Are strikes the only resort

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Although strikes help workers voices to be heard some strikes could cause major disruptions in the way things normally work. For example, if the emergency services go on strike imagine if there was a major fire or accident there would be no one to help and a lot of lives could be lost due to the strike but if the employers or the government dont face difficulties they will not realise the worth of their staff and they might decide not to give a listening ear to their staffs complaints. Even though employees could try dialouging with their employers but what would the employees do in a case where their employers are quite negligent? Some employees cant just quit the job because it could be their major source of income and if they were in a country like Nigeria where one of the major problems we face is unemployment it could be quite hard to find another job.

Comments (29)

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  • "THE ECONOMIC EFFECTS OF A STRIKE FOR BOTH PARTIES. The employer is likely to lose money due to delayed service to clients or to lost production time. The employees will lose their pay due to the no work, no pay principle. If the strikers are dismissed they will lose their livelihoods altogether.
    Workers told the Intercept that they are on strike to protest unsafe working conditions amid the pandemic. Throughout world history, strikes have had the power to make substantive change to better working conditions. Roman plebeians used strikes to get better government representation"
    Apart from all that, the companies or industries should have rules and regulations that are conducive enough for employees. It sometimes, shouldn't just be the employee who talks about himself or herself in interviews. I feel the organization should also state its/their policies and other necessary information that would really help the employees in coping too.

    1. So in my perspective strikes aren't the only resort but they are the last resort that are likely to comes to a workers mind when his or her opinion aren't being listened to.
      In my opinion, i would actually say that it is the cessation of work is for a temporary period. The strike does not imply total conclusion of an employer-employees relationship. Strikers obviously know that they will resume work after the strike ends eventually due to the fact that if nothing is still being done about their problem, they will have to resume work because at a point, they will start to be feel its effect for the fact that they might not have a source of income to rely on.

      1. I agree with your point of view. It is true that the strike is considered the only solution for the worker to obtain his demands and what he wants as well, but the workers’ strike must have a convincing reason. For example, if the doctor strikes because of the lack of equipment that they need, then this reason is convincing and also in the interest of the people

  • I believe strikes aren't the only way. There are other ways for workers to be heard at work like as picketing, go-slows, overtime bans and work to rule.
    Picketing is used as a way of increasing support for industrial action. It is where workers involved in industrial action attend a workplace to increase support for their cause. They might do this by communicating information or persuading others not to work or not to carry out a part of their contracts of employment. Picketing is a really effective because the more support they have the more workers will be heard.
    Overtime bans can also be effective. Overtime bans are a type of strike in which workers refuse to engage in overtime work, being any work that falls outside of contracted hours. Unlike a full strike in which employees are usually in breach of their contract, workers engaging in overtime bans are typically well protected and it doesn't affect consumers as much as strikes.
    Work-to-rule can also help. It is a job action in which employees do no more than the minimum required by the rules of their contract or job and strictly follow time consuming rules normally not enforced. This may cause a slowdown or decrease in productivity if the employer does not pay the appropriate salary. These are effective ways workers can be heard at work without striking.

  • Your approach to this topic is exemplary I really commend you for it. Most topical talkers just talk about workers in essential organisations like health workers to result to talking with their employers but they fail to look at it in situations where the employers are negligent, what should they do. Yes, the people's lives will be in total jeopardy if they go on strikes but what if they result to other means but the employers don't budge, should they not strike then? I mean, they saw and put their selves in the condition of the people and so they resulted to other means and still the employers don't agree, on a normal situation you will expect them to quit but those jobs are really important to them, it feeds them and so they can't throw them away, so, they have to strike, they have put in their best to try and help the citizens and it did not work, they can't continue living in silence so they have to strike. It may be hard but it is the only last possible route.

    1. I'm happy that you've seen things from a different approach because sometimes employees can't just keep going on strikes because they would be whiling away valuable time and during the period of time when they are on strike they won't be paid and some of them might not have other sources of income. In some cases the employees might try discussing the issues they have or might try dialoguing with their employers but some employers might not appreciate their constructive criticism or their audacity to complain about issues they are facing with the job and might go as extreme as firing the employee. Some employers might listen to the complaints made by their staff but they might decide to be negligent and ignore all the complaints made by their employees.

  • I agree because if they emergency workers go on strike it would affect some people especially those that have emergency cases if someone has shortage of breathe in the middle of the night and the person is rushed to the hospital and the nearest hospital is on strike the person might die before he reaches the next hospital.

