#18 Search and say!

27 January 2022

Winners Announced

Thank you to everyone who completed the competition challenge this week. We chose our winners this time because of their unique ideas and simple explanations. They are:

compelling_bird of Michael Faraday School in the United Kingdom, for explaining why being curious is an important part of engaging with the news


majestic_moon of Beit Hanoun Prep Girls A School in Occupied Palestinian Territory, who shared their own personal opinion about why the news is important.

Fantastic work!

Competition Rules

Welcome to the competition! There are three important rules:


If you don't follow the rules, you will not be able to win and your account may be deactivated.

This competition will close at 5pm (UK time) on Wednesday 26th January for judging! We will announce two winners on Thursday 27th. Good luck!

The Competiton


This week's competition is nice and simple. In the wordsearch there are thirteen hidden words (3 letters or more) that link to the news. For example, "LEARN" (highlighted). See if you can find them all - but please don't give the answers away!

Then, choose ONE of the words and explain how it links to the news in TWO SENTENCES OR LESS.

For example, you could say:"I found the word XXXX. This links to the news because..."

TOP TIP: you are more likely to win if your entry is different to the others - so read what's already been said first!

Comments (132)

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  • I found the word (information) and this is related to news because it is the reference and basis for news, and in light of the huge flow of information, when presenting news to the public by any means, it is necessary to make sure the information is correct, to resort to real sources and to investigate accuracy in choosing real information, and to stay away from false and misleading information To avoid making mistakes, the information must be carefully selected to reach its credibility before publishing to gain the public's credibility

  • I found the word Important it's about the all topics of our project that every topic of our project is important . Like climate change . On this topic oir discussion is very important

  • I found the word “positive” and this is related to the news, because the news conveys to us the true facts and events and keeps away from lies and deception.

  • I found the word ( information) and this links to the news because information is the most important thing in news and it is the fundamental base of any topic .Wherever the information is found ,the news occurs.

  • I found the word world. This is a link to the news because the news comes from all over the world and at the same time spreads quickly to all parts of the world.

  • I found the word (positive) this links to the positive news because it gives me and everyone an energy and they are of course true news

  • I found the word ((world)) and it is related to the news because simply the news talks about the world .In fact, it is its origin .News talks about the world and without it there would be no news because the world is the news itself.

  • I found the word, entertainment, this word relates to the news in many ways but most importantly, entertainment is a way to spread and release new ideas into the community which is the practical purpose of world wide news organisations. Many radio stations have also become bodies of entertainment as new elements have been introduced in recent years.

  • I found the word curiosity which could links to what may happen in the future? maybe that the co2 drop down to a lower rate, or could be that the rate of deforestation ascended to a whole continent, or the other way like deforestation went to a lower degree.

  • I found the word (information) and this is related to the news because, everything was based on information, and this was important in climate change as well because, in our normal lives, we did not care about climate change, nor did we care about information when we cared about it and got to know it.

  • I found this word (fair) related to the news because: the news must be reported in a fair way to be able to convey humanitarian issues in a fair and equitable manner for all rights so that the world can know right from wrong

  • I found the word entertainment and it refers to the news because it points to popular culture like fashion journalism. Furthermore, it is one of the most crucial issues in the news by the way that it allows the public to discover more about their favorite stars through looking over stories and watching interviews about them.

  • I found the word “positive” as its connection to the news lies in the fact that we must think completely positively to accept the news, whether it is positive or negative

  • I found the word information and this is related to the news because one of the features of the news is that it contains a lot of information that may make us aware and make us look clearly about those around us and reveal to us the dark path in our lives.

  • I found the word world and I think it implies that we need to know what's happening in the world and see if other countries are suffering.

  • I found the word (war) and this is related to the news of ongoing situations in different parts of the world
    for example Syria or Yemen , where two groups are fighting each other to take control of the territory. But, they
    forget that normal people are getting killed and as the ongoing war news spreads globally that makes people devastated due to such a huge loss of human lives.

  • You have come across the word (important), so this word is used in the news when they say important news, so this word is used a lot

  • I found world I think this project make me have a world information I mean for example about climate like that and it's so exciting

  • I found the word ‘important’ and this is linked to the news because all of the news is necessary to read especially if it is for a new virus, destruction, or war. Important is also used in every story or it wouldn’t be very essential.

