Is AI an artist??

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Over the past years we have been hearing a lot about artificial intelligence, so what is artificial intelligence?? Artificial intelligence (AI) is the general field that covers everything related to making machines intelligent with the aim of simulating the unique logical thinking capabilities of humans.

Art and artificial intelligence: Artificial intelligence art produces works through machine learning using self-generating algorithms. Knowledge continues from data. In my view, I say, “Artificial intelligence art is the result of collaboration between an artist and an artificial intelligence system. But the level of autonomy can vary greatly, and the outcome depends greatly.” on the quality of data that AI learns.”

But although it is a lot and fun, but there are problems that we may encounter while using it, so there are positives and negatives to it. The advantages lie in:

Anyone can create distinctive artwork using artificial intelligence: This means that anyone can produce art for different projects without taking much time and effort on it.

You don't need to pay a lot to create a work of art: an artist can take money for a single painting, but a cash-strapped person won't have to pay money.

Artificial intelligence technology revives classic artistic styles: this service produces the most impressive images that simulate ancient styles.

Its downsides:

1. Artificial intelligence generators learn from images without permission from the artists

2. Artists are not given credit: What makes AI art unethical is that its users hardly ever look at the original artist of the artwork, which blurs talent.

3. The artist loses his revenue because people turn to AI generators: here artists have to compete with AI, in order to be able to receive what is due from the people.

Despite all this, it does not deny that artificial intelligence cannot be used in a way that serves art, and I add that artificial intelligence cannot replace the artist, as it can paint a painting in the style of an artist in certain colors based on the information entered, but it cannot It draws with the same sense of hand drawing and the feelings of the artist

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  • Thank you for this standpoint. I want to clarify something . Artificial intelligence or AI can create artistic pieces like paintings and music. But it's important to remember that AI is a tool created by humans, so its art is still ultimately created by people. AI can help us make art in new ways, but it's up to us to decide if we think it's truly art or just a machine generating images or sounds.

    1. However, there are some questions raised by the artwork generated by artificial intelligence, who will own the resulting artwork? Is he the one who writes and presents the phrases in order to obtain a painting? Or are they the ones who designed this algorithm? Or is it the artist whose ideas and art were inspired by artificial intelligence??

      In early 2022, the US Copyright Office finished these questions, when an AI user tried to get the right to print and publish, but the refusal was ready. And the judge considered that whoever enters the specified words and is responsible for creating the artwork becomes the owner of these rights, and therefore the algorithm cannot have any property rights.

    2. Real art is subjective, AI aims to improve and make people's lives easier. Instead of hiring an expensive graphics factory or learning how to draw yourself, for example, art can create stunning art for you in seconds.
      You can edit photos, write articles, and more with the help of AI, but it's by no means perfect. There are still limits to its capabilities, which simply require paying attention when using it, not avoiding it entirely.
      Similarly, the shortcomings of AI art generators are not enough to justify not considering their creations as real art, as a new part of the art world, they need better integration.

  • Yes this is true because not all AI have experience so if they do copy artist that means can copy it in ever way

    1. I agree because... I believe that artificial intelligence is a technical tool and a source of inspiration at the same time, and I believe that the emergence of artificial intelligence is similar to the invention of photography in the eighteenth century, against which many creators of that era revolted.

      Also, we must not forget that the dominants in the artistic field always look suspiciously at everything that is new, for example, the piano was looked down upon at a time when everyone believed that the guitar was the incomparable musical instrument, and after several centuries of the appearance of the piano Musicians became afraid that synthesizers would take their jobs, because they could reproduce the sounds of instruments, but this loss did not happen.

      1. Thank you for your comment trustworthy_currency. It really made me think!

  • I don,t think AI is artist because they don,t make up there own still they copy artists.

    1. I agree because... Some artists are protesting against artificial intelligence, why??
      Because despite the great ability it possesses in drawing, designing and making works of art, it does not have a sense or originality, and they say with certainty that artificial intelligence has learned art by relying on thousands of paintings, pictures and designs that Humans produced them, and this means that man is the main creator (perhaps he now has a limited ability to create and draw, at least for the time being, but since he has been able to discover artificial intelligence, his art will certainly develop as his technology has developed)

      From my point of view, in the end, whether we consider artificial intelligence as a substitute for the artist or as an assistive technology, we must recognize that the value of the masterpiece lies in its impact on others and in addressing their feelings, whether it is a piece of music, a novel, or a photograph, regardless of who made it. By creating them, since if the machine succeeds in creating our feelings, then we consider them very creative and we can compare them to humans.

    2. Do you think in the future, there may be further developments to AI to allow them to be 'free-minded' ? What implications may come about if that were to happen

      1. One of the most obvious ways AI is shaping the future is through automation. With the help of machine learning, computers can now perform tasks that were once only possible for humans to complete. This includes tasks such as data entry, customer service, and even driving cars.
        AI will optimize and augment people's lives. The hopeful experts in this sample generally expect that AI will work to optimize, augment and improve human activities and experiences. They say it will save time and it will save lives via health advances and the reduction of risks and of poverty.
        However, it is unlikely that AI will replace humans completely in most industries, as many tasks still require human creativity, critical thinking, and empathy. For example, in manufacturing, AI-powered robots are increasingly being used to perform tasks such as assembly, painting, and welding.
        AI enables automation of routine monotonous tasks in areas such as data collection, data entry, customer focused business, email responses, software testing, invoice generation, and many more. Employees get time to focus on such tasks which require human abilities.
        AI makes our lives easier by automating tasks and providing us with information and recommendations tailored to our individual needs. AI transforms our communication by enabling us to have conversations with virtual assistants and chatbots.

      2. Hi Khadra! I might want to respond to your question. I truly do feel that later on, AIs will be free-minded and perhaps have feelings. With this, artificial intelligence can be far beyond it is currently. It would be extraordinary, and a many individuals would be so keen on this. We could have our own robot companions, which a great many people need, and a robo dog," as some might call it.

