Comments by students of Elite Scholars Academy B | United States of America

Student Comment Post Date
dependable_juniper From what we have completed in class, my group and I chose for a company that was clothing both... Countries behaving badly 16/2/24
objective_persimmon What political or social issues would you like to see change? I would like to see change in the... How could businesses make positive change? 16/2/24
discreet_harmonica People have rules and policies about immigrants for people to not crowd in one country to the... Why are there rules about immigration? 16/2/24
comfortable_conclusion I think a good caption for this picture is "We Hold The Earth In The Palm Of Our Hands." We can... Caption this! 15/2/24
amazing_river Regarding businesses and politics, they should encourage people to vote, but not pressure them... Businesses and elections 15/2/24
amazing_river Changing our usual habits can be a powerful way to make a positive impact on the environment.... How to make a change 15/2/24
amazing_river I completely agree with the statement that school is not just about learning information. While... Will schools exist in future? 15/2/24
comfortable_conclusion AI has many effects on the growing world, both positive and negative. One positive effect is... Will AI transform the emerging world? 15/2/24
unique_expression There are many ways businesses can make a positive change; such as donating to charities that... How could businesses make positive change? 15/2/24
unique_expression I feel that it is important to be open minded while hearing other people's opinions as it is a... Why so divisive? 15/2/24
spectacular_rock I got a 10/12. While I try to stay up-to-date, I never knew businesses spoke up about these... The business and politics quiz 15/2/24
free_armadillo Human capital are the skills, knowledge, and experience possessed by an individual or... Are green skills the future? 15/2/24
insightful_idea Hello everyone! I chose the something else option. The thought about the future AI is seen to... What's your reaction? 15/2/24
reliable_imagination I feel that Joe Biden's policies are fair but i also feel that since there is a limit on... Fair or unfair? 15/2/24
free_armadillo Originally, I had no clue about the term "green skills" meant, but after going through some... Are green skills the future? 15/2/24
free_armadillo I believe that many characters from books and shows have the potential to help the world in... Competition #4 winners 15/2/24
courteous_honeyberry The brand should have some control over the celebrity. If the brand had no control over a... The “face” of a business 15/2/24
engaging_twilight I totally agree with this comment because many people have done nothing to save or at least to... Why don’t people change? 15/2/24
engaging_twilight Hello, I disagree because the company should be the one responsible in this case. I think this... AI accident: who is responsible? 15/2/24
engaging_twilight Hello comtemplative_fly I agree with you because the fact that you stated the point about... Businesses and elections 15/2/24