  • I found the word 'entertainment'. The reason why it links to the news is that you can have sports newspapers or certain headlines which entertain you because if you always have really depressing stories you would definitely not want to read them as all you would be reading would be things that make me you really upset and you would not be able to get it out of your head for ages and that would make your day really bad.

  • I found the word "OPINION" , this word is related to news in a number of ways . Firstly, news presents different opinions ( by showing statements of various personalities on same issue), it acts as a platform at which one opinion clashes with other ( during a debate ) and also it helps shaping public opinion.

  • I found the word "opinion" and this word is related to news because all news is considered people's opinions

  • i found world in the word search. this is linked to the news as there are lots of world wide problems such as covid racisum and so much more=(

  • I found the word “curiosity” and it links to the news because, if you don’t have curiosity then you won’t be able to pick up the news more, when I say that I mean that you can’t really think to much and you won’t really have an idea of what the news subject is about. Curiosity is used a lot when it comes to the news because it makes you think about the subject you’re given and then you are more attracted to what that news subject is saying.

  • I found the word “ learnet.” This is a link to the news because the main goal of following the news is to learn everything about everything. News is important to know and learn what is going on around the world, such as the weather and news of important issues. To get to know and learn about the latest developments

  • I found the word( world ) , I think it related to the news , because the base reason of the news is to clarify the facts and show everything happen all over the world .

  • I found the word fake, and this is related to the news, because many rumors are spread on the Internet. Here is the role of the news in revealing the facts.

  • I found the word (positive) and this is related to the news, it makes us aware of all things and events around the world and makes us feel positive and gives us important tips and directions, for example, about (prevention of COVID-19).

  • I have found the word 'curiosity'.This word links to the news because everyone is always curious about what happens next.For example, when covid 19 had begun everyone was always curious about when the vaccine will be found and when we will manage to get rid of it.

  • I found the word trustworthy. This links to the news because to be a normal and democratic news, you need a vigilant and truly free press, which can convince people with what is really happening.

  • I found the word “ learnet.” This is a link to the news because the main goal of following the news is to learn everything about everything. News is important to know and learn what is going on around the world, such as the weather and news of important issues. To get to know and learn about the latest developments

    1. This is a copy of someone else's work and not your own. Your account has therefore been deactivated.

  • I found the word 'fair' and it linked to news in every possible. Is my news article fair and just to work ethics, to the targeted audience, to the nation and to the person or scenario mentioned in it? A question every journalist and publishing house should often confront because the influence of news is unparalleled thus, demands fair and responsible handling.

  • I found the word fair and this is related to the news because the news is all aimed at revealing the facts, achieving justice, preserving the rights of every person, and eliminating injustice in the world.

  • I found the word (curiosity) and this links to news because a good journalist loves to survey everything that happens ,to investigate and reveal the truth to people, without curiosity how can a journalist succeed?

  • I found the word (opinion)
    Well, from my point of view, this word has great importance in the news, but it is a human right (to express my opinion)!
    We are currently in this project you care a lot about our opinion and sometimes you do not accept our news because our opinion does not exist!

  • I found the word "trust" an essential link to the news. The function of the news is always to convey the truth to us, and the transmission of the truth must be based on trust. Wherever there is trust, we find an audience for news.

  • I found the word "Important" I think it is closely related to the news because I often post in the news it is important and always when I hear the word "Important" I remember the news involuntarily because when the newscast starts, the announcer says: (Important news) and that's why I think it's related to the news.

  • I found the word (curiosity).This link to the news because now we are in the world of epidemics and diseases, which led to stay at home and the negative impact on the human mind, as we became busy spending most of our time on the Internet browsing the site that is useless, but previously people are passionate about news and like to be curious about the news first.

  • I found the word curiosity because if it wasn't for people's curiosity to know about world events, news would not have been found at all. The basis for the emergence of news is the curiosity of different peoples to know each other's news and events, and this led to the spread of news all over the world and worked to strengthen the bonds of the peoples of the world with each other.

  • I found the word information and this is related to the news because the news contains and talks about a lot of information and because it makes us aware of what is happening around us and makes the world a small village .For example, it tells us information about the Corona virus and its latest developments.