    1. I agree because... things like this mostly occurs and when it occurs it need a quick treatment so not just the hospital but if the emergency doctor goes on strike then the person might also die for waiting in line before they get a room although if the patient is lucky that there are very few patient then he/she might survive but in the situation whereby the whole hospital goes on strike then there might be little hope for the patient survival.

    2. Hi wonderful kiwifruit,
      Not only emergency service workers but other workers who people fail to notice the significance of their jobs or the roles they play in keeping our country in existence. These workers are extremely important but because of the nature of the jobs they do, they are disregarded. Imagine if the street cleaners decide to go on a strike because of insufficient pay or other issues, just imagine the devastating state that the roads would be in, there would be litter everywhere and trash on the roads maybe some nails could be left stray on the road and with no one there to pick it up or to clean it up the nail could puncture a car tire and this could lead to major accidents which could lead to loss of lives or serious injuries and this happened just because the street cleaners decided to go on strike .

      1. I agree sometimes we overlook other occupations that we consider not important and they are important such occupations are: maids, Imagine you have a a maid and one day the maid decides to go on a strike and unfortunately for you a very important guest comes to your house and your house is very scattered it won't speak well of you and that guest might leave out of anger and this would be a very bad first impression for you. We should never look down on any occupations are relevant even though the might not seem relevant.

    3. I agree with you emergency workers are essential and vital to any society as they perform roles and offer services which are of high importance or value to the public and if perhaps they now have unfair wages and bad working conditions they will now think about going on strikes to get their pleas and cries heard and for them to be answered to but the truth is that strikes creates more problems than it can solve and these affects different groups negatively and grievously. So for emergency workers I think they should try to use another alternative other than strikes because everyone even the workers do not like truth themselves as cuts their main source of income such as dialogue, speaking about your concerns during meetings that take place in the organization, make sure that the personnel department are actually fulfilling their roles, forming committees that will help the workers that perform similar jobs and are not happy with their working conditions bargain with their employers to receive better conditions and wages.
      Workers are vital and we cannot survive or develop without them so, we should treat them with respect and give them their due wages and better working conditions that will enhance their efficiency and productivity while offering their services and performing their roles for the public.. mfs

  • The fact that strikes are allowed does not mean they should be taken advantage of. Some workers go on strike for every little thing. Strikes are just put in place so that workers could have a last, reliable option. A lot of people will be affected if major workers go on strike, but the workers have their rights too. In my opinion, the best thing to do is to take it step by step.
    1. If the workers have a problem, they should sign a petition or elect a representative to report the problem to their employer.
    2. A meeting should be held to try and negotiate a compromise in a way that profits both the employer and employees.
    3. If the employer is reluctant and does not try to help them, they could inform him of a strike ahead.
    4. The workers should arrange the date that they see fit to go on a strike.

    1. I agree totally with your comment humorous pesonality. Some people take advantage of the right of going on strike and go for negative strikes. By the way, a negative strike is when someone goes on strike for an unreasonable reason, that is a reason that is not approved to be a reason for going on strike. Some people just go on stike for personal gain, and from what I remember learning on this platform, strikes are held for the achievement of a groups intrest. Everything in this world has a way and manner it should be approched and for strikes, law abiding steps should be put in place to see how the terms and conditions can be met instead of going on strike. And I see humorous personality has listed good steps that can taken in order to prevent strike, and I admire your sense of creativity, always looking for ways to solve a problem. But if the employers are reluctant about the warnings, I think they can sue them to court and allow justice to be administered except they are one of those that go for negative strikes. I mean, we as citizens can actually help in curbing strikes. After all, we as citizens have human consience and we no the stress they go through having to put up with all this problems and on top of that the reluctant nature of their employers. And so the citizens can act on that symphathy and hold protests and act as pressure groups that will pressurize the employers or government to listen and work on their terms and conditions.

  • well in my opinion strikes is not the best way the possibilities of a strike yearning good results especially in Nigeria where most times things are taken for granted, I feel they are other methods that won't lead to more devastating results waste of energy and sometimes even more money than strike. For example, petitions can be proposed to the officials to look into the case and also staff welfare should be a major department in any organization and should be listened to in order to maintain happy working/ staff ratio and avoid drastic measures such as strikes.

    1. HIYA
      yes, I agree with you that strikes are not the only resort because in my opinion I go with everything pertaining peace so I feel in an organization so if anything goes wrong, first they should talk to their boss my teacher is always teaching me that be a 'problem solver.' So, the workers should know what the problem is then they can meet their boss to talk to him not going straight to strike.

