Comments by approachable_wolverine Comment Post Date The information that surprises me the most is unpaid work, i believe unfair to use all effort... Gender inequality: have your say! 25/2/24 I choose option A because I think businesses support the protection of the environment to... Businesses v the environment 23/2/24 I choose option A because I think businesses support the protection of the environment to... Businesses v the environment 23/2/24 I disagree because they did not come from that country and do not have the right to live... What do you know about immigration policies? 22/2/24 I disagree because immigrants increase population, increase in demands for goods and services,... What do you know about immigration policies? 20/2/24 [6:37 PM] Adimazoya Somtareme Audrey I think the policy that is unfair is In Germany more... Fair or unfair? 20/2/24 People might relocate to other countries for financial stability, education, job opportunities. Why are there rules about immigration? 19/2/24 A country might benefit from economic growth because as the migrants arrive they contribute to... What are the benefits of immigration? 19/2/24 The woman/girl from the news I would like to celebrate is Yaa Asantewaa because she was a Queen... Competition #5 winners 19/2/24 I disagree because as you stated in your comment less privileged meaning their either have less... Climate change and inequality 17/2/24 I think there should be a Hub discussion on ' Is combustion negative or positive?' because... Suggest a discussion 17/2/24 I think businesses should not be allowed to encourage people to vote and this will be bias due... Businesses and elections 15/2/24 I choose the brand should have some control over the celebrity. Firstly a brand uses a celebrity... The business and politics quiz 14/2/24 Can we look at the challenges ex-convicts envisage after serving their jail time? How best can... Suggest a discussion 09/2/24 @astounding_petal, your comment made me think deeply about the barriers to reintegration... What if prisons aren’t working? 09/2/24 I strongly agree with opinion A because in as much as prisoners are sent to jails for committed... What if prisons aren’t working? 09/2/24 Olivia, I think it is worth the cost. We are talking about a life and death situation at hand... Freedom v safety? 08/2/24 I believe that crimes will always prevail despite practical measures that might be put in place.... Prevention or protection? 08/2/24 I appreciate Jerome's perspective with respect to restorative justice. I believe prison does not... An interview with Jérôme Mangelinckx 08/2/24 It is right to restrict people's freedom so far as it is meant to keep them safe because such... Freedom v safety? 07/2/24 < 1 2 3 4 >