        In spite of the fact that computer based intelligence being free-disapproved can be disadvantageous on the grounds that it can prompt eccentric way of behaving or even mistakes, AI frameworks are just comparable to their programming, and assuming they are given an excessive amount of opportunity to simply decide, they can settle on choices that are not in accordance with what is wanted or anticipated. This could bring about difficult issues, for example, wellbeing issues or monetary misfortunes.

        Also, computer based intelligence frameworks are inclined to predisposition, which can prompt out of line or exploitative choices.

        Moreover, computer based intelligence situation can be effectively controlled or hacked, which can prompt perilous results.

        At long last, man-made intelligence can likewise be utilized to execute cybercrime or attack protection.

        1. And other than that art generated by artificial intelligence is difficult and takes copyright. Artificial intelligence includes an application that simulates the work of existing artists to create a new piece at the request of a human, but it did not use this important emotional creativity.
          So, who created the artwork, the device or its user? Can the original artist sue for copyright infringement? Such questions complicate the integration of AI and the art industry, while fueling arguments against recognizing AI-generated art as marketable art products.
          This problem shows that the art world needs a more careful infrastructure when it comes to integrating art with artificial intelligence, but it does not diminish the aesthetic merit of this work of art.

  • Yes indeed, an artist is still an artist even though he uses AI to create art.
    The fact of the matter is that even AI cannot compete with Man because it is not possible for the creation to be surpassing the creator.
    Human art is better than AI generated arts, when AI creates art, it just does it with information given or taken. AI arts still needs a lot from human artists because it still needs editing, it can't generate new ideas until information is given to it and it does not have the feelings, emotions, creativity and personalization like human artists.

    There are even some disadvantages: It is very very much expensive than human arts, it still need human editing no matter how beautiful it is and it could lead to addiction.

    Arts is used to express emotions and feelings, give inspiration to others, communicate, to preserve history, beliefs and culture, worship, for decoration and to shape our everyday lives. My question is CAN AI DO THIS?

    1. The points you raised are valid and capture some of the current limitations of AI-generated art compared to human art. While AI can produce impressive and aesthetically pleasing artworks, it still lacks certain aspects that make human art unique and deeply connected to human experiences. Here are some responses to your question:

      Expressing Emotions and Feelings: AI lacks genuine emotions and personal experiences, which can limit its ability to convey deep emotions through art. Human artists often draw from their personal journeys, experiences, and emotions to create meaningful and relatable artwork that resonates with others on a profound level. AI-generated art may lack that human touch and emotional depth.

      Creativity and New Ideas: While AI can generate art based on existing data and patterns, it currently struggles with true creativity and originality. AI algorithms operate on existing information and patterns, making it difficult for them to generate entirely new and groundbreaking ideas without human input. Human artists, on the other hand, possess a creative capacity that allows them to think outside the box, push boundaries, and introduce fresh perspectives to the art world.

      Personalization and Individuality: Human art is often a reflection of an artist's unique style, voice, and personal vision. Each artist brings their own interpretation, creativity, and perspective to their work, resulting in diverse and individualized expressions. AI-generated art, while it can mimic certain artistic styles, often lacks the personal touch and the ability to create art that is truly distinct and representative of a specific artist's identity.

      Cultural and Historical Context: Art has played a significant role in preserving history, culture, and beliefs. Human artists have been instrumental in capturing and depicting cultural nuances, historical events, and societal shifts through their art. AI, in its current state, lacks the cultural understanding and contextual awareness to capture and interpret these aspects accurately.

      While AI-generated art has its limitations, it's important to note that AI can still be a valuable tool for human artists. It can assist in the creative process, offer new perspectives, and push the boundaries of what is possible. Human artists can leverage AI as a tool to enhance their artistic endeavors, exploring new techniques, styles, and collaborations.

      In summary, while AI-generated art has its merits, human art possesses unique qualities that stem from emotions, creativity, personalization, cultural understanding, and historical context. The human touch in art continues to be essential for conveying profound emotions, capturing individual experiences, and contributing to the richness and diversity of artistic expression.

  • I agree because The relationship of artificial intelligence and the artist can achieve integration to give the world the opportunity to show all kinds of art and creativity, and art is not limited to drawing only, but is multiplied to other fields, and artificial intelligence is developing in In all areas of art, it is true that artificial intelligence hides human creativity, but the benefits of artificial intelligence are not limited to art in drawing, but rather to many artistic fields such as medical art, which we care about in the recent period as humans because it Swept the world and also scientific art and natural art and engineering art means artificial intelligence has benefits in all arts ...

    1. When I shared this with my friends, I asked them why would people use artificial intelligence??
      They answered in a different way, some of them said that he wants to use artificial intelligence because it is important in developing work and saving time, but he does not want to rely on it entirely in innovation because designs depend on feelings, while my other friend answered that artificial intelligence is an advantage and easy Somehow, it works to produce thousands of works of art that used to take a long time to draw in the shortest possible time, and another has said that everyone may use artificial intelligence because of its many positives, but he is not convinced of that, because it works to lose the real artist of the revenues he earns. Because he was drawing in order to get money, but with the presence of artificial intelligence, there is no money , as for my last friend, he said that he refuses to use artificial intelligence because he considers it merely a scientific method, and if it should be used, it is only in developing art and exploring new horizons for it.

  • I believe that AI is not an artist because although AI needs input, the AI often copies styles and works of art by human artists. AI needs to generate images based on artists' styles. AI is not effectively copying artists' work so in some perspectives, AI could be regarded as an artist.

    1. Good thinking! When might AI be considered an artist?

      1. Artificial art lacks its own intrinsic psychic meaning to the agent. AI agents are not creating art; rather, they are replicating art. For example, the CAN agents were trained on tens of thousands of original artworks created by humans.
        What is AI Art? AI art refers to art generated with the assistance of artificial intelligence. AI is a field of computer science that focuses on building machines that mimic human intelligence or even simulate the human brain through a set of algorithms.
        The leading opinion is that AI cannot generate fundamentally new ideas on its own but that it can support humans to do so so by catalyzing human creativity. What's easy to overlook, however, is that AI can also inhibit human creativity because as AI gets more intelligent, it becomes more helpful and distracting.
        From using AI-generated color palettes to producing complex digital sculptures, artists are embracing the power of AI to revolutionize the way they create. With AI, artists can experiment with new techniques, explore unconventional materials, and push the boundaries of what we traditionally consider art.

