Comments by playful_snake

Comment Post Date
Will Artificial Intelligence be used in art education and others? And what motivated you to... Student suggestion 02/5/23
Rabbi Ilias Szczechniki, one of the people working for the "Religion for Peace Foundation", is... Who inspires you? 27/4/23
I think that we're supposed to take care of our planet all year long, that we don't have a... Is one day enough? 27/4/23
I think it's better that the king doesn't have full power and the people should have some... The role of royals 26/4/23
I have a question that is important to me, what punishment does not apply to members of the... Suggest a discussion! 24/4/23
Hi , I'm a little sad because we got eight and I didn't get a perfect score, but I'm really... Test your knowledge 24/4/23
I have more than one goal for this topical festival, like becoming fluent in English, being... Start of Festival survey 21/4/23
Dear Dr. Rachel, I see that you're a multi-task woman which is great. But I have a question,... Ask Dr Rachel Clarke! 20/4/23
Who can decide the strike and do it and how can we make it more successful? And if it is not... Suggest a discussion! 19/4/23
The work in Palestine is totally unfair. The wages that teachers and doctors pay are half the... Working conditions 19/4/23
Strike is everyone's right, and this is something that most of the world agrees with, but I... Strikes poll results! 19/4/23
I think the law of electricity is a bit illogical, because many of the possibilities are totally... The law in your hands? 17/4/23
No, we can't judge people through the metaverse because we can't break through the person until... A new realm to rule? 17/4/23
Thanks a lot for all efforts to keep our safety and thanks again for sharing that How to stay safe on the Student Hub 14/4/23
We can help by not wasting food, reducing the use of pertol or gas cars, not spending too much... Climate change in your country 12/4/23
Is there privacy for people's data in Metaverse, and if the answer is No what should we do in... ...Matthew Ball! 12/4/23
People can cooperate with the government by keeping fossil fuels in the ground, improving... Climate change in your country 12/4/23
Unfortunately, my country is affected badly by climate change and this appears in the following:... Climate change in your country 12/4/23
What are the measures you follow in your country to preserve the climate ? …Clover Hogan! 11/4/23
Will there be animals still living by 2050 after the huge damage that happens to forests through... Suggest a discussion 11/4/23