Comments by educated_harmonica

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This is really an interesting one, and as a young person, I would want my country leader to... “What do young people want from their elective leaders?” 06/3/24
Thank you for that wonderful comment Of yours, but I will like to ask you this questions,... Who has the power? 05/3/24
Thank you so much for that great point of yours, but didn’t you think that when a country has... How would you respond? 05/3/24
In my own opinion i strongly believe that the media will play a vital role in terms of election,... The media and elections 05/3/24
In my own understanding, it is the electorate that is the voters, they are the one that has most... Who has the power? 05/3/24
In my own opinion I think that why it is important for young people like me to know about the... STEP TWO: get ready for the competition 03/3/24
The topic that I'm most passionate about is AI, This is because I'm still astonished each time I... STEP ONE: do the lessons, pick a Standpoint topic 03/3/24
The information that really surprised me the most is the one about the gender pay gap. I felt... Gender inequality: have your say! 02/3/24
I am most passionate about women in media, because it talks about gender equality, and also it... STEP ONE: do the lessons, pick a Standpoint topic 02/3/24
Not really because it is not only media the play that role even the parent, teachers, and... Who has the power to stop social bias? 01/3/24
Well intelligent nectarine the athletes will get more fans because they people will not know the... Unfair advantage? 01/3/24
Thank you for that wonderful comment, but at the same time I think we should not over look it’s... What do you think about the Enhanced Games? 29/2/24
Thank you for that wonderful comment, but I want to ask you this question, why is it just one... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 29/2/24
You made a good comment but I have a question that I would like to ask you. I know everyone here... Do you feel represented? 28/2/24
Okay according to my own understanding, I will say that parents and teachers which influences... Who has the power to stop social bias? 28/2/24
I agree with option B because as you’ve already said that sports is all about training hard,... What do you think about the Enhanced Games? 27/2/24
I strongly agree that these things mentioned above are fair and also each and every one of them... Unfair advantage? 26/2/24
Good day everyone, I scored 14/16 and I must confess that I learnt so many things after the... Show what you know! 26/2/24
I think that international women’s day will make a great difference for gender inequality... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 25/2/24
I must say you made a good comment but here is a question that i will like to ask you. Do you... Are journalists the answer? 25/2/24