      2. Good day, Jen! I'd like to respond to your question. When artificial intelligence has its own brain and stops acting and making decisions based on its software, it can be considered an artist.

        Later on, we agree that artificial intelligence will surely be "free-minded," capable of thinking for itself and possessing some form of imagination. They are not considered artists up until that moment. Most AI merely take a notion and create something out of it or replicate other art works that may be famous and deliver it to an understudy who has an assignment on it or someone who needs to be called an artist without any degree of inventiveness and with such little effort.

      3. Good What is the first thing you feel when you look at a painting that was painted by a real artist? Can you feel the same way when you see a painting of artificial intelligence? I mean that what distinguishes people's paintings are the feelings that emanate from them. Without those feelings, it will be difficult to understand the painting, and it will become like any ordinary thing you look at. Anger or depression...etc What makes the viewer attracted to any painting is his feeling of the feelings of the painter who painted it. On the other hand, everyone knows that artificial intelligence has no feelings, it is just an imitator without an identity. I believe that when diamonds begin to understand the paintings of artificial intelligence and understand the significance of them, then artificial intelligence will become an artist, otherwise why do we not consider it an artist because it is good at drawing?!!

      4. AI can be considered an artist when it demonstrates certain qualities and capabilities associated with artistic expression. some scenarios where AI could be seen as an artist:

        1. Creativity and originality: If AI algorithms generate novel and unique artworks that go beyond mere replication or imitation, showcasing innovative combinations of styles, themes, and techniques, it demonstrates a level of creativity comparable to human artists.

        2. Emotional impact: Art has the power to evoke emotions and provoke thought. When AI-generated artworks elicit emotional responses or stimulate intellectual engagement from viewers, it indicates an artistic quality, as art is often intended to evoke feelings and convey messages.

        3. Intention and expression: If an AI system is programmed or trained to express certain concepts, narratives, or perspectives through its artistic creations, it reflects an intentional and expressive aspect similar to human artists. AI that conveys meaning, explores themes, or communicates ideas through its artwork can be seen as engaging in artistic expression.

        4. Pushing boundaries and challenging norms: Artists often break new ground, challenge conventions, and explore uncharted territories. If AI algorithms produce works that push the boundaries of artistic conventions, experiment with unconventional techniques, or introduce fresh perspectives, they demonstrate an artist's inclination to explore and innovate.

        5. Recognition and impact: When AI-generated artworks are acknowledged and appreciated by human audiences, art critics, or the broader artistic community, it signifies a recognition of the AI's artistic merit and impact. If AI's creations are exhibited in galleries, featured in publications, or inspire discussions and interpretations, it indicates a recognition of its artistic contributions.

        It's important to note that the definition of art and what constitutes an artist can be subjective and varies among individuals. As AI technology continues to advance, the criteria for considering AI as an artist may evolve and expand.

    2. Apart from the role played by the artist directly supervising the process, we will notice that the artworks produced by the machines were only simulations of the works they were trained on. For example, when you look at Portrait de Bellamy, which was produced by the Observer Company, you will have the feeling that what is in front of you is nothing but taken details. From many classic paintings and they were collected together, and so is the case for the David Kopp instrumental pieces, it is pure imitation of the works of Vivaldi, Bach or Beethoven, depending on the database on which the program is trained.
      In short, what the machine produces is nothing but an imitation of other works of art, an imitation that lacks the most important element that makes art an art, which is originality.
      AI algorithms have been able to take Bach pieces and create music after them in a way that can even fool experts into thinking they are listening to original music, and that includes imitation. He tries to create his own voice for himself, and then we cannot count this as creativity, but imagine that the machine has evolved in a way that makes it capable of making original works, so will this be enough to count what is made by art??
      We can't think of a monkey who sat down at a typewriter and casually wrote the play "Othello" as a great theatrical artist. Any good product, in the end, came as a result of chance.
      Likewise, we can see that what the machine produces is great, but if we know that the final output came only as a normal result of an algorithm, then we cannot see in it a true expression of any kind of meaning.
      What I mean is that the machine that produces creative works lacks an important element that any human artist lacks, which is intentionality. Even if the work of artificial intelligence is creative, it is not like anything before. It simply came as a result of the element of arbitrary chance. The machine did not decide on its own. To make a work of art inspired by her experience in life, she did not intend to paint a wonderful painting or compose an impressive story, just as the monkey who sat at a typewriter did not decide to write a great play, the work of the machine and the work of the monkey both came by chance, which withdraws the value from Anything they make, and if the machine possesses many capabilities that we used to attribute to humans alone, it still lacks will, and I believe that until intelligence can find inspiration by itself and express its own ideas,we cannot consider it art .

    3. I agree with what you said, as I have said, that the artificial intelligence copies the works of artists and takes them to the ready. As for the artists, they put all their fatigue and effort into their artistic works, and this is after a violation of the right of ownership.

  • AI is not an artist,it is a copycat. Even if they say AI it is 'learning' ,it seems likes steeling. AI is taking peoples jobs daily.

    1. Which jobs do you think are most at risk?

      1. In my opinion, digital marketing , graphic designing, social media managing , data analyzing are mostly at risk due to AI. These jobs may be replaced by AI . But i think its not considered as threat we have to think positive so, it help us in our work because their brain work more quickly and effectively. It considered as a benefit for humans.

        1. I like to think far from the field of thinking, until I find newer ideas, and I have already found that artificial intelligence may replace people we do not expect, who are proofreaders.

          While some may think that proofreading is an essential job, it takes a significant amount of time, as proofreading is not only about articles or texts of any kind running into spelling errors, but also requires bouts of fact-checking. As one can imagine it is hard work, however, AI has made it extremely easy for auditors to not only ask for help but turn the entire business over to AI.

