Comments by students of Usra Academy | Nigeria

Student Comment Post Date
polite_king I believe that prisons can help prisoners by providing job skills training and teaching them... How can prisons make prisoners better citizens? 26/3/24
precious_swan You have a great idea. It's true that AI could be very helpful in orphanages. This could help... AI In Orphanages 26/3/24
ambitious_panther Hi, some of the advantages of only reporting on the same gender are: 1. The news would be more... Gender and journalism: poll results! 26/3/24
ambitious_panther Hi, some of the advantages of only reporting on the same gender are: 1. The news would be more... Gender and journalism: poll results! 26/3/24
polite_king I believe that performances enhancing drugs (PEDs) can really ruin the fun in games by giving... Enhanced Games: How PEDs Ruin the Fun 26/3/24
hopeful_passionfruit Thank you for your comprehensive analysis of the impact of social media on business and... how the crazy world of social media affects the chaotic world of business and politics 26/3/24
hopeful_passionfruit You're really passionate about Enhanced Games, but it's important to think about both sides.... The Enhanced Games: a controversy. 26/3/24
ambitious_panther I wasn't expecting this in the result because I thought that most people would love to help in... Future leaders: poll results! 26/3/24
polite_king I agree with you Zestful_Artic_Fox. We can channel our eco-anxiety into something positive.... Eco-anxiety: Embrace your Eco-Anxiety 26/3/24
ambitious_panther The festival expert i learned something important was Caroline Hickman. After watching her video... Competition #10 winners 26/3/24
polite_king The the festival expert that inspired me the most is Joycelyn Longdon. I used to feel anxious... Competition #10 winners 26/3/24
lovely_planet Yes, the media is necessary, but journalists sometimes try to take advantage of the situation... Media and Elections 26/3/24
lovely_planet It's true, in my opinion, that even men who argue that women should be in the kitchen, caring... From a Woman's World Perspective. 26/3/24
precious_swan I also agree with you that artificial intelligence can make us lazier. This is because as young... My Opinion On Artificial Intelligence 26/3/24
polite_king I also agree that claiming change should be included in school curriculums. In my school, we... Is there still hope for the future(Our children)? 26/3/24
ambitious_panther I believe that not every immigrant should be allowed to enter a country. We should consider the... Should We Allow Every Immigrant? 26/3/24
precious_swan I think we can really start to break this stereotypes from home. By allowing the girls to do the... Smashing those stereotypes 25/3/24
calm_cloud I agree with you boycotts can both have advantages and disadvantages some of the advantages... The Power of Boycotts: Good or Bad? 18/3/24
lovely_planet I think we can solve and stop habitat destruction by acting in the opposite direction of what is... Can Eco anxiety solve habitat destruction 18/3/24
hopeful_passionfruit Nice talk busy trumpet I believe that Eco-anxiety is when people, especially young ones, feel... Do you want your kids to have a world tomorrow? 18/3/24