strike concept .
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Our topic for today is about the strikes (what it is, what it is from, how it happens, etc.) first, I introduce you to the strike. It is the cessation of work for a number of reasons. The workers got tired of it and found that the strike is the only way to get rid of problems.
Here are some causes of the strike
1-Low salary, most workers in the world receive small salaries that are not enough for themselves or their families, and on top of that they pay taxes to the government, this is a very bad thing this is one of the most important reasons for thinking about striking
2-Long, continuous working hours Some workers in the world work more than 10 hours a day, and others receive a small salary, but this is very unfair. They work very hard to make a living for their children and families, and you, in the end, tire them out with hard work and give them a small salary and make them pay taxes.
3-Bad treatment is one of the most important factors that lead to a strike. The official is impolite, does not respect the workers, does not care for them at all, and steals from the salary.
But how can we solve these problems? Without the strike intervention? I have a solution that can help you. You can talk to the official with kindness and respect. He works to increase the salary, because it is no longer enough for them, and to reduce the long and continuous working hours because they are tired a lot. If the president agrees, that's fine. Very, but if he does not agree, you can go to the government to complain about the president But if the government refuses, here you have the right to choose either to complete tiring and hard work with a low salary, or to strike for the sake of your dignity and to look for another job that will benefit you more.
Thank you
But do you think that workers always have the right to request a strike and strike from their work?? Why? And why not?
Comments (22)
No I don't think that workers should always requests for strikes because if there are granted permission to always request for strikes the value or impact that strikes have on various parties in the society will eventually reduce and now workers will just choose to strike not because it is unbearable but just because they feel like it not that it is necessary or the current situation or condition calls for it. Strikes are meant to be a last resort or bargaining tool when dialogue and reasoning does not work and if now workers are now given full permission to strike anytime they want, they affect everyone and they will make the economy or normal running of daily activities will be affected and changed negatively thus will make everyone uncomfortable and will lead to as state of chaos and disorder. I now we want workers to air their comments and be heard but the should be a limit to the rate at which a particular group of workers work because if they all choose to strikes for example doctors who will now treat and care for patients? should w now rely on mechanics to treat us so, the thing is that workers should bear it because we the public have realized and know how vital and important they are to us.
Interesting thought, what needs to be in place for this to happen?
Strike action is one of the fundamental means available to workers and their organizations to promote their economic and social interests. It is the most visible and controversial form of collective action in the event of a labour dispute. But strikes should not be seen in isolation from industrial relations as a whole. They are expensive and disruptive for workers, employers and society alike, and when they occur they are due to a failure in the process of fixing working conditions through collective bargaining. Indeed, more than any other aspect of industrial relations, they are often a symptom of broader and more diffuse issues, with the result that even if a strike is prohibited by national legislation or a judicial order, this will not prevent it from occurring if the economic and social pressures are sufficiently strong.
National legislation frequently lays down a number of conditions that must be met by workers and their organizations before they can exercise the right to strike. However, in view of the danger that such conditions may limit the freedom of workers and their organizations to organize their activities and formulate their programmes, a they should not unduly prevent recourse to strikes in defence of the interests of workers. In this respect, the following conditions are often found in legislation:
1.The exhaustion of conciliation or mediation procedures prior to calling a strike; 2.The requirement to hold a strike ballot, and for a majority of the workers concerned to vote in favour of a strike, before it can be called; and
3.The obligation to give a period of notice prior to calling a strike
I agree because strike is actually one of the most effective way workers can get what they want. Strike expensive and disruptive for workers just like you have said.
I like your point you have made me to think about strike from a different perspective and I have learnt something new from what you have written.
I think it is possible to talk to the work official about the thing that bothers them at work, for example, the decrease in the salary. They can talk to the boss with kindness and respect to increase the salary in order to suffice them or reduce the hours they work because they are tired a lot. But the problem is if the president rejects these demands, the workers can go and complain about him to the government. In order for them to take their rights, the government issues a decision to meet all the requirements of the workers so that they do not strike at work, but if the government refuses, then the workers have the right to strike and that they do not care about people or that they influence us. They have no right to care about us because no one meets their requirements, so they have the right to strike Do you agree with me?..
I understand your concerns about the potential negative consequences of allowing workers to request strikes without limitations. While it is important to recognize the significance of workers' rights to express their concerns and demand fair treatment, it is equally crucial to have reasonable limitations on the frequency and conditions under which strikes can be requested. Granting workers unrestricted permission to strike could diminish the impact and value of this powerful tool for change, leading to situations where strikes are used as a means of convenience rather than as a last resort. Strikes are intended to be a measure of last resort, employed when all other avenues of dialogue and negotiation have been exhausted. Allowing workers to strike indiscriminately and without just cause could disrupt the economy, affect the smooth functioning of daily activities, and create an atmosphere of chaos and disorder that would ultimately harm both workers and the public.