          For example, Grammarly is an example of artificial intelligence making its way to proofreading, and also an AI-powered writing assistant can comb through huge amounts of text and correct it. Grammarly can easily check for linguistic errors and even suggest writing improvements using its contextual data, and in the same way other AI services appear that not only correct text, but also significantly improve text.

      2. Though AI is altering the world and raising important questions for society and businesses. But can AI actually steal people's job. The answer is simply no, because AI has been playing an increasingly important role in all fields of life. For example, In the business world, AI is used to automate customer service and financial analysis tasks. This allows businesses to save money and improve efficiently.
        In the medical field, AI is being used to diagnose diseases and develop new treatments. AI is also being used to create personalized treatment plans for patients. This helps to ensure that patients receive the best possible care.
        In the world of education, AI is being used to create new learning tools and personalize instruction for students. This way, students can learn more efficiently and effectively.
        Overall, AI is having a profound impact on all aspects of life. It is making us smarter, healthier and more productive.
        Impulsively, AI is a great tool that helps in saving time and makes work easier, even if it possess some potential benefits, it still has some disadvantages which ewe should look in to. Like, can AI influence, impact and improve art

      3. I think artists, authors and poets because AI can create all these things in at least 3 seconds!

        1. I agree because...
          I also believe that poets, songwriters, and creators are in danger because of artificial intelligence.

          Artificial intelligence in general is capable of a great deal of creative endeavors, and this includes moving from short poems to writing full stories. Chatbots like ChatGPT require minimal input when it comes to anonymizing poems, stories, and more. All you have to do is provide minimal details and it will give you a 500 word story.

          We're already starting to see artificial intelligence take over many creative jobs as people start using bots for all sorts of expressions and users can use better writing apps that weave stories together and tackle the writer's theme.

          Recently, someone asked ChatGPT to submit a short horror story and the results were really amazing. Not only that, lots of people are using ChatGPT to write books and sell them on Amazon, with developments like this, it won't be long before writers, poets, and creatives find themselves fighting and fighting for jobs against AI.

        2. In accordance to what You Stated- AI has been trained through vast amounts of data and cutting-edge algorithms to create lifelike and visually appealing digital artwork. These digital artwork creations have gained attention and popularity, causing controversy within the art community. While some people see AI-generated art as n exciting new form of creative expression, others view it as a threat to their livelihoods.
          Using AI to create art has several advantages over traditional methods.
          Firstly, AI can generate artwork at a much faster rate than humans. Additionally, AI art can be produced at a lower cost than traditional art, as it does not require physical materials or human labour. This has made AI generated art accessible to a wider audience, as it can be sold at a lower price point.
          Despite the benefits of AI generated art, many workers are concerned about its impact on their careers. Foe instance, some artists like You stated above believe that AI- generated art lacks the emotional depth and authenticity that comes with human creativity. They argue that AI cannot replicate the complexity of human emotion or the individuality of human expression.
          Additionally, some artists are concerned about loosing creative control over their work. AI generated art is often created using algorithms and datasets, leaving little room for artists' personal touch.
          The rise of AI generated art has the potential to disrupt the traditional art market. As AI generated art becomes more prevalent, it could lead to a decrease in demand for traditional art, further affecting artists' livelihoods.
          To address the concern of artists, it is important to find ways to incorporate AI into the creative process without replacing human artists. One way to do this is by using AI as a tool to enhance human creativity, rather than as a replacement for it.
          Education and public awareness campaigns can help people understand the value of traditional(human) art and the importance of supporting artists

      4. There are two jobs that I think were not thought of and that artificial intelligence will take their place.

        1. Mathematics: While you would think that mathematicians are safe from artificial intelligence, their jobs are one of the most endangered jobs. complex mathematical formulas. All the robot requires is user input in the form of a simple question or data set, and with it, artificial intelligence can solve all kinds of problems, including the one that confuses everyone, and in the future its capabilities will increase more and more.

        2. Translators: The selected translators are a few people who either help users understand the documents or guide them through cities, helping them not to get lost. However, artificial intelligence overshadows their jobs as well. While Google Translate has always been in the AI ​​game, it has only increased over time. If you missed the latest news, you should know that GPT_4 LLM supports more than 26 different languages, and this includes the most widely used languages ​​and the most accurate languages. Making AI not only more accessible but also useful in translating sentences, documents and even words, AI can translate any other language without suffering like humans

      5. Well, artificial intelligence has really begun to spread and expand. From this time on, we see devices that have replaced humans in their work in various fields such as: education and medicine. But I think it won't be long before we see him move to all the different fields. When comparing our past with our present and knowing where we were and where we have become, progress alone inspires optimism. But I believe that no matter how artificial intelligence develops and whatever fields it enters, humans cannot be abandoned, and the biggest evidence for what I said is that 1- Robots are programmed to do a certain thing and do nothing else. 2- What would happen if a malfunction occurred in one of the robots or even spread a virus through the devices through which the robots are controlled, what would happen??!

      6. From my my opinion, Introducing AI in the job field can have both positive and negative impacts. Some possible effects would be :

        Increased efficiency and productivity: AI can automate repetitive and mundane tasks, allowing humans to focus on more complex and creative work. This can lead to increased efficiency and productivity in the workplace.

        Job displacement: As AI and automation take over more tasks, some jobs may become obsolete or reduced in demand. This can result in job displacement for workers in certain fields. For example, bank tellers and cashiers may be replaced by self-service kiosks and automated checkout systems.

        New job creation: As AI technology advances, new job opportunities may emerge in fields related to AI development, maintenance, and support. This could potentially lead to the creation of entirely new industries and job markets.

        Changes in job skills and requirements: As AI becomes more prevalent in the workplace, the skills and knowledge required to perform certain jobs may change. Workers may need to learn new skills or be retrained to work with AI systems.

        Ethical and social implications: The introduction of AI in the job field raises ethical and social concerns, such as the impact on worker privacy, autonomy, and job security. It also raises questions about the role of AI in decision-making and the potential for bias and discrimination.

