astounding_camel has not published standpoints yet. Comments by astounding_camel Comment Post Date Comment: I think that 42% of Workplaces have institutional racism engrained into them: perhaps this is... Post: #33 Mystery statistic Date: 11/5/22 Comment: I choose section B1 because it shows the child holding the adults hand. This shows that even in... Post: #31 Zoom in! Date: 27/4/22 Comment: The piece of music I have chosen is Firework by Katy Perry because when I was younger I used to... Post: #26 A moment for music Date: 23/3/22 Comment: During my research, I found out that the feeding tube was created by a woman! Bessie Virginia... Post: #25 Best inventions! Date: 16/3/22 Comment: My area is successful because it has male and female leaders and some of them are also part of... Post: #24 Success stories! Date: 09/3/22 Comment: What I would like to say to women everywhere, is you are beautiful inside and out, don't let... Post: #23 What should they hear? Date: 02/3/22 Comment: The book character I would choose is Louisa Adair from the book 'The Enigma Game'. The world... Post: #22 Escape the pages! Date: 23/2/22 Comment: I would use icon (U) because we start off not knowing very much about the world and as we learn... Post: #20 The winning icon Date: 09/2/22 Comment: To Person C, I 100% agree with you because whatever young people decide to do with their life,... Post: #19 Respond! Date: 02/2/22 Comment: I found the word curiosity, I love this word because it is very special because when you're... Post: #18 Search and say! Date: 26/1/22 Comment: I would like to interview Malala to learn more about discrimination against women because I... Post: #14 Interview who? Date: 08/12/21 Comment: If I were the leader of my country, I would promise to help equality against women, racism and... Post: #12 Important promises Date: 24/11/21 Comment: The headline that makes me want to ask more is C because our planet is in complete jeopardy, us... Post: #11 Tell me more! Date: 17/11/21