  • I found the word "important" for me, the news is very important, because it is a light to the dark, and because it reveals the details of the hidden world, shows us what is new, and warns us about dangerous things such as the Corona virus and climate change, so the news is important

  • I found the word “helpful.” This is related to the news, as the news should be helpful and contain useful information. The fact that people’s opinion changes because most people are interested in the news is the presence of helpful news, because there is nothing that compels a person to watch news that has no importance or benefit

  • I found the word (world). This links to the news because now the world is in substantial instability and the world needs as much help as it needs.

  • I found the word (fake) and this word links to news because fake means false or misleading information presented as news. fake news often has the aim of damaging the reputation of a person or entity, or making money through advertising revenue.fake news stories have proliferated via social media, in part because they are so easily and quickly shared online.

  • I found the word information because it is related to the news and because it is the basic rule in the news and because the news contains information that makes us aware of what is around us and because it is the most important thing in the news

  • I found the word opinion, and this is related to the news, because the news contains a large amount of people's opinions and views, and all of its purpose is to give us an opportunity to express our opinion so that the whole world can hear it.

  • I found the word "curiosity", it is related to the news because curiosity is the most important thing in watching the news. If you are not curious, you will not be attracted to news. For example, I am curious whether we will get rid of the Corona virus during 2022 or not. So I think curiosity is one of the most important things to do with the news.

  • I chose the word curiosity and this is related to the news because people's curiosity is the basis for the emergence of news and making people interested in news in order to explore and learn more about the conditions of the world and news is nothing if people are not curious about knowing the news because the more people's curiosity increases their desire To hear and read more news and things, and people's curiosity to know the news led to the spread of news to the world in a large way so that people could get acquainted with the experience and read it

  • I found the word “world” to be related to the news, because the news makes the world a small village and makes us know what is happening around us. Now everyone in the world can see the news and we can warn people of earthquakes and volcanoes through this news.

  • I found the word curiosity and this is related to the news through several things, for example, will artificial intelligence be the most important element in life, will the human element be dispensed with, and also curiosity is important in the news to know what is going on with the surrounding countries and to convey love to them and help, as you know, there are many young people who have migrated So you find those who love them curious to know the news of their country to check on them

  • "I found the word curiosity, and this is related to news, because curiosity protects against excessive thinking. Curiosity is the key to knowledge. A curious person wants to know the reasons behind this news, for example, the war in Afghanistan. I am a curious person. I want to know all the news about how many people died or what happened in the war

  • I found the word "world" and it is related to news because news happens all over the world and this is necessary to know the world and because news spreads in the world quickly

  • I found the word of the world is the focus of every time and place and news and news from the world and through the world.

  • I found a useful word that I think is related to the news, because the news should be useful, for example, the developments that occur with the Corona virus, and also about what happens to people if they neglect the necessary precautions against the Corona virus.

  • I found the word (world) and this word is related to the news because the news deals with all the events and news that revolve around the world.

  • I found the word entertainment and this is related to the news because the news contains information about all countries of the world and you feel well-being and enjoyment when reading news about your favorite country.

  • I found the word ‘curiosity’. This is related to the news because curiosity is an essential skill for journalists- without curiosity, they may write false information in their articles. Curiosity is very important if we are to understand the world around us and how we can change for the better in the future.

  • I found the word world, this is the link of the news, because the news travels through the world, the people and the people, and at the same time it comes from all over the world.

  • I found the word Helpful related to the news that the news is a small window that helps to see the big world and to raise awareness in everyday matters.

  • I found the word “entertainment” and it has a relationship with the news, as the news makes the big world a small village. We enjoy browsing it as following the latest fashion trends and international football matches. It stirs our minds about different issues and in this we find fun.

  • I found the word (world) from my point of view related to news and news from all over the world and includes everything that is happening around the world in terms of events and developments, and this news is transmitted to all countries of the world so that countries realize what is happening around them in the world.

  • I found the word "Truth"
    It is a mainstay in the news.
    Because spreading honest news enables us to reveal the truth, and when the truth is revealed, it enhances the healing process from traumatic events. The truth in the news protects society.

  • I found the word. This links to the news because : information is the most important thing in news. and it is the fundamental base of any topic.

  • I found the word war. This links to the news because recently, war and conflicts have become part of the Arab news, especially since Arab journalists were not ready to cover clashes that suddenly occurred in many Arab countries such as Yemen, Syria, Tunisia and Libya, and they found themselves at the center of these wars and covering current events to transmit them to the world with credibility through news channels.

  • I found the word "important" and I think it's related to news because it is the best and most reliable source to get information. Besides, it's really important to know what is happening in our world and in our society.