By imposing reasonable limitations on strikes, such as requiring evidence of legitimate grievances and promoting meaningful dialogue, we can strike a balance between workers' rights and the well-being of society as a whole. Limitations would help ensure that strikes are reserved for situations where they are truly necessary and have the potential to effect positive change, safeguarding the significance and impact of this collective bargaining tool. Additionally, it is essential to consider the vital roles that certain professionals play in society. Allowing unrestricted strikes by essential service providers, such as doctors, could have severe consequences for public health and safety. In such cases, alternative mechanisms for resolving disputes should be encouraged, including mediation, arbitration, or legal recourse.
While workers' voices should be heard and their concerns addressed, it is essential to strike a balance that upholds the overall well-being of society. By maintaining reasonable limitations on strikes, we can encourage open dialogue, cooperation, and compromise, fostering a harmonious and productive environment where the interests of workers and the public are carefully balanced."
It is important to note that labor laws and regulations may vary by country, and the specific context should be taken into account when determining the appropriate balance between workers' rights and societal considerations.
You make some valid points about the potential negative effects of workers always having the option to request strikes. It is true that strikes can have a significant impact on various parties in society, and if they are overused or used without proper consideration, they could lose their value as a last resort bargaining tool. It is important for workers to consider the potential consequences of a strike, not just for themselves but also for others who may be affected.
However, it is also important to recognize that workers have the right to strike as a means of collective bargaining and as a way to voice their concerns and demands. It is not always easy for workers to negotiate with employers or government officials, especially if they are facing unfair or unsafe working conditions, low wages, or inadequate benefits. In some cases, a strike may be the only effective way for workers to make their voices heard and demand change.
It is crucial for workers and employers to maintain open lines of communication and to engage in productive dialogue to avoid the need for strikes whenever possible. However, if negotiations fail and workers feel that they have no other option, they should be able to exercise their right to strike without fear of reprisals or negative consequences. In such cases, it is important for society as a whole to recognize the value and importance of workers and to support them as they fight for their rights and fair treatment.
in my opinion, workers sometimes have the right to go on strike to demand their legitimate rights, which their boss can prevent them from, such as stopping or reducing salaries under the pretext of financial crises, or unjustly dismissing some workers from their workplaces. , or exploiting workers in any way, as it happens to our government employees in the Gaza Strip but they are not entitled to strike at other times, for example, in violation of employers' administrative decisions that do not affect their legitimate rightsI
I think the workers ca set up a council that will go and tell the masses to protest for them instead of going for strike. I think this method can be applicable t emergency workers such as doctors.
I agree because emergency workers who go on strike have caused a lot death that could have been prevented if government would pay their salaries on time. I also agree that a council can be set up but this is not the only thing that needs to be done the government on their own part should make serious effort to pay workers salaries on time because if the government don't pay the workers salary on time after the council has been set up workers might look for another means for making the government pay their salary on time
it's important to note that emergency workers such as doctors and nurses are essential to the functioning of society, particularly in times of crisis or emergency. Going on strike is one way for them to make their voices heard and demand fair treatment, better working conditions, and adequate resources to do their jobs effectively.
Encouraging the masses to protest on their behalf might seem like a viable alternative to going on strike, but it may not be practical or effective in reality. For one, protests can be disruptive and sometimes even dangerous, particularly when they involve large crowds. This could potentially put the public at risk, especially if the emergency workers themselves are not present to manage any emergencies that may arise during the protests.
Organizing and mobilizing the masses to protest requires time and resources, which emergency workers may not have, given the demands of their professions. Also in some cases the public may not fully understand the issues at hand or the complexities of the healthcare system, making it difficult to rally support for the cause.
The idea of a council of emergency workers encouraging the masses to protest on their behalf may seem like a viable alternative to striking,but it may not be practical or effective in reality. Going on strike remains a legitimate and necessary means for emergency workers to advocate for their rights and demand fair treatment.
i think workers should be able to strike so they can get more money because if they don't get payed enough they will be poor and wont be able to get much money food or drink and will have a small house but if they do strike they can keep a large or medium sized house and have enough food and drink to last them long enough to have a happy life so i think they should strike.
Although changing the size of your house isn't probably a common outcome of strike, your point about getting paid more is often the reasons for strikes.
You are correct, changes in the size of a house are not typically a direct outcome of a strike. As you mentioned, one common reason for strikes is related to pay and benefits. Workers may go on strike if they feel they are not being paid fairly for their work, or if they believe they are not receiving adequate benefits or working conditions. In some cases, the strike may result in an agreement between the workers and management to increase pay or improve working conditions. Strikes can also be a result of disagreements over other issues, such as job security, workplace safety, or the right to unionize. In any case, strikes can have a significant impact on workers, employers, and the broader community, and it is important to address labor issues and disputes in a fair and constructive manner.