  • Hi, caring fly!
    Strikes aren't always the only resort. Employees can talk things out with their employers, too. what I mean to say is, for example, all the aggrieved employees can pick a representative to speak to their employer(s) on their behalf, to try to use peaceful means to solve their problems. No matter how cheated they feel, workers, especially essential workers like doctors should always try other ways to get their problems heard before resorting to strike, keeping in mind that other innocent citizens could be affected by their absence. Although it is their right to strike, they should consider those their services affect.
    In essence, strikes should only be enforced when workers have tried to voice out their issues and aren't being paid attention to. Because of the gravity of the negative effects a strike has, they should only be carried out if there is no other route to solve the problem at hand.

  • Before conducting Strike, the parties are required to negotiate to reach an agreement beforehand. If these efforts fail then Strike comes up as an option. Under these conditions, it can be said that the strike is the last resort in resolving disputes between workers and employers.
    Why do people go on strike? Most disputes are resolved without strike action, but sometimes negotiations between the union and the employer break down. This is why strikes are often referred to as a “last resort”.
    The industrial action you probably hear most about is going on strike. But there are other actions workers can take, such as picketing, go-slows, overtime bans and work to rule. Lockouts by employers also count as industrial action.
    Most strikes and threats of strikes are intended to inflict a cost on the employer for failing to agree to specific wages, benefits, or other conditions demanded by the union. Strikes by Japanese unions are not intended to halt production for long periods of time; instead, they are seen as demonstrations of solidarity.
    But not all strikes are successful, with many resulting in a crackdown on union activity and no concessions for workers. Often, the outcome has depended on the strength of the government at the time and public support behind the movement.
    Strikes often end without an agreement but come with significant costs for both sides. They can damage public opinion toward both elected leaders and the public employees involved, and bring real financial consequences for the strikers.

  • I do not think that strike are the only way that unsatisfied workers can express themselves. picketing, go-slows, overtime bans and work to rule.
    Picketing is a form of protest in which people congregate outside a place of work or location where an event is taking place. Often, this is done in an attempt to dissuade others from going in ("crossing the picket line"), but it can also be done to draw public attention to a cause. The good thing about picketing is that picketers normally endeavor to be non-violent and it can be used in place of strike.Go-slow is a form of protest by workers in which they deliberately slow down in order to cause problem from their employers. Without completely putting jobs to hold, protests can still be done and rather than affecting the citizens, it will be the government who will be affected negatively by slowed down work rate. Overtime bans are also very efficient as normal work hours will still be in progress but workers refuse to work overtime using this means as a form of protest to their employers.

  • I am supporting the idea that strikes are not the are not the only resort. Like humorous_personality commented, "The fact that strikes are allowed does not mean they should be taken advantage of". I totally agree with this. Reason because some people might see this as an opportunity to cause shenanigans, which might eventually lead to fights, loss of lives and loss of property. Strikes are more negative than positive in my opinion and I believe that it should be avoided. I suggest;
    1. Companies or organizations avoiding extreme demands from their workers.
    2. They should take the other party's perspective.
    3. Both parties should get an outside opinion.
    And if these do not work, a proposal to go on strike should be intimated to management by way of prior notice that is 14 days stipulated time period should be given to the management to respond or react so as to avoid strike. During this 14 days' time no workmen should go on strike.

  • I think that strikes should be the last resort when all possible curbing methods have been met. I know stikes poses a very big treat to a countries economy and to also the both parties involved but after steps are followed through and the employers are still negligent or there is still unsafe working contions for workers, they should definetly go on strike. I mean I dont support the option of going on strike, but the workers have done everything within their power to ascertain their conditions are met but they are still taken for granted. They put themselves in the shoes of the citizens and they saw there was no other way out than going on strike. For example part of the main reason ASUU when on strike in my country, was that they gave many warning and threats to the government, had many meetings with the government but were still taken for granted. I mean ASUU followed due process and steps and I give them respect fot that, so should they still be denied the right to strike after they have done all this? NO, I dont think so because it will be seen as cruelty and deprivation of human rights on their own side. After all everyone is given the right to strike. It may be a rash and hard decision but I think it is the only way to be taken seriously and have their conditons met.