  • I found the word (fast), it is an important word in the world of news, and without it, the news will not have the desired popularity or the expected results, as if we face a real problem and disaster, we will need to publish it as soon as possible because there is a solution to it before the disaster, also if it is global news, whether Whether happy or sad, it must be published quickly.

  • I found the word "trust" Trust means faith with the heart and eyes closed, as trust plays a major role in conveying the news, its accuracy and credibility, as well as the source from which it thus came. Thus, we build mutual trust between us and the public.

  • I found the word worthy

    It is linked to serious news to convey to us the valuable events that give us the opportunity to understand what is happening around the world, and it also makes us know the most important things that are happening with all credibility and transparency.

  • I found it a Helpful word related to news, because knowing the news has benefits from it that affect people, shape their opinions, and direct them to specific and important issues. It sheds light on the dark things, but the news sheds light on the important things that some people overlook

  • I found the word of gold and it is" Help". Help is related to the news, because the news is there to help people know what is going on around them, such as the spread of epidemics and the state of the weather...... Without the news, we would not know much.

  • The word I had seen was “information” and I believe that this word links to the news, due to it having a lot of significance in writing a report or article. Information is a key factor in the news since it is needed to interest and inform people of the current situation or what is happening in their surroundings, and that can only be possible if the information is reliable.

  • I found the word (fast). This links to the news because when different things happen all over the world, it quickly travels to the news and we can find out all about it fast.

  • I found the word opinion and this is related to the news because the news is very interested in giving freedom to people to express themselves and present their views and opinions on a matter, and this is one of the most important features of the new، this is how a relationship is built with the user and the news, and this relationship helps to understand the news and know the event clearly.

  • I found an important word and this is related to news because news is very important in human life. It is an essential means in life. It works to educate people and clarify the life around them, and also helps to know the reality and facts that we do not see, and also gives a great opportunity for people to express themselves and give their opinions.

  • I found the word fair and this is related to the news because the news is characterized as being fair and hates injustice, and it tries a lot to remove injustice from the world by revealing the facts and clarifying them to people and showing the secrets and conspiracies that people do, and also working to be the main source of justice in this unjust world; So that people can save themselves from the cycle of injustice.

  • I found the word scientist and this is related to the news because the news focuses and cares a lot about global problems and makes it a main focus for which information must be known in order to be able to communicate it to people clearly on him.

  • I found the word form, and this is related to the news, because the news organizes the events with their dates at the time of their occurrence as accurately as the form, and this is very important as it facilitates understanding the news and knowing what is required and what is happening in the world.

  • I found the word war, and this is related to the news, because the news is a lot and important in times of war, so it works to convey what is happening with clarity and accuracy, and stays away from mistakes in writing the news, because people at this time are afraid and cannot bear mistakes in writing the news.

  • I found the word trust and this is related to the news because the news works with all its efforts to build trust among its users and this is what made it an essential means in our lives in which we know what is going on in the world and we cannot do without it.

  • I found the word fast, and this is related to the news, because the news conveys events at a terrible speed, and this is what distinguishes the news for the speed of transmitting the event with clarity.

  • I found the word (important)
    In my opinion, this word is the most expressive of the news!
    When our project was about what is happening in Afghanistan, we were not aware of it before, and when we followed the news and what was happening, we learned that there are other countries suffering from wars!

  • I found the word (entertainment) this links to the news as lost of people relax after work or school days and watch the news, because they find it interesting and entertaining .

  • I have found the word positive,this links up to the news because,we actually don't know what is true and what is misinformation,someone might say that there a great journalist,who has found out that Afghanistan are free from the Taliban's Torture,(which is just an example of an misinformation statement).This word is so important as there is something behind the meaning of it.It shows that telling a lie can get yourself found in some misinformation about today's news,so we need to be careful of what we hear and pass on.

  • I found the word (war)and I believe it is related to the news but figuratively.Reporters and journalists can sometimes seem in war,to figure out who is the best at their job maybe and who gives more official news or who gets more money perhaps.

  • I have found the word , world and this is related the the news because it includes global warming and riots and wars which go around the world .

  • I found this word (worth) related to the news, as it is an important source, and the news must include valuable information in order for the community to benefit from it and affect it positively.

