Comments by educated_harmonica

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Thank you for that wonderful comment, I will also like to add that as international women’s are... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 23/2/24
Thank you for that wonderful comment, but I strongly believe in option C, this is because it... AI accident: who is responsible? 23/2/24
Thank you so much for that wonderful comment, but I strongly believe that when we get to share... Too much negative news? 22/2/24
The woman from the news I would want to see celebrated in this International Women’s is Dr Ngozi... Competition #5 winners 22/2/24
Thank you for that wonderful comment, but I think and I strongly believe that there is no how... Will schools exist in future? 22/2/24
I agree because... As people get to listen to the radio and watch news and also read some news... Who has the power to stop social bias? 20/2/24
Thank you for that wonderful comment, but I strongly believe that school will definitely exist... Will schools exist in future? 19/2/24
I strongly agree with option A, this is because as we celebrate the international women’s day it... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 19/2/24
I agree because... This will also help those that were soppose to make the ridges to be free... Catch up on the live lesson 18/2/24
thank you for that wonderful comment that i think that the main reason why some people do not... Why don’t people change? 17/2/24
Thank you very much for that wonderful comment, but I think that the primary objective of any ... Prison staff 17/2/24
okay, as for me I will chose the first option, this is because as we all know that some people... Reformation 17/2/24
Thanks for that wonderful comment but I strongly believe and that think that when businesses... Businesses and elections 16/2/24
Actually i concur with the first option which say that their payment should be increased, I... Prison staff 16/2/24
well i think that it depends on the situations, but boycotts can be a powerful way to bring... Are boycotts helpful? 16/2/24
Actually, immigration as we all know that it has so many benefits both to the immigrants and yo... What are the benefits of immigration? 15/2/24
I disagree because... Thank you for that wonderful comment, but I I think that some people still... Why don’t people change? 15/2/24
actually I think that when it comes to supporting women in football, its a collective effort... Women's sport 15/2/24
Actually, I believe that businesses can make a positive changes in so many ways. One... How could businesses make positive change? 14/2/24
Definitely, AI has the potential to transform the emerging world in numerous ways. It can help... Will AI transform the emerging world? 14/2/24