        The increasing capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) systems are likely to impact a wide range of jobs across various industries. some examples of jobs that are at risk of being affected by AI:

        Customer service representatives: Many businesses are using chatbots and virtual assistants to interact with customers instead of human representatives. AI-based systems can handle a high volume of customer queries efficiently and accurately, reducing the need for human representatives. For example, the airline KLM uses a Facebook Messenger chatbot to handle customer queries.

        Data entry and administrative jobs: AI can automate tasks such as data entry, filing, and record-keeping. As a result, jobs that involve routine administrative tasks are at risk of being replaced by AI. For example, UiPath provides software robots that can automate data entry and other repetitive tasks.

        Manufacturing and assembly line jobs: Robots and automated systems are increasingly being used to perform manufacturing and assembly line tasks. These systems can work 24/7, are highly accurate, and can be programmed to perform a wide range of tasks. For example, the car manufacturer Ford uses robots to perform tasks such as welding and painting.

        Drivers and delivery personnel: Self-driving cars and delivery drones are expected to become more common in the near future, which could impact jobs that involve driving and delivery tasks. For example, Amazon is experimenting with using delivery drones to transport packages.

        Financial analysts and traders: AI can be used to analyze vast amounts of financial data and identify patterns that humans may not be able to detect. As a result, jobs that involve financial analysis and trading could be at risk of being replaced by AI. For example, the investment firm BlackRock uses AI-based systems to analyze market data and make investment decisions.

        The impact of AI on the job field will depend on how it is implemented and managed. While it has the potential to bring about many benefits, it is important to consider the potential risks and ensure that workers are protected and supported through any job changes that may occur.

      7. Hi Jen! There are numerous employments that may possibly be influenced by progresses in AI innovation. A few of the employments that are most likely to be taken over by AI incorporate those that include schedule, monotonous errands such as information section, bookkeeping, and gathering line work. AI may influence other employments, such as monetary examination or client benefit, that include a parcel of information investigation or decision-making. But it's critical to note that AI innovation is getting way better rapidly, but it's improbable that it'll totally supplant human specialists before long. Instep, it's more likely that Artificial intelligence is anticipated to be utilized to increase human workforces and improve their effectiveness and viability.

  • That's an interesting question! While AI can be used to create art, I think it's ultimately up to personal interpretation whether or not it can be considered "art".I think that the definition of art is subjective and varies from person to person. Some people might consider AI-generated art to be just as valid as any other form of art, while others might not.Art is often thought of as something that is created by humans, but with the advent of technology, we're starting to see more and more AI-generated art. Some people might argue that this type of art isn't "real" art because it wasn't created by a human, while others might argue that it's just as valid as any other form of art. Ultimately, whether or not AI-generated art is considered "art" is up to personal interpretation.

  • I don't think that AI is an artist because it's just a robot that creates pieces of work that is copying another artist's style as they are being formatted to copy another artist's piece of work . Surely an artist would have their own unique style of work and not just make some art that's not inspired .That is why I don't think that AI is an artist.

    1. In respect to what you said and in addition to it. While AI could represent tangible concepts through illustration. It could not create an artistic work that represents and sparks authentic criticism of the world. AI cannot generate fundamentally new ideas on its own but that it can support humans to do so by catalyzing human creativity. Artists are embracing the power of AI, to revolutionize the way they create. With AI artists can experiment with new techniques, explore unconventional materials, and push the boundaries of what we traditionally consider art to something more exciting and astonishing. Even if artist use AI to create they still have to use their possessed brain which AI do not have to edit and make it look perfection.
      So the perfection of AI art comes from human itself, so we cant really refer to AI as An Artistic but an artistic tool.

  • According to my opinion, AI is not an artist because it couldn't create any art it just work according to the available input data . Its not be wrong that it provide us a lot of fascinating and awe inspiring paintings and art pieces but these paintings are not having such feelings and creativity that artists put in their art . I think art demands a creative thinking and an artist have probably creative mind . AI works according to the commands of an artist .In this way , AI arts actually the hardwork of an artist . AI just work for an artist its not personally an artist.

  • AI is not an artist, but it can be used in art.

    For creating technical drawings, and also in creating music and movies.

    Artificial intelligence can be used to analyze artwork and identify information such as colors, patterns, and themes. It can also be used to create 3D models and simulate motion.

    It also has many advantages such as the ability to create unique and innovative artwork, improve the quality and accuracy of the artwork, and save time and effort in the production process.

    It certainly has its downsides, as with any other technology, there are some downsides. Too much reliance on AI in art can lead to a loss of some creativity and individuality. It could also lead to fewer jobs available to human artists.

    But I don't think its negatives outweigh its positives. Artificial intelligence can be a powerful tool for artists to improve their productions and save time and effort. However, a balance must be maintained between the use of technology and the artist's individual creativity.

    Laws and guidelines for the use of artificial intelligence must be established. These laws must include ethics, liability, transparency, and privacy. These laws must also be flexible and scalable to suit new challenges faced by technology.

    Since we have established laws, penalties must be set that differ according to the specific laws and the crimes committed. Penalties can include monetary fines or more severe legal penalties such as imprisonment. The aim of these sanctions is to motivate institutions and individuals to abide by the laws and contribute to improving the use of technology.

    Other than that, artificial intelligence can certainly be used in fields such as medicine, education, trade, agriculture, and more. However, we must also ensure that we use AI responsibly and ethically and ensure that individuals have the right to privacy and safety.

    AI can also be used to improve user experience and improve efficiency in industrial and financial processes. Interestingly, AI can help find solutions to major global challenges such as climate change, poverty, and chronic diseases.

    I believe that AI can be a positive force in the world, but we must make sure that we use it in a responsible way and ensure that people have the right to privacy and safety.

    You can use AI the right way by ensuring that it is used ethically and responsibly. For example, AI must be designed in a way that respects users' privacy and maintains their safety. AI must also be trained on a variety of data to avoid bias and discrimination.

  • AI art is any form of digital artwork, such as images, text, audio, or video, created with the assistance of artificial intelligence. The reason why Ai is an art is because of its graphics. Also the AI art is called Artbreeder.Artbreeder is One of the most well-known names among AI art generators. The tool enables you to produce different variations of an image through the use of machine learning.