  • I found the word positive
    This word relates to the news, as it makes us address a topic, which is to perceive the positive things in the news and how they can be reflected on us,Such as tolerant and spontaneous media attitudes that will affect us positively and form a society that spreads positivity, which helps in the happiness of people who lack a sense of positivity and humor,Because of the societal injustice that has entered our world

  • I found the word "helpful" and it is associated with the news because the news should be useful and meet the public's aspirations to know the truth.

  • I found the word "IMPORTANT" This links to the news because news plays a major role in influencing the masses with benefit by shaping their opinions and tendencies, directing them to certain issues and distracting them from other issues on the other hand, the news bulletin serves as a window in which viewers are acquainted at their homes with the big world to increase their awareness of the dangers and crimes that occur in any country.

  • I found the word (FAKE) I think this is important to the news because we hear about lots of news but lots of it is untrue and a lie, however with our listening skills, we can hear about news and decide whether it is true or false.

  • I found the word positive. This links to the news because people on the news are adding on information about COVID-19 and they are adding more facts and the scientists on the news are saying they are keep on working hard to work a way through this.

  • I found the word "positive". This is related to the news, because the world is now in a state of great instability, due to the epicenter of the spread of the new Corona, so the news tells us that there are many people who have been infected with the new virus and their results are positive, the world may need help as much as..♡°

  • I found the word (world) related to news, because news is a coincidence of our world and an important part of our lives. Whatever the news refers to, it refers to our world. News is a new world that coexists with us in all circumstances.

  • i found the word "curiosity" which is related to our subjects and we should all be curious about our learning as it helps

  • I found the word 'positive' and I feel that the word 'positive' relates to the news because we need to be more positive when we are writing about what is happening around the world and especially when we are talking about people.

  • The word that I found is (important). It's relevant to the news because, the news is very important and it can help you one day.

  • I found the word "positive" and this is related to the news , so the news should be reported impartially and positively because positive news increases peopl's hope and gives them confidence and the ability to deal with the problems of daily life in a positive way , although there are many people looking for negative news to take care and caution especially in times of disasters and epidemics .

  • I found the word import and it is related to the news because there are a lot of imports that we import from outside the country and this is an important thing for the news and it is always in the news...

  • I found the word world this links because the are news about the world and what’s happening around it

  • I found the word (fair)and I think this links to the news because everybody needs to be treated equally and everybody can do anything they want in life.I also think it relates to the news because some people might not be treated well in their lives so we learn about how to make everybody feel equal

  • I found the word (kit) which means equipment so there is a kit for filming or broadcasting the news, because it is not useful to present the news without kit, such as: the camera / lights,....

  • I found the word entertainment and I believe it is related to news because with an absence of good news, people get bored and tired of always hearing bad news, although it is necessary to know what's happening, especially with the current problems, they need to strike a balance, with some good news to entertains them and makes them forget about the negativity that makes them feel like they're living in depression

  • I found a world word and this is a link to the news because it talks about news revolving around the world and important news for the world in general, such as the weather and the situation in the country

  • I found the word (entertainment)there is a name for the media entertainment journalism and it is a frome of journalism that focuses on culture entertainment, play entertainment and getting rid of psychology problems. It reflects the positive side of journalism.

  • I found the word (important) so the word is used a lot in the news and it has an important role in the news and it talks about important and useful things 💗💗

  • I found the word "fair".It is related to news as news is conveyed on a fair basis. All the voices whether it is of minorities, locals or indigenous people are given importance.No discrimination on the basis of race, caste,gender or the personal preferences of journalists is done.

  • I found the word positive and this word relates to the news by telling us how we as people can get out of tough places such as Covid 19 by telling us that vaccine’s will protect us from serious illness or in Ukraine at the moment with tensions of a war with Russia people giving them weapons for protection show that they still have a chance.

  • Ifound the word import and it is important for news and it means to bring from outside the country and it represents a lot of news because it is like the imports that we import and this thing is important.

  • I found the word (positive) and it plays a big role in the news, because the more positive news is published, it motivates people to be optimistic and hopeful.

  • I found this word important
    News has an important part in our lives because of the news we know what is happening around us and without news we would not have known what is happening in a world of development, politics and economy

  • I found the word “war” and it plays a big role in the news. When a war is waged against any country, social media sites become buzzing and it is important to know the news about it

  • I found the word "fair". This word relates to the news because if the news were unfair, they could easily control the people's opinions and judgments by spreading rumors and fake news about people and events. But how can journalists be fair when they present the news?

