Comments by clever_forest

Comment Post Date
Here is my competition ( that I forgot to put in my comment ) ! Competition: This week's... #44 The competition competition 22/7/21
My competition links to the Issue about ' Build Back Greener '. I would challenge people to '... #44 The competition competition 21/7/21
What do you mean by ' personally ' ? #43 Odd one out 16/7/21
I think that the odd one out is Dean. Although all three of them did somthing bad , Celebrities... #43 Odd one out 12/7/21
I believe that picture A best represents cancel culture because it shows lot's of people arguing... #41 Picture this! 02/7/21
Theses are my ingredients for justice : 1.equality 2.friendship 3.listening 4.problem... #40 Recipe for justice 22/6/21
I agree with OPTION C so that people know your opinions or to tell people what your opinions are... #39 Pick one! 17/6/21
I nominate delightful_effort speaking . He/She has produced/shown some lovely pieces of work... #38 The BNC Awards! 10/6/21
Hello , Clever_forest here , I would like to work in the Ecosia company so that we could build... #36 Work for the world! 27/5/21
If I was the leader of a country I would make a rule that you can only use ecosia instead of... #35 Make a rule! 20/5/21
Hi , Clever_forest here , Today I am going to discuss my invention. My invention is called '... #33 Invention test! 06/5/21
This is my question! :D What/Who inspired you to help or to do this? I want to know this... #18 Don't miss out! 19/1/21
I don't think that is protesting because you don't have to go to parties ( like Joe Biden's... #17 Report back! 15/1/21
Clever_forest here, I am going to report back to the people who don’t think the election... #17 Report back! 13/1/21
Do you ever want a festive job? Are you sick and tired of all these other boring jobs? Are... #16 - Festive job vacancy! 06/1/21
I have had a conversation with my friend and today I told my friend two things about the future... #15 - Spread the news! 17/12/20
I predict that creativity would be the most important.I know this because of covid 19,you will... #14 - Star skill! 10/12/20
Clever forest here, An extinct job is a town crier.A town crier is a person who tells the news... #13 - Extinct jobs 30/11/20
When I grow up, I want to be a dancer and singer. This is because I want people to be... #11 - You're hired! 16/11/20
My robot is called Covie My robot can help people get rid of Covid 19. My robot is an expert at... #10 - Design a robot! 13/11/20