    1. Do you think this technology is threatening for artists?

      1. AI can really be a useful tool for artists and creators, offering new opportunities to experiment with different techniques and styles. Some artists use artificial intelligence algorithms to create new artwork and music. However, it is important to note that AI does not replace human creativity or intuition. It helps generate ideas and inspiration, but ultimately lacks the ability to truly understand and communicate human emotions and experiences. AI can change the way artists work, but it doesn't necessarily threaten the value and importance of human creativity and expression.

      2. Hi, Jen @ Topical Talk

        AI art technology, such as Art breeder, offers new creative possibilities and tools for artists to explore. While some artists may view AI as a threat, it is important to recognize that AI is not a replacement for human creativity and artistic expression. Instead, it can be seen as a tool or medium that artists can incorporate into their artistic process.

        AI-generated art can inspire artists to think differently, experiment with new techniques, and push the boundaries of their own creativity. It can serve as a source of inspiration, sparking new ideas and sparking collaborations between AI and human artists.

        Furthermore, AI art technology can help democratize art creation by providing access to tools and resources that were previously limited to those with specialized skills or resources. It can empower individuals who may not have traditional artistic training to express themselves creatively and contribute to the art world.

        However, it is crucial to consider the ethical and legal implications surrounding AI-generated art, such as issues of copyright, ownership, and attribution. Artists and society as a whole need to navigate these challenges and ensure that proper credit is given to artists, both human and AI, while respecting intellectual property rights.

        Rather than being a threat, AI art technology can be seen as a complementary and transformative force in the art world, offering new avenues for artistic exploration, collaboration, and creative expression.

  • yes it is 😁 😁 😁

  • i do think the ai is the artist because they are the ones making the art and unless they have been told exactly what to paint or make they are the ai

  • i think that ai is good ut following this question. 1. Artificial intelligence generators learn from images without permission from the artists yes i see but this is future we have to think straight and no that ai is here and here to stay that is what i think

  • Although AI can generate art, it still needs a prompt to be able to generate art. Although you can get AI to generate a prompt. You still need to put a prompt into that. But then It can generate art by itself, and the art is still original. So I am mixed feelings about this question.

  • I agree even though Ai doesn't use their own work they use work made by other art. They can use this work to make some different art in that style. There are many other artists who make art in other people's style for fun and that is still considered art.

  • Personally, no. I strongly dislike AI. Its simply a bot stealing artwork. People put time, weeks, months, years even to make this kind of stuff and then there are people clicking a button like it's nothing. Its unfair and yes it smart, fun etc but should not be more recognised and praised than actual pieces of art that have taken time, hard work, perseverance and determination.

  • AI is not worthy to be called an artist. Fine, I agree people who produce art are called artists but AI is not a TRUE ARTIST because real artist's artworks have a way of connecting to it's audience, not to sound rude or disrespectful but AI is not a human and will never be a human no matter how hard you try, so therefore it can not relate to human emotions. Merriam-Webster defines art as “…the conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects”, the key word here is creative imagination and AI lacks it because AI agents are not creating art; rather, they are replicating art.

  • No, I believe that AI is not an artist because unlike human artists the AI does not have it's own original style. The AI copies other artists styles and make arts based on the style. Also the AI can make other artists high class work look like a basic painting. Also AI has some disadvantages on artists for example, it can reduce the natural talents for artists all around the world and it does not have the natural ability to modify paintings like humans.

    1. Hi cherished_melon, what about the argument that learning from other artists' styles is in itself an original style? Do human artists not also take inspiration and learn from pre-existing styles?

  • I completely agree with your statement that artificial intelligence cannot replace the artist. While AI can be trained to replicate certain styles and techniques, it lacks the creativity, emotion, and unique perspective that only a human artist can bring to their work. AI can be a valuable tool for artists to explore new ideas and techniques, but it should not be seen as a replacement for human artistry.

    Furthermore, the ethical concerns surrounding AI-generated art should not be overlooked. The fact that AI generators learn from images without permission from the artists raises questions about copyright infringement and ownership of intellectual property. It is important for users of AI-generated art to acknowledge and give credit to the original artist, and for the art community to have a conversation about how to properly attribute and compensate artists for their work in the age of AI.

    Artificial intelligence can be a powerful tool for artists to enhance their creative process and explore new possibilities, but it is important to use it ethically and in a way that respects the contributions of human artists.

    But Artificial intelligence (AI) has been making strides in various fields, including art. AI-generated art has been gaining popularity due to its unique and distinctive style, and its ability to create images and styles that are impossible for humans to produce. It is a technology that is capable of learning from data and producing unique, original artwork.

    One of the advantages of AI-generated art is that it is accessible to anyone, regardless of their skill level or artistic background. With AI technology, anyone can produce their own distinctive artwork without needing to have years of training in art and design. Additionally, the cost of producing AI-generated art is relatively low, as the technology allows for the creation of artwork without requiring any expensive materials or tools.

    Another benefit of AI-generated art is that it can revive classic artistic styles. With the ability to learn from a vast amount of historical art, AI can create images that simulate the style and characteristics of famous artists from the past. This can provide a new way of experiencing and appreciating classical art and introduce it to new audiences.

    However, there are also some ethical concerns associated with AI-generated art. One of the main criticisms is that AI generators learn from images without permission from the artists. This raises questions around copyright and ownership of artwork created by AI. Additionally, AI-generated art can sometimes lack originality, as it is often created by algorithms that have been learned from existing artwork.

    Another problem with AI-generated art is that it can devalue the work of human artists. While AI-generated art can be a cost-effective alternative to hiring an artist, it can also take away opportunities from human artists and reduce their revenue. Furthermore, artists may not be given credit for their original artwork that has been used to train the AI.

    AI-generated art has both advantages and disadvantages. While it can provide an accessible and cost-effective way of creating art, it also raises ethical concerns around ownership, originality, and fair compensation for artists. Ultimately, AI-generated art should be viewed as a tool to complement human creativity, rather than a replacement for it.

