Comments by committed_tsunami

Comment Post Date
In our home, we use pieces of cloth as dust and other things, and we benefit from it Reduce, reuse, recycle! 14/11/22
We enjoy this work, we benefit from less waste and even benefit from the new things that we have made Reduce, reuse, recycle! 14/11/22
In my opinion, personality plays a huge role in person's career and success.. Personality or Policy? 14/11/22
Food waste is the one of the most difficult waste to deal with .on daily basis a ton of food is... The food crisis: why can’t we just share? 14/11/22
expiry: Many products can't be sent all over the world due to their shelf life or storage problem The food crisis: why can’t we just share? 14/11/22
I like your comment very much. It is possible that anyone has done a good job by inventing and... Do you have to see it, to be it? 14/11/22
Today we will talk about gender inequality (male, female) As for me, I am a girl, but, thank... Gender inequality: have your say! 14/11/22
From my point of view, it is possible that the black cat and the ladybird are the ones who will... Who could change the world? 14/11/22
1_ I think it means knowing what you want to be or what you want to do in your life so that you... Do you have to see it, to be it? 10/11/22
Why is it so diverse to see diversity in films? : This diversity communicates different ideas... Why is it important to see diversity in films? 10/11/22
This is a really great opportunity. We will be having discussions on the podium I believe that... Suggest a discussion! 09/11/22
Hi First, I liked your work on preventing food waste I want to ask how many questions Did you... ...Pete Pearson from WWF! 09/11/22
The good things with the elderly can be the quality of expression, which is finding solutions to... Older or younger lawmakers? 08/11/22
My questions will be for a new leader 1_ What will you do about the crimes that occur in the... Competition #2 Questions for leaders 08/11/22
And I agree with you, they should ask for it with all kindness and tenderness. They should not... Mind your language! 08/11/22
Are young people politicians? Yes, they are politicians, and they are also the youth of the... Are young people political? 08/11/22
Secondly, that the worker works daily from 5 hours to 7 hours more, because if he works more... Working conditions: what’s acceptable? 07/11/22
First: Should a sufficient salary be given to the family's requirements? Yes, a sufficient... Working conditions: what’s acceptable? 07/11/22
yes Reduce, reuse, recycle! 07/11/22
We can invent air purifying fans that take in the dirty air and purify it and give us clean air... Get creative, save the planet! 04/11/22