 29/2/24
loyal_journalist I believe that the 'Rwanda Bill' is what's best for the people of the UK and for the asylum... Poll: the UK’s Rwanda Bill 29/2/24
fabulous_spring I think that there is lost of reasons about why people do not change their behavior sometimes it... Why don’t people change? 29/2/24
determined_leaf Education itself has struggled to adapt from when it first started. In the 1800s, school was... Will schools exist in future? 29/2/24
glad_climate Personally, I agree that the people who code the ai are the ones responsible, if the product is... AI accident: who is responsible? 29/2/24
magical_twilight I think that international women's day should be celebrated because women are incredible, been... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 29/2/24
original_radio I personally believe that taking drugs such as: anabolic steroids', any drug that has the... Unfair advantage? 29/2/24
accurate_ferret I personally think that AI robots should not be something we rely on in day to day life because... AI companion 29/2/24
unique_music That is a very good idea shining_aspect that way everything is fair and safe but would also ban... You make the rules! 29/2/24
capable_ocean In my opinion I believe that Paralympic competitors will not be happy about the enhanced games.... Unfair advantage? 29/2/24
balanced_painting The opinion I agree with the most is opinion B this is because athletes who play in the original... What do you think about the Enhanced Games? 29/2/24
giving_queen I mostly agree with A because when you make AI technology, you always make sure that what you... AI accident: who is responsible? 29/2/24
clever_peach when our media is sexist it contributes to woman not being represented well. However a lot of... Gender inequality: have your say! 29/2/24
bright_armadillo I think that if athletes in the enhanced games are taking drugs that harms them and could cause... Suggest a discussion 29/2/24
determined_leaf I agree with both options A and C, while the worker who got hurt could have been far more... AI accident: who is responsible? 29/2/24
outstanding_river If I was ever giving the choice to have a Ai companion I would probably accept the choice to... AI companion 29/2/24
peaceful_history I think they should have to reveal it because of the fact that if they do not reveal it other... Should people know? 29/2/24
unique_music If I were making a sport then I would use performing enhancers drugs but I would test before and... You make the rules! 29/2/24
peaceful_history I think that this is a bad idea because some athletes could end up overdosing on the drugs which... What do you think about the Enhanced Games? 29/2/24
clever_peach In my opinion, the enhanced games takes away some of the pride of the recent Olympic winners.... How did the lesson go? 29/2/24