free_armadillo has not published standpoints yet. Comments by free_armadillo Comment Post Date Comment: I agree with your statements of elections being too much and leaders needed to be focused, but... Post: Should countries hold elections during wartime? Date: 19/3/24 Comment: In my opinion, voting during a war is a bad decision because there is way too much chaos during... Post: Should countries hold elections during wartime? Date: 19/3/24 Comment: It is possible AI can change the world in in many ways such as jobs. When discussing AI people... Post: How can AI change the world of jobs and education? Date: 17/3/24 Comment: I also agree with your opinion of option C. Choosing your countries leaders make sure of who you... Post: How would you respond? Date: 17/3/24 Comment: So yes AI going to war for us may sound like a good idea at first but we have to think a the... Post: AI: and the future of war Date: 12/3/24 Comment: Yes I think media is good for elections because it's a wide way way to spread who and why to... Post: The media and elections Date: 11/3/24 Comment: Honestly I disagree with your opinion. I disagree because, yes, the voter may be able to chose... Post: Who has the power? Date: 11/3/24 Comment: I agree with your statement of political leaders always being scrutinize, but leaders are always... Post: Your country in your hands! Date: 10/3/24 Comment: By saying I would be up to leading around 2,000 people is to show that only in a dire situation... Post: Your country in your hands! Date: 10/3/24 Comment: I love the way you did your standpoint :D. But to address the issue of privacy I'm not too sure.... Post: AI: Education and the Future of Work Date: 08/3/24 Comment: No, I would not want to be the leader of my country or any country. Leading a country is a very... Post: Your country in your hands! Date: 08/3/24 Comment: AI IS NOT GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT! AI's are made up of metals and many other materials like... Post: AI and the planet Date: 06/3/24 Comment: Absolutely not! I do not think it would be a good idea at all AI is not capable of having human... Post: AI bots on the Hub? Date: 06/3/24 Comment: In my opinion option B is correct and opinion C is the most incorrect. It is a companies job to... Post: AI accident: who is responsible? Date: 04/3/24 Comment: A robot assistant sounds like an amazing thing to have especially a personalized one. If I were... Post: AI companion Date: 04/3/24 Comment: I would suggest extra pay for commitment and bravery for doing the job and extra training. Since... Post: Prison staff Date: 02/3/24 Comment: Hello, I think bio-engineered foods would be an interesting topic to talk about. Like, how... Post: Suggest a discussion Date: 01/3/24 Comment: If I were to create my Olympics, I would make sure to have police supervision and make sure no... Post: You make the rules! Date: 01/3/24 Comment: I have a few questions about your comment. If doctors aren't checking and most machines are... Post: What do you think about the Enhanced Games? Date: 29/2/24 Comment: YES the audience should know because the whole point of the games is to see who has the most... Post: Should people know? Date: 29/2/24 View more >