  • I found the word positive and this is related to the news because the news gives us positivity and hope in times of war by telling us everything that is happening around us, while we are sitting at home, and also we learned about what we will do in times of war, whether we will sit at home or leave it.

  • I found the word helpful it links to the news because news are very helpful as we can save with it many lives to know about new innovations to share new gouvernements rules and to share informations about events in the world

  • I found the word (trust). I believe it is related to the news. In fact news come to us through journalists Who have to be trustful in order to convey the real and true news. In fact news reporters should be trustworthy so that we have confidence in what they broadcast. If there is no trust in some of the journalists we can't believe what they say or write because we always doubt that they are telling fake news and hiding the truth. This way, we don't know what is really happening.

  • I found the word (positive) to have a great relationship in the news a lot and it has an important role and we must be positive and talk to people about the news and learn more information 💜💜

  • I found the word " worthy " and it links to news BECAUSE , I think that
    anything can be news. BUT not everything is newsworthy..
    Therefore, to make the news worthy, and to be of informational worthy , it must go through several stages of news making ,
    It is prepared, stretched, checked well, and then taken out
    In order for the recipient to receive worthy news...

  • I found the word (information), which is an important word in the news, as the news relates to important information that benefits humans in terms of diseases spread around the world and the things that may protect them from common diseases

  • I found the word " fast " and it is related to news because it has a sense of creativity. Today we are living in fast- changing world that requires creativity .I think we use creativity to solve problems, create new products. News give us new changing circumstances , information and we have to face the new situations.

  • I found the word " entertainment " and it is rely on news because it is related to global aim which is to blurring of news and not only seen it from political side. It has ta amaze and make us blooming.

  • I found the word curiosity, and this is related to the news, because the news works to make us curious about knowing the events and what happened about a particular news story, so it develops our curiosity and obtaining information with effort so as not to forget it. The most successful people in the world are curious and do not depend on knowing what is going on about a particular issue.

  • I found the word 'world' and it relates to the news because everyone in the world should be able to access the news and should have the right to do so, because we all should know what is going on in our country, city or town. Without the news we would all be in the dark.

  • I found the word world and this relates to the news because the news is related to incidents tat take place ALL over the world.

  • I found the word " positive" and it is related to news because it provides us with a positive way forward. Simply , it makes us happy and when we are happy our perspective on life in general increase enormously, This , in turn adds to our feeling of well-being , which also offers great health benefits.

  • i chose the word (curiosity), i think it associates to the news because it relates to the minds of children and adults who are passionate about leaning and sharing their opinion. i think the news is a big part of living and it will help to spark your imagination and curiosity in the world around you and curiosity is what fuels our news.

  • I found the word curiosity, I love this word because it is very special because when you're curious normally people tell you to be quiet and to not ask questions and then you find a person who really understands you. This relates to the news because I think that you need to be one of these special people (either type I have mentioned) to be a journalist; you need to understand the need to ask questions and know what is going on.

  • I found the word CURIOSITY and I think that this word links to the news in many ways, but mainly because the news can tell you all sort of new and interesting things that you wouldn't have known if you haven't read the article. I think it is really good to be curious and read articles that interest you to gain new information and extend your knowledge.

  • I found the word "curiosity". This links to the news because curiosity has an important relationship with the news. The news feeds curiosity by talking about what is happening in the world and informing people about everything. Also, the news lets them live what happens moment by moment. Likewise, the news can satisfy people's needs, desires, requirements, and curiosity while providing them with information and saving them from ignorance.

  • I found the word "world" the way this relates to the news is because of global warming and how countries needs to be more greener. Since, there is only one Earth and if the Earth gets destroyed it may be a irreversible change that humanity can't repair which shows us that we need to give up on unrenewable energy and be more green.

  • I found the word POSITIVE. This link to the news stories leads to an increase in hope and optimism. Positive news content has an imperceptible impact on the physiological measures we focus on.

  • I found the word ,world, and it links to the news as everything, anything and all the news happens inside the world and not any where else (ok may be in space as well). Everything happens on Earth as everyone lives here.

  • I chose the word " world" because I think it has a close relationship with news and this can be known through journalists who are trying to collect a lot of information about our world like those about natural disasters , the new pandemic, wars, conditions of countries and the news is a way to know about these issues and much more from all the world.