Comments by strong_thought Comment Post Date The court case in the news report might have an effect on how things can change. This is because... Climate change in court 17/5/23 I learned the most from the expert Matthew Ball the most. This is because he gives many... Competition #6 Expert learning 16/5/23 The UK workers chose to strike like this because of low pay or too many hours. They could have... Which situation is best? 15/5/23 If you are born a nepo baby you have many unfair advantages but also disadvantages . As soon as... Nepo-babies in the news 11/5/23 I think we should suggest talking about where the line is drawn. To be honest parents should be... Suggest a discussion! 11/5/23 Parents would probably prioritize the success for their children. This is because parents would... Nepotism poll results! 11/5/23 I would help my family and friends the same as others. Having an even playing field is essential... Nepotism poll results! 10/5/23 I agree if all that pressure is on one person to carry out what they think is best for their... The role of royals 09/5/23 In my opinion it is not important to have royalty in this modern age. As of right now there... Are royals relevant? 02/5/23 I think that there are many reasons why the government is preventing ganting workers from their... Working conditions 01/5/23 I'm not sure about this because I get how workers want the opportunity for better pay or less... Working conditions 01/5/23 In my opinion, Earth Day was and is still a great idea. But many people think of it has you have... Is one day enough? 28/4/23 I do not agree with the statistic above where it states that " 29 percent of teen smartphone... Teenagers and social media 28/4/23 Emergency services are extremely important to citizens all over the world. If any medical,... Pick ONE person 27/4/23 Having very important workers or personnel having the ability to go on strike could be bad for... Suggest a discussion! 26/4/23 We should consider talking about how climate change is not just affecting humans but also plants... Suggest a discussion 26/4/23 It is not that easy at the moment. But, if more car manufacturers know about climate change and... Climate change in your country 25/4/23 Climate change is a major effect in the United States of America. One way to reduce people's... Climate change in your country 24/4/23 If all countries take into effect what could actually happen with climate change we could slow... Earth Day poll results! 21/4/23 Enlightened_goosberry, I do not agree with the act of leaving the real world behind. I was only... Suggest a discussion! 21/4/23 1 2 >