Comments by brave_reindeer

Comment Post Date
Yes you are very right women can do lots of things but it is the choose of the woman to either... WOMEN: THE FOUNDATION OF OUR WORLD 24/3/24
Hello poetic wallaby, well, for me I will be using my country as an example and to be honesty... Do prisons do their job? 18/3/24
In my opinion journalist may face challenges like; 1. PHYSICAL THREATS AND VIOLENCE: One of... Challenges to journalists 18/3/24
Hello guys, well for me women are really great leaders and can be able to handle and lead any... Are women excellent leaders? 17/3/24
Education is the key to success and without education I don't know what would happen. People of... “What do young people want from their elective leaders?” 15/3/24
You are right daring passionfruit, every gender needs each other either male or female but the... WOMEN: THE FOUNDATION OF OUR WORLD 14/3/24
In my own opinion animals should be treated rightly .This is so important as animals have... Animal rights 12/3/24
Hello consistent engine, well you have a point, but I don't think that when you are sentenced to... Reformation 10/3/24
Hello guys, well, I would like to start by tell us about fake news. To my understanding... Who should fund news about elections? 10/3/24
ex it is everyone's responsibility for the environment to be clean and the environment also... Profits or the planet? 09/3/24
Hello guys, first I will love to define hygiene, according to the World Health Organization... Cleanliness or hygiene's of prisons 08/3/24
I agree with you talented cicada, the voters have the power in a democracy like you said if the... Who has the power? 08/3/24
Hello intelligent orchard well I agree with you because to me the "first past the post system"... How does the Indian election work? 07/3/24
Well, I think that elections should not be held during war time because, when we have elections,... Should countries hold elections during wartime? 07/3/24
Hello guys, I will love my country to Nigeria to put more efforts on the roads because in some... “What do young people want from their elective leaders?” 06/3/24
Hi fellow topical talkers I got 7/10 well I didn't get all the answers but I learnt new things... The elections quiz 05/3/24
Hello guys, I will love to be a leader of my country because, in Nigeria the leaders we have... Your country in your hands! 05/3/24
Hello, I suggest that the news affects the business . And this affects in so many ways.... How might the news affect businesses? 28/2/24
I strongly disagree with what you are saying money does not buy everything, yes people care for... Prison staff 28/2/24
Very true reflective conversation, having lots of immigrant cause over population and it cause... Fair or unfair? 27/2/24