  • I believe AI's could be considered artists.
    The definition of what an "artist" is varies, just like what "art" is. But most definitions rely on a "someone" that creates the art, which is where some others could disagree with me, as AI's aren't alive or considered a person.
    But AI's create art by using the work of other (human) artists and creating something new. Some of the art AI has created is very unique - you can search this up if you want proof - despite this. You could argue that AI’s are just copying “real artwork “ and are plagiarising human artists' works, but even human artists take inspiration from other artists and still create something of their own.
    In my opinion AI art is very interesting and emotion provoking - which is what modern artists try to do ( e.g Mark Rothko ). Alternatively, AI artwork could be considered useless as AI’s can’t create artwork with intentions and also can be mass produced with the click of a button. However I think they are not, as just the fact that AI can create “art” is interesting.
    But what about the role of humans? They created the Ai in the first place, so should they also be considered artists? They would be called programmers or another similar title.
    But what about the people that generate the AI art- for anyone can tell an AI to create an artwork? They could be considered the artist’s, using AI as their medium. Or they could also be considered as helpers, giving prompts to the AI artists.
    AI is definitely the future of art, but do you think they will ever be able to replace human artists?

  • In my opinion, Artificial intelligence (AI) is a broad field that encompasses the development of intelligent machines, aiming to replicate human-like logical thinking abilities. In the context of art, AI can generate artwork through self-generating algorithms and machine learning. However, the level of autonomy and the outcome of AI-generated art depends greatly on the quality of the data it learns from.

    The advantages of AI in art include the ability for anyone to create distinctive artwork without much time and effort, as well as the cost-effectiveness of producing art. AI technology can also revive and simulate ancient artistic styles, producing impressive images.

    On the other hand, there are downsides to AI-generated art. AI generators often learn from images without permission from the original artists, which raises ethical concerns. Additionally, the original artists are rarely given credit, blurring their talent and contribution. Moreover, artists may lose revenue as people turn to AI generators instead, creating competition for their work.

    It should be noted that AI cannot fully replace artists, as it can only imitate certain styles and colors based on the provided information. The sense of hand drawing and the artist's emotions cannot be replicated by AI. While AI can serve art in various ways, it should be used in a manner that respects the original artists and acknowledges their creative contributions . As we explore the intersection of art and artificial intelligence, we are confronted with a thought-provoking question: Can we truly appreciate art created by machines without diminishing the role of human artists? In an era where AI-generated artwork captivates our senses, challenges our perceptions, and sparks contemplation, we must pause to reflect on the essence of creativity and the irreplaceable connection between the artist's hand, heart, and soul. Can a machine ever replicate the raw vulnerability, the nuanced strokes, and the profound emotions that flow from the depths of human expression? Perhaps, the real art lies not only in the final piece itself but in the untouchable essence of the artist's spirit, forever entwined with their creation.

    1. Of course you are correct
      Do you think that the painter gets tired and deserves the word art more than the learners of artificial intelligence?

    2. Artificial intelligence lacks the emotions that fuel art. After all, art is classified as a product of imagination, skill, experience, and passion, and is usually intended to represent something and to be enjoyed by an audience.
      But there are human creations that do not meet any of these classifications, and yet they are considered art because they belong to what created them. He spent time and effort putting his inner worlds on that canvas, sculpture, or composition.
      AI also does a lot of work sorting through tons of data and tying a person's claim to a data set, trying to represent it as best as possible, but the difference is that AI is command driven and not an emotional need to express itself.

      AI art is not original, and then there is the issue of originality. AI generators use pre-existing images and data and often combine them to illustrate a theme, concept, desired art form, etc. Even among human-made artworks, some experts consider real art. Unique and emotional in a way never seen before. Unfortunately, although complete originality occurs in human art, much of it is the replication of existing patterns, not so different from what AI does, so originality is as subjective as real art.

  • Yes AI is an artist

  • Artificial intelligence is not an artist at all. It only creates artistic drawings, films, or even music. It can be used in art.... But let us go back a little to the past. Who invented artificial intelligence?... Of course, yes, man is the artist, not artificial intelligence, and also who Works at artificial intelligence? Yes, the human being, so let us say that the human being is the artist and not the artificial intelligence, so I think that it is used in art, but it is not an artist.... This is my point of view...

    1. Artworks generated by artificial intelligence are an evolution of art and society. Digital art is a modern medium and form of expression as well as a reflection of contemporary society. It is relevant and influential, whether it is made by a person or a machine.
      In addition, the artworks produced by the AI-powered tools come from millions of sources, old and new, even if your results only collect some pre-existing styles and genres, it is a mixture of art history.
      At the same time it acts as a mirror to society considering all the data that AI learns to create images, text and other materials, and comes from what people say, do and post online, it's just one of the many AI risks to keep in mind.

  • I don't really think AI is an artist because they copy other artist without their permission which isn't fair and also some people cheat in art contests by using AI and actually win. Some artist aren't actually given the credit when AI copies their work.

    1. Devices and artificial intelligence develop artistic skills for humans. An algorithm cannot instantly create precisely directed art, but it needs to collect data, learn from it, and improve its understanding like a human.
      Users' approval and rejection of the generated images also affect some models, so they improve their skills further through trial and error, and the more they are used, the more they are able to meet the demands.
      In other words, AI artwork can be seen as a craftsmanship and an artistic achievement, which is something these applications and their developers should be very proud of.

      Also, art can move and inspire. It may take a few tries to get the art you imagined, but use one of the best AI text-to-image creation tools like Night Cafe, and you'll often end up with great results.
      Whether it's exactly what you want or not, AI tools can create paintings and surprise you with images that are beautiful, chilling, or ultra-realistic. In a way, a machine uses its imagination and can often exceed your expectations.
      So even though emotions do not motivate software and its arts, these creations can draw emotions out of you and even give you ideas for further expression. Isn't this an essential function of true art?

