Comments by openhearted_region Comment Post Date Artificial intelligence (AI) holds significant potential for the emerging world, particularly in... Classroom spy! 18/2/24 I am emphasising on the fact that the need for preventing crime and investing in community... How did the lesson go? 14/2/24 I think that Captain Planet from Captain Planet and the Planeteers in the real world because he... Competition #4 winners 14/2/24 In Ghana, inflation and ransom kidnapping pose challenges to businesses. The rise of fake food... Topical Talk in your classrooms 14/2/24 I have a balance of emotions because, The Earth's oxygen is primarily produced by the ocean,... Climate change and inequality 13/2/24 AI can greatly benefit emerging countries in farming, teaching, and patient care. However,... Will AI transform the emerging world? 13/2/24 The future is usually filled with hope: most people think it will be a better place where or... Classroom spy! 11/2/24 Humans will always excel in therapy due to their innate emotional intelligence and... People v robots 11/2/24 I believe that AI may not be capable of efficiently carrying out certain duties, particularly in... People v robots 11/2/24 The future is usually filled with hope: most people think it will be a better place where or... Classroom spy! 11/2/24 I believe that replacing real adults on the Hub with AI bots would be a negative change. They... AI bots on the Hub? 11/2/24 The increasing use of AI in various industries, such as manufacturing and military, has led to a... AI and the planet 11/2/24 AI can help address global concerns such as recycling, climate change, industrial and... AI and the planet 09/2/24 I think it is B my country needs to come together to combat climate change, as it is worsening... Climate change in your country 08/2/24 I think it is B because, climate change in Ghana affects the economy due to its dependence on... Climate change in your country 08/2/24 AI can potentially lead blind people and assist deaf individuals in emergencies, such as... AI companion 08/2/24 The quiz provides a comprehensive understanding of prisons and the increasing number of female... Show what you know 07/2/24 I got 9/15. A prison can be known as a correction centre or a jail. Prisons are reformation centres. Show what you know 07/2/24 Prisons are organised into various departments, including a gatehouse, visitors' centre,... What’s the purpose of prisons? 06/2/24 Prisons are organised into various departments, including a gatehouse, visitors' centre,... What’s the purpose of prisons? 06/2/24 < 1 2 3 4 >