  • It has been proven that strikes are the last resorts in resolving disputes between workers and employers.There are things that tend to cause strikes which are:
    Dissatisfaction with company policy
    Salary and incentive problems
    Increment not up to the mark
    Wrongful discharge or dismissal of workmen
    Withdrawal of any concession or privilege
    Hours of work and rest intervals
    Leaves with wages and holidays
    Bonus, profit sharing, Provident fund and gratuity
    Retrenchment of workmen and closure of establishment
    Dispute connected with minimum wage

  • Well, strikes are the last resort but not the only resort. My reason is because there are other ways to clarify disputes between the employer and the employee. The primary management key to dealing with strikes is simply Negotiation. Here are some tips avoid the issues of strikes:
    Listen and discern any underlying issues in a dispute.

    Consider whether there might be common ground for resolving the dispute.

    Sift information.

    Willingly adjourn negotiations as appropriate.

    Draw on appropriate advice within the organization and from external agencies (such as an employers’ association).

    Be prepared to consider possible concessions.

    Be conscious of the information provided and consider the implications of any decision for other workers and for the organization’s policy and practice.

    Communicate the outcome clearly.

  • strikes arise for a number of reasons,though principally in response to economic condtion.And these a made to mainly improve on wages and benefits or labour practices to intend to improve work conditions.but if you do strike ,you will easily break country lows that brings charges to a group.

  • I believe strikes aren't the only way, but rather, should be used as a last resort. There are other ways workers can take action such as picketing, go-slows, overtime bans and work-to-rule.
    Strikes get the job done most times but cause harm always. Strikes should be avoided due to the fact that, they are more likely to reduce the production of an organization, as well as result in a firm losing customers. People may get physical hurt in the process, lives my be lost as well and properties could get destroyed.
    Strikes are effective but, most be used when all other alternatives have taken place.

  • Hi caring_fly
    Strikes are not always the only resort,
    strikes are often viewed as a last resort for workers to assert their demands or protest against their employers or the government. However, strikes can have negative consequences for both the workers and the organization they work for. Strikes can result in lost wages, reduced productivity, and damage to the organization's reputation and profitability.

    Also, strikes may not always be effective in achieving the desired outcomes. Negotiation and collective bargaining between labor and management can often lead to a mutually beneficial agreement that addresses the concerns of workers while also considering the needs of the organization. Alternative forms of protest and advocacy, such as petitions, rallies, or boycotts, can also be used to raise awareness and pressure for change.

    Therefore, strikes should be considered as a last resort after all other options for resolving the conflict have been exhausted.

  • In some cases strikes are the only resort to be taken when the workers try all possible ways to reach out to the management for better working conditions but they refuse to listen. Going on strike will be the only way to get better working conditions.
    There are other instances were strike is not the only resort. Dialogue between the management and the strike unions workout before strike action is taken.
    Its better to have dialogue between the two parties in order to prevent loss of lives, properties, income and employment in some cases.

  • I agree with you because in my country there was a woman that finished her service ten 10 years ago and she was waiting for a job and she did not get one but she still did not give up and she waited since 2014 but luckily she got one in 2023she started working on February and up till now she has not been paid it is going to be fully three months at the end of this month so I believe getting a new job is hard.

  • What you said is 100 percent correct about the negative consequences for the worker and society as a result of the strike.
    As for the answer to your question, are there other ways for the employee to obtain his rights?
    In fact, unfortunately, it is not possible to mention a way for the worker to obtain his rights, because the matter is related to the employer and the laws of the establishment, in addition to the state’s rules regarding workers’ rights.
    We always find that the strike is the last way out for the worker after he claims his rights by all possible means, and with the employer's refusal, the worker finds nothing but strike.
    This is what employers and institutions must avoid. Listening to the employee's complaints and wishes is important to accomplish the work.

  • Hello.....👋
    ➡️As I have read, I see that your opinion is correct; all of your examples are excellent and correct.

    ➡️You also told us that in your country you face the problem of unemployment..and we here in Palestine also face the same problem and it is very widespread..

    ➡️ One of the solutions I propose is to hear the views of the workers... and their demands so that strikes will be significantly reduced.

    ➡️And as we see sometimes that if one side is struck, then all sides will be struck..and this of course must be stopped..because it is wrong❌❌

    🔚 End: I hope everyone tries to reduce strikes.... because it will lead to the ruin of all societies....

    Thanks for your opinion..
    And that's just what I see😁
    To the meeting 👋

  • In my opinion ;) Sometimes a good old-fashioned strike can really get the job done. But before we start waving our picket signs and shouting into bullhorns, let's put on our thinking caps and explore some more creative forms of resistance. After all, being witty means thinking outside the box and turning convention on its head.

