conscientious_durian has not published standpoints yet. Comments by conscientious_durian Comment Post Date Comment: 1.The film I know is Avatar . 2. It is about protecting the climate where they try to change... Post: #9 Think of a link Date: 29/10/21 Comment: the news T..Tell people about the current state of the country. H.. Hearing from people who... Post: #8 The News Date: 28/10/21 Comment: My dream job is a vet or setting up an animal sanctuary This job will be good for the... Post: #6 Dream jobs Date: 15/10/21 Comment: The problem in my community in Gaza city is swege, we don't have real and fixed infrastructure ... Post: #5 Innovation for your nation! Date: 05/10/21 Comment: I think courage is the most important quality for journalists because he should fear no body but... Post: #4 Because... Date: 30/9/21 Comment: Behind every successful work is non stop , endorsement and sincere effort. Post: #3 Caption this Date: 21/9/21 Comment: Neglect me ! I'm nothing but an urgent breaking new . Post: #3 Caption this Date: 21/9/21 Comment: The common thing among children is that they have strong desire to discover things because ... Post: #2 Children's news channel Date: 15/9/21 Comment: Dream land D:Dont think about whats missing so you wont miss whats existing. R:Remember the... Post: #32 A fresh start! Date: 26/4/21 Comment: Dream land D:Don't think about whats missing so you won't miss whats existing. R:Remember... Post: #32 A fresh start! Date: 26/4/21 Comment: I live in a city inhabited by many generations and many wars have blown in it because of the... Post: #31 Start the conversation! Date: 23/4/21 Comment: Art is important because it has several benefits in several areas, economically : The economic... Post: #38 - Hundred Word Challenge Date: 01/6/20 Comment: Art is important because it has many benefits in several areas, economically: The economic... Post: #38 - Hundred Word Challenge Date: 01/6/20 Comment: The one change I would like to see remain is The ozone layer is changed for the better ... Post: #37 - One change to keep Date: 26/5/20 Comment: ATTRA CTIVE DESSERTS THAT HARM CHILDREN I mean, children love sweets more than they taste and... Post: #36 - Head to headlines Date: 19/5/20 Comment: Also, there is the skill of interrogating information to find the cause of the truth, and it is... Post: #35 - Skills for success Date: 12/5/20 Comment: I think the reporter's important skill justifies the point of view of speaking in order to... Post: #35 - Skills for success Date: 12/5/20