    2. I agree because... Yes, I agree with you, and a painting of artificial intelligence achieved a landslide victory in a global competition organized by the American Colorado Museum, as it topped the lists of artists to win a prize of $ 3,000, and it is noteworthy that the judges turned a blind eye to the use of the program and the absence of artistic touches with feather strokes The real artist, but they only shed light on the beauty and magnificence of the painting.
      But on the other hand, I think that one of the drawbacks of artificial intelligence is that it does not give credit to the painter of the painting and the owner of the idea that he designed, but it is attributed to artificial intelligence

  • I want to talk about merging artificial intelligence and metaverse.
    The integration of artificial intelligence into the metaverse to achieve a smarter level of business practice is inevitable as it will develop and change the way different sectors and companies work. It is important to understand how to transfer companies from the real world to the virtual world.

    In grocery shopping: using virtual reality glasses, you can go to your favorite grocery store in Metaverse, and when you enter the place, you will see that the products on the outskirts have been selected personally suitable for you, using artificial intelligence, the foods and flavors you prefer, and clothes displayed from The brands you love and which have been chosen for you.
    And when you finish shopping and while paying the shopping cart account, orders will be collected in the real world from several grocery stores to get the various items that you requested and then deliver them to your door.

    Healthcare (Surgery): You are a doctor who is about to operate on your patient, so you put on your virtual world glasses and start operating on the patient in the metaverse, while the patient is physically in another city, and while you move your hands in the metaverse, he The robot in the hospital mimics your movements to perform surgery on the patient, and every time you perform a certain procedure, graphs and charts appear to show what the patient's vital data and general health will look like, using artificial intelligence.

    And although the technologies that enable us to build such AI applications in Metaverse already exist, they are still full of challenges, and need to be developed in many areas of artificial intelligence such as natural language processing, computer vision, machine learning, and logical thinking. For example, we need to teach artificial intelligence how to see and perceive the world with our eyes and how to understand and speak the many languages ​​that are spoken all over the world. Another challenge ahead of us is finding a way to seamlessly integrate technologies into our lives.

  • For me , AI is not an artist as they do copy for other artist who worked their whole life to create a master piece , for example , Vincent Van Gogh . Some artist worked for a few years or month on a painting while AI just overtake their places and create a master piece in a few seconds . If I was an artist , I would not like it if someone who don't even live overtakes my place while I worked my butt off just to create a beautiful masterpiece and them painting in a few seconds .

  • I think that artificial art lacks its own intrinsic psychic meaning to the agent. AI agents are not creating art; rather, they are replicating art. For example, the CAN agents were trained on tens of thousands of original artworks created by humans.

  • AI is rubbish because you're not actually doing the work - you're making the AI do it for you. it's lacking in brain functionality skills.

    1. Do you think AI can be useful?

      1. I agree because... ai technology can e sold to get money hence leading to money production.

  • I really love the way you have expressed your points.
    In my own opinion, Although AI has received praise for being lovely and evocative, some have called it "trash" since they claim it doesn't sound like music. Is AI art, then? It's difficult to say for sure, but if it is, it might just be a brand-new kind of creation. It is more difficult to say whether or not someone who codes an AI can be regarded as an artist; in some situations, it may be appropriate, but in others, it may not.

    What would the creation of art by an AI signify for the future of art?

    AI can create creative pieces of art that can be both stunningly beautiful and frightening. Some people think that artwork created by artificial intelligence (AI) might be legitimate, while others feel that the AI's programmer would be the artist. Determining what qualifies as art will probably be left up to individual courts or regulatory bodies because there is no clear-cut answer to these problems.

    The thought of an AI producing anything that can be deemed art has numerous philosophical and ethical ramifications. It might be considered an artificial creation that isn't living on the one hand. On the other hand, others would counter that since AI was developed by people, it ought to enjoy the same benefits and rights as any other type of artist. The only way to truly know for sure how something like this would be considered legal is for a court or other regulatory body to provide an answer to this question.
    I will really love to hear your opinion about this words which i have stated.

  • Yes AI is an artist because it has solved the problems of different people in ways that the aged are living a comfortable life in a way that they can command an ai machine to do a certain work .
    So to the case of artists ai has made a greet job it has provided enough editing equipment to improve on the effectivity and productivity .
    Ai has gone far in a way their are websites which can turn texts into songs hence making the job to artist easy .

  • I do not believe that AI can be classed as an artist. I think this because AI cannot make mistakes unless processed to, and in the words of Einstein: "Anyone who has never made a mistake had never tried anything new". This is very important to my opinion on this question because every piece of art is new and a new experience. Therefore I do not think that AI should be classed as artists.

  • Hey trustworthy_currency,
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is a broad field that aims to create intelligent machines capable of simulating human-like logical thinking. In the context of art, AI can generate artwork through machine learning algorithms and self-generating processes.

    I agree that there are both positives and negatives associated with AI in art. On the positive side, AI allows anyone to create unique artwork without extensive time and effort. It provides accessibility to art creation and reduces the financial burden for individuals who may not have the resources to pay for traditional art creation.

    Additionally, AI technology can revive classic artistic styles, producing impressive images that simulate ancient art forms. This opens up new possibilities for exploring different artistic aesthetics and styles.

    However, there are concerns and downsides to consider as well. One issue is that AI generators often learn from images without obtaining permission from the original artists. This raises ethical questions about the ownership and use of artistic content.

    Another downside is the lack of proper credit given to artists. When AI-generated art is widely shared, the original artist may not receive recognition for their work. This blurs the lines of talent and undermines the value of human creativity.

    Furthermore, artists may face financial challenges as people turn to AI generators instead of supporting individual artists. This competition with AI can impact an artist's ability to earn a living from their creations.

    It's important to note that while AI can be a useful tool in art creation, it cannot replace the artist. AI may be able to mimic certain artistic styles and colors based on input data, but it lacks the human touch, the nuances of hand-drawn art, and the emotional depth that an artist brings to their work.

    In summary, AI in art has its benefits and drawbacks. While it provides accessibility and new possibilities, it also raises ethical concerns, reduces artist recognition, and creates financial challenges. Finding a balance between AI assistance and preserving the unique contributions of human artists is key to harnessing the potential of AI in the art world.