Comments by students of Rex Mill Middle STEM School C | United States of America

Student Comment Post Date
proactive_fact I think that the gender of men are sometimes misguided by the news. I believe this to be true... Do you feel represented? 21/2/24
proactive_fact I agree with a. a states that Independent Women's day is great because it reminds the world how... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 21/2/24
strong_jackfruit Hello! I believe that to encourage women with the idea of politics, we can take multiple... Women's sport 20/2/24
lovely_wilddog I got 7/10 right but I was shocked to find out that Social biases are a false belief that... The women in media quiz 20/2/24
understanding_shark I agree with option A because International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the social,... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 20/2/24
resourceful_tradition AI could transform the world in many ways but there are some things that could go wrong with... Will AI transform the emerging world? 20/2/24
lovely_wilddog I think there should be a Hub discussion about "Pronouns". I say this because nowadays there are... Suggest a discussion 20/2/24
lovely_cymbals It is important to hear other people's points of view even if you oppose what they may stand... Why so divisive? 20/2/24
contemplative_watermelon The one that really surprised me the most was the unpaid work. This surprised me because I never... Gender inequality: have your say! 20/2/24
unassuming_clementine Well as a hispanic girl I feel that our culture is not well represented by the news since most... Do you feel represented? 20/2/24
charismatic_pineapple As a latin Woman I don't feel fully represented as others. I feel like there aren't many women... Do you feel represented? 20/2/24
receptive_flight I feel strongest to opinion to A, but C definitely comes close to my attention as well. As time... “Nations that fail women, fail.” 20/2/24
unassuming_clementine I strongly agree with option A since most nations usually doesn't take care of women issues... “Nations that fail women, fail.” 20/2/24
resourceful_tradition I believe that there are many ways to stop climate change and if people were to just contribute,... Why don’t people change? 20/2/24
reasoning_fig I believe there should be a topic titled "The impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity". This is... Suggest a discussion 20/2/24
genius_camel I scored an 8 out of 10. This quiz has taught me that women rights is still no where near been... The women in media quiz 20/2/24
genius_camel Option C: I believe all businesses should spread awareness about environmental issues. Everyone... Businesses v the environment 20/2/24
strong_jackfruit A topic for a discussion post or hub could focus on the significant contributions of black women... Suggest a discussion 20/2/24
strong_jackfruit HI, Some gender inequality or gender gaps i've noticed is the amount of women who have ran for... Women's sport 20/2/24
strong_jackfruit I think the people most responsible for supporting women's sports are the women who want to play... Women's sport 18/2/24