Comments by fantastic_flight Comment Post Date (AI) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE? Ai will have many much impact of transforming the world into ... Will AI transform the emerging world? 16/2/24 Wow amazing topic . My scores was 8/8. I lent a lot about this topic like Rwanda, number of... What do you know about immigration policies? 13/2/24 AI/ROBOT SPORT ??? Firstly what is AI-artificial intelligence. This is defined as the ability... Suggest a discussion 11/2/24 My scores was 14 /16.. Firtly what is (AI ) artificial intelligence? This is an artificial... Test your knowledge 11/2/24 Nice topic . AGE RESTRICTION? Age restriction refers to the minimum age required for an... Age restrictions 10/2/24 EXACTLY! One recent news story out of Nigeria revolves around the ongoing protests against... Suggest a discussion 10/2/24 One potential topic for a discussion about business and politics is the role of governmental... Suggest a discussion 09/2/24 Businesses have the potential to make significant changes in society by adopting responsible... Businesses and elections 09/2/24 A responsible citizen is an individual who actively participates in their community, upholds the... Responsible citizens 09/2/24 Age restriction refers to a limitation or minimum age requirement for certain activities,... Age restrictions 06/2/24 PRISON? THIS CAN BE DEFINED AS A CORRECTIONAL ZONE OR PLACE. The exact way that a prison... How should prisons be run? 04/2/24 THE IMPORTANT OF MODERN OF OUR DAILY WITH THE USEFULL NESS OF SMART PHONE, SOCIAL MEDIA AND... Suggest a discussion 03/2/24 Women's sports have made many significant progress over the years, with more opportunities,... Women's sport 03/2/24 I agree because If prisons are not working, then it is essential to examine the underlying... What if prisons aren’t working? 03/2/24 The impact of social media on mental health and well-being. Social media has become an... Suggest a discussion 01/2/24 I agree because... WHERE IS A PRISON? A prison can be defined simply as a... What’s the purpose of prisons? 01/2/24 The relationship between robots and the planet can be complex and varied. On one hand, robots... AI and the planet 01/2/24 Ecuador, like most countries, faces the challenge of finding a balance between freedom and... Freedom v safety? 31/1/24 It will be very bad.. If prisons are not working, it means... What if prisons aren’t working? 30/1/24 PREVENTION!! this is where by government increase security measures. Providing social... Prevention or protection? 30/1/24 1 2 >