focused_clam has not published standpoints yet. Comments by focused_clam Comment Post Date Comment: We will only meet people and talk to them, and we will not become friends because friends in the... Post: Particular people Date: 01/5/23 Comment: What do you think that we create a program that is installed on all phones, and through which... Post: Particular people Date: 01/5/23 Comment: It expands it by communicating and engaging in social relationships such as friends. And I want... Post: Particular people Date: 01/5/23 Comment: Yes, we celebrated Earth Day on April 22nd. And we celebrated it through a school broadcast,... Post: Is one day enough? Date: 28/4/23 Comment: I can say that those who inspire me are those in charge of the Topical Talk project, and they... Post: Who inspires you? Date: 28/4/23 Comment: I choose to meet new people because this is something in Metaverse that people consider good and... Post: Particular people Date: 27/4/23 Comment: We learned a lot with the teacher about the monarchy and we learned the concept of the monarchy... Post: Suggest a discussion! Date: 27/4/23 Comment: I joined a discussion to respond to language accepted by Revel Christian Academy on the subject... Post: Competition #2 Global discussions Date: 20/4/23 Comment: I scored 8 in the test but learned enough to understand the strikes really well. And I learned... Post: Test your knowledge Date: 20/4/23 Comment: I agree with what you say, but what about the students? I mean, what about us? I will speak on... Post: Suggest a discussion! Date: 19/4/23 Comment: When the lesson was explained on Zoom, many questions came to my mind. Why did they... Post: Lessons learned! Date: 19/4/23 Comment: Strikes are for the purpose of protesting, so a group of workers form a group called a union.... Post: Suggest a discussion! Date: 18/4/23 Comment: Strikes are routine in my country and they have increased lately. As far as I know, doctors... Post: Working conditions Date: 18/4/23 Comment: Let's close our eyes and imagine life without work and without workers, will we be able to... Post: Can everyone strike? Date: 18/4/23 Comment: Hi Mister Joe: There are many people in my country who do not know how to write well, so what... Post: …Joe Burton! Date: 17/4/23 Comment: Can you tell us how you got to that top when you were so young?! And what are your interests... Post: …Clover Hogan! Date: 17/4/23 Comment: I received a good score in the test, but all I care about is increasing my knowledge of the... Post: Test your knowledge! Date: 17/4/23 Comment: Yes, I can think of problems in the metaverse. Addiction to the virtual world may occur, and it... Post: Metaverse poll results! Date: 14/4/23 Comment: The metaverse is good for fun and the fulfillment of dreams, but if we look at reality,... Post: The metaverse: marvellous or madness? Date: 14/4/23 Comment: The metaverse is an unreal world, and if we write the word metaverse on the translator to... Post: A new realm to rule? Date: 14/4/23 View more >