honorable_meerkat has not published standpoints yet. Comments by honorable_meerkat Comment Post Date Comment: To present gratitude and thankfulness I would mention to the courageous volunteers: Dear... Post: #29 - Write an inspiring speech - Winners Announced! Date: 03/4/20 Comment: In my opinion, I consider that 'In December 2019, every Major A&E unit failed to accomplish its... Post: #26 - Fact Findings - Winners Announced! Date: 13/3/20 Comment: On my poster I would mention thank you. I would mention this because the NHS staff spend their... Post: #24 - Notes to the NHS Date: 28/2/20 Comment: In this issue the hardest thing to make my mind on is do politicians deserve more respect... Post: #23 - I Can't Make My Mind Up - Winners Announced! Date: 19/2/20 Comment: I'm in the middle as they deserve a lot of respect as they are the ones who run our country and... Post: #21 - Poll - Do politicians deserve more respect? Date: 03/2/20 Comment: I chose responsibility. It makes me think of politicians as they have an immense responsibility... Post: #19 - Concept Comments Date: 24/1/20 Comment: My question to Jeremy Paxman is: What one skill do you think that has qualified you to this... Post: #18 - Question the Questioner - Winners Announced! Date: 10/1/20 Comment: I think Space tourism will happen as some space companies are offering tourists to go to space... Post: #15 - Will, Might, Won't! Date: 16/12/19 Comment: My chosen job is a space Doctor the skill that most fit them is reasoning because if... Post: #14 - Space Job Skills - Winners Announced! Date: 10/12/19 Comment: i think number 6 is the most worth doing as it will help us get to space in an e like climate... Post: #13- Breaking News Reaction - Winners Announced! Date: 02/12/19 Comment: if i were to send a message i would say 'thank you' as they prepared to go into space and find... Post: #12 - Message in a Rocket - Winners Announced! Date: 28/11/19 Comment: my motto would be : The Unpredictable and the Intruiging I chose this motto as space is very... Post: #11 - Make a Motto for NASA Date: 21/11/19 Comment: I think space tourism is a satisfactory thing as lots more peaple can go to space. I think... Post: #10 - Brain-stand! Winners Announced Date: 15/11/19 Comment: My first words would be "I am the first but not the last" I chose this quote because Neil... Post: #9 - Time-Travel Challenge - Winners Announced! Date: 08/11/19 Comment: Vast, intriguing and distinctive. I Chose Vast as the whole space is very big and holds all the... Post: #8 - Three Words And Why Date: 31/10/19 Comment: I'm sceptical about B because not always do you march on the street being violent. This only... Post: #5 Questionable Quotes - Winners Announced! Date: 11/10/19 Comment: Wednesday. Dear Diary Today has been horrible as usual. I've had enough of China Messing us... Post: #4 Diary Entry - Winners Announced! Date: 02/10/19 Comment: I think that fake news should be dislodged and things that is not important should be removed... Post: #2 Editor for a Day Winners Announced! Date: 16/9/19