Comments by committed_writer Comment Post Date I agree because... everyone is affected by climate change, even if they are not conscious about... Climate change and inequality 11/2/24 The celebrities entered a deal with the business therefore he or she has to comply with the... The “face” of a business 09/2/24 Businesses fold up or lose customers in a country because of wars in those countries. Fraud and... How might the news affect businesses? 09/2/24 Every individual has the right to franchise and freedom to expression, right? Is this different... Businesses and elections 08/2/24 I think they should use their business to spread a spirit of patriotism, loyalty and problem... Countries behaving badly 08/2/24 Businesses can be a form of mass media by helping the society express its feelings to the... How could businesses make positive change? 08/2/24 It would be patriotic to stay because you can use your business to express your feelings about... Countries behaving badly 07/2/24 AI helps in enlightening us more on the climate change around us, its effects and how we can... Competition #3 winners 07/2/24 I think there should be a hub discussion on 'SHOULD STRIKES BE ALLOWED?' It is dangerous for... Suggest a discussion 06/2/24 I agree because... green skills are needed to keep our planet clean, not only physically but... Are green skills the future? 06/2/24 I think there should be a hub discussion on 'should strikes be allowed?' I mean, strikes are... Suggest a discussion 05/2/24 The major purpose of a prison is to reform prisoners' minds and education is the main tool used... An interview with Jérôme Mangelinckx 04/2/24 Security should be a prevailing standard in a prison, yet, depending on the crime committed. You... How should prisons be run? 04/2/24 I agree with option A. The company that built the AI is responsible because it developed the AI.... AI accident: who is responsible? 04/2/24 I agree because... AI has more advantages than disadvantages. Its disadvantages are its... AI and the planet 04/2/24 If I had an AI companion, I would train it to multi-task. It will do house chores and other side... AI companion 04/2/24 Criminals are denied their right to franchise so we can be safe and free to vote and be voted... Show what you know 02/2/24 A bad prison can make crime worse. How? Well, one main feature that comes to my mind when I hear... What if prisons aren’t working? 02/2/24 This question actually has more than one answer, but I feel reformative is the best. Reforming... What’s the purpose of prisons? 02/2/24 I agree because...all these minor political activities carried out in schools such as voting... Are young people politically engaged? 01/2/24 < 1 2 3 4 5 >