Comments by polite_pomegranate

Comment Post Date
In countries like Nigeria animals are treated inhumanly. The rate at which animals are been... Animal rights 02/2/24
I totally agree with option A. The companies that developed the AI should be held responsible... AI accident: who is responsible? 01/2/24
I don't agree with you lively emotion. When people are dependent on artificial intelligence... AI companion 01/2/24
PRISONS are places we're corrections are made. It is a correctional ground for does who default... How should prisons be run? 01/2/24
I had 10 out of 15 in the quiz. I learnt that the president of Ecuador has declared fito missing... Show what you know 30/1/24
Hello Our class today was spellbinding. We were taught and guided by our class teachers. We... How did the lesson go? 29/1/24
I strongly agree with you happy squid because of the equipoise view points. The essence of the... What if prisons aren’t working? 29/1/24
Well for that question talented cicada I think that before that's will happen it will take time... Suggest a discussion 27/1/24
Hey, I scored 11 out of 16 which shows that I need to put more effort in studying more about... Test your knowledge 26/1/24
Okay, I think the question should go these way, should there be lesser use of generators and... Suggest a discussion 26/1/24
I think the should be a hub discussion about the use of generators in homes and institutions.... Suggest a discussion 25/1/24
Hi everyone I have a balanced emotions about the reminders of climate change. In the positive... Climate change: regular reminders 25/1/24
Wow I got 7 out of 10 in my first trial, I must say I really learnt a lot about climate change... Show what you know 25/1/24
Jobs Like robotics engineering are works that can never be taken over by AI because no matter... People v robots 25/1/24
Since there is evolution around the world daily, the jobs will be at risk because there... Jobs of the future 22/1/24
The future of jobs is the most important thing to learn about AI, because Artificial... Test your knowledge 22/1/24
In the future when the use of artificial intelligence will be high , the positions in the... Jobs of the future 22/1/24
I strongly don't agree with the first option because AI are machines invented by humans to help... Will schools exist in future? 22/1/24
They are so many jobs that can be created because of AI, some of them are: project management,... Jobs of the future 22/1/24