    Sure, strikes can be effective in certain situations, but they can also be quite disruptive and lead to tensions with management. So why not try something a little more subtle? Alternative forms of dispute resolution, like mediation or arbitration, can be used to resolve smaller grievances or prevent conflicts from escalating into larger issues.

    Of course, the decision to strike should only be made after careful consideration of all available options and the potential consequences for both employees and employers. And let's not forget, a professional tone in discussing this topic helps ensure that all parties arrive at a mutually beneficial outcome that is conducive to long-term stability and success in the workplace.

    So, let's put our heads together and come up with some truly innovative tactics that will knock the socks off these oppressors. Who knows, maybe we'll even make them laugh while we're at it. After all, a little wit goes a long way in the fight for workplace justice 😉🔥

  • Nice comment and I would really commend you for developing this standpoint. Honestly, in our world today workers go on strike based on the fact that their working conditions have not been properly attended to and they are not being payed well, this problem has caused a lot of lives and property to be lost due to decline in responsibilities and duties of important organizations.
    In my own view I think the payment of wages of emergency service workers, police officers, and other important post in the society should be handed over to other organizations or establishments in the country so that issues involving important workers going on strike would be resolved. I believe that if this problem is resolved and the emergency services do not go on strike, if there was a major fire or accident they would be present to help and a lot of lives could be rescued. Also the government may claim to have a lot of issues at hand, so therefore this might be of great help.

  • I do not agree with you at all.

    I do not think that strikes are the only recourse. There are many things that are better than strikes in order for workers to take away their rights, such as talking to the boss about increasing salaries and reducing working hours, or working in another profession, or creativity in the profession in order for you to take a higher salary, or so that the president can raise your status. In the profession or something else, and you can complain to the government about the unjust president so that he can take away their rights. I do not agree with your opinion at all, because this is not good. Strike affects us a lot, we as human beings. that is my point of view

  • I believe that strikes should be the very last resort if change is not being made. First, a letter or an email should be sent to the person who can fix the issue. If that does not work, get others to send a letter or email. If that does not work and there is a grave issue, people should peacefully protest and if all else fails, a strike would be best.

  • In my opinion I think strikes is the only way social workers voices can be heard, because I believe sitting with down with the government and other politicians will not impact change in their payment and salaries. It is hard for social workers to get up early in the morning go to work day and night and at the end get little income to provide for their families, It is difficult for those social workers to be hearing the cries of there hungry children at night , because of the selfishness of the government . I know it is wrong for all social workers to strikes because they people and students to take care of and prepare for their future. But in my judgement I believe strikes is the only way for social workers to get good salaries and provide for their families.

    1. Hi eloquent_fly,
      I understand where your coming from, although workers are quite essential in the working of our society their needs are uncared for and one of the last resorts to making their voices heard is to go on strikes because once employees go on strikes the company would begin to face difficulties because of the absence of the workers and would try to attend to their needs but in some cases the employers could be quite negligent and might decide to ignore the pleas of their workers, also during the period where the employees go on strike they would not get salary and some might not even have other means of income and if strikes go on for prolonged periods of time the employees may not have any ,means of earning a living. Also strikes could cause a lot of disasters in the working of the society.

  • Yes, if I mentioned in the previous comments that the strike is not an appropriate solution to achieve our demands, but if the employer is negligent and negligent in his employees, he must go to one of the institutions and report him and the problem we face, such as lack of wages or disrespect and insult or increase working hours and so on to preserve our job and we must Telling the employer about our problem before we go and agreeing with him on the demand that we want.

  • Yes, I agree with you that the strike of the emergency staff is very dangerous if we imagine that a person is injured in a serious accident and his condition is very urgent and dangerous and if he does not go to the hospital urgently, he will die and we imagine that they brought him to the nearest hospital, but the emergency staff were on strike so inevitably the patient will die

  • It is true that strikes are the only solution to make voices heard, but did the strikers think about how their strike might affect us? Because their strike affects us negatively, for example, when doctors strike, we will not find anyone to treat us, and if I strike the cleaners, the roads will be unclean, which leads to air pollution, and with air pollution we will get diseases, and if politicians strike, the state's economy will be destroyed

  • Before conducting Strike the parties are required to negotiate to reach an agreement beforehand. If these efforts fail then Strike comes up as an option. Under these conditions, it can be said that the strike is the last resort in resolving disputes between workers and employers. Most disputes are resolved without strike action, but sometimes negotiations between the union and the employer break down. This is why strikes are often referred to as a “last resort”. Common reasons for disputes between employers and workers include pay, job losses and health and safety issues e.t.c