Standpoints by quickwitted_penguin Written by: quickwitted_penguin Enhance games, good or bad 20 March 2024 0 comments Comments by quickwitted_penguin Comment Post Date Comment: I think all of them are good athletes need time to train and have proper nutrition and have the... Post: Unfair advantage? Date: 28/3/24 Comment: We should make a change by using environmental friendly products using clean sources of energy... Post: How to make a change Date: 28/3/24 Comment: I think it is good to have eco aniaty because eco aniaty pressures people to do more for the... Post: Is it good to have ECO-anxiety? Date: 21/3/24 Comment: I think a lot of things can be done about eco anxiety. A lot of people can go and make a change... Post: Eco-anxiety, what can be done about it? Date: 19/3/24 Comment: In my opinion AI can be very harmful for humanity because people are already using it for... Post: AI in the Future? Date: 19/3/24 Comment: I think it is good for people to learn about AI and work because in todays age AI is very big... Post: Competition #8 winners Date: 12/3/24 Comment: I feel like unemployment will happen with AI. As humans we make mistakes even when it comes to... Post: Unemployment Date: 08/3/24 Comment: I think that reminders don't need to be changed because when the envierment is not at its best... Post: Why we need climate change reminders Date: 08/3/24 Comment: I believe that the top priority from prisoner offifers is reforment because they want prisoners... Post: What’s the purpose of prisons? Date: 07/3/24 Comment: Young people should know about the news because it helps let them know about the world that's... Post: STEP TWO: get ready for the competition Date: 01/3/24 Comment: I agree with B because using enhancing drugs takes away from the hard work people do to get into... Post: What do you think about the Enhanced Games? Date: 26/2/24 Comment: People are not changing there behaviour to protect the planet because people dont feel like they... Post: Why don’t people change? Date: 13/2/24 Comment: I think that there should be both good news and bad news when it comes to eco probloms. Bad... Post: Too much negative news? Date: 08/2/24 Comment: point c states that if a prisoner is able to escape then they deserve to be free. I do not agree... Post: What if prisons aren’t working? Date: 07/2/24 Comment: green skills that young people develop is the knologe of renewable resorces. schools and... Post: Are green skills the future? Date: 05/2/24 Comment: How I think that prisons should be ran is through a awards system. Good actions will be rewarded... Post: How should prisons be run? Date: 02/2/24 Comment: I think AI is good for the planet because AI can help solve probloms in the planet like global... Post: AI and the planet Date: 30/1/24 Comment: I agree with C because the worker should not have been out of the way of the robot and sould of... Post: AI accident: who is responsible? Date: 30/1/24