But he means to change his house with the growth of the family members, so it is not obligatory for all of us to live in one house, as today’s parents produce many children. He works in another profession in order to provide the needs of the house, but I think that if the official or the government does not agree, they can go on strike and resort to another job that includes a better and kind boss who meets the needs of the workers. This is my point of view
Yes I totally agree with you, the reason why most people strike today is ranging from different problems and issues that is more important than keeping a large or medium house, having enough food and drink to last them. Workers may go on strike because of Lack of Job Security. Workers may go on strike if they feel their job security is at risk due to company layoffs, restructuring, or other changes. Also overwork may cause Workers to go on strike if they feel that they are being overworked and not receiving sufficient compensation for their efforts.
Secondly, I think all workers should not be allowed to go on strike. There are some very important and vital services rendered to us by some workers and we can't just allow them to go on strike because it would be to our detriment such as the police, jail officers, environmental cleaners and emergency services. This workers job may cause the entire society problems and this is why I would encourage for the government to make sure the wages of important workers in the country are paid in due time and properly.
I duly respect your comment, but have you considered the side effects strike will have to various parties in the society. If public service professions should go on strike it will lead to the loss of lives and decrease in the countries economy. I feel you think the way you do because you think strikes are only caused when employees are underpaid. But they can also go strike because of poor working conditions, unavailability of functional facilties and so on. They may even go on negative strikes. And by the way, negative strikes are when you go on strike because of unresonable reasons. So workers should consider other methods of approach instead of going on strike.
The question was should workers be allowed to go on strike anytime they like? There should be guidelines that protect the citizens and even the government at large from unnecessary strikes. I mean if workers were allowed to go on strikes anytime they want, there would be a great fall in the economy considering the fact that workers can demand for an increase in salary while the jobs performed by the workers do not deserve the kind of pay requested for. Also if strikes and rallies become something of frequent occurrence, the government might result in violent methods to keep the people in check. Furthermore, strikes should be the last method of workers to get to the government. If strikes are allowed without conditions to make sure strikes are only done when important. Offenders of this rule should be severely punished for trying to cause national turmoil.
You have a very splendid standpoint, it really caught my attention and one of the most interesting thing is the idea of living a question at the end of your standpoint thereby also creating room for a conversation to take place, I am really impressed, kudos to you. Secondly to answer your question, the thing is that each and every individual have the right to strike if they have being given it. The thing is there are some agencies that the government know the people need and cannot cope without and so to avoid jeopardy of life, the government erect laws to ban such agencies from striking. Countries like France, Belgium and Germany have ban some of those agencies from striking thereby giving the rest of the agencies the right to strike. Also, note that the ban or restriction of those agencies from striking is not to intentionally strip them of their right, the thing is, yes, they are allowed to strike but it does not mean that they will place lives in jeopardy just to do that. One of the primary aims of the government of a country is to ensure the well being of it's citizens and to ensure that, some workers have to sacrifice their rights. So, yes all workers have the right to strike only if the government confirms of it.
Sometimes, strikes just seem to be the best option. Some employers are actually not completely honest when they are explaining working conditions to people who come to look for jobs. Some of them promise enticing salaries, comfortable working conditions and safe working environment. But it all the opposite. Sometimes the workers actually try to negotiate with their employers, but the employers could be selfish and not willing to listen to them, even though he promised them much better working conditions. But in my opinion, workers should not be allowed to go on strike for every little thing. They should at least attempt to negotiate with their employers instead of immediately taking it to the next level.
Both yes and no. Yes workers should be allowed to strike if they feel that they are treated unfairly and if the work enviroment is not suitable and no workers shouldn't be allowed to go on strike because the jobs they do is too important to the society.For example in my country the people incharge of the electricity (NEPA)went on strike for a day and there was a blackout for one day. Meaning people had to use generators as a substitute for electri city which is not good for the enviroment because the genrators cause smoke that harms the enviroment.
I came up with a very good example. I think the workers are right when they strike from their work. There are very bad foremen, so I think they are right. But don't you think if the police went on strike for only one day, what would the society be like? Crimes and theft will spread, and corruption will spread in society. Therefore, I think that the government should meet their requests in various ways, because it is not fair. If the doctors strike, you can see the number of innocent people who die because they went to the hospital and did not find anyone to treat them. Therefore, I think that the salary should be increased because it affects our lives a lot.
Yes I think that workers have a right to strike because. ...
Without the right to strike, workers have no effective recourse against unhealthy conditions, inadequate wages, or employer tyranny. Before the American labor movement began its long decline, unions made the right to strike a litmus test for supporting candidates.
One of their objectives is to change the balance of power between workers and employer. Most strikes are about pay and better working conditions. Without the threat of strike action, corporations will be able to make bigger profits, while working conditions will get worse. Strike is part of their bargaining tool.
Reasons for Union Strikes
Some of these are as follows: Uncompetitive wages. Toxic management or leadership. Unreasonable overtimes.
Strikes are a vital part of the expression of collective power in the workplace. A strike is a temporary stoppage of work to enforce a demand or protect a right. Strikes are usually portrayed by those involved and outside commenters as part of a range of actions under the umbrella of industrial conflict.
A strike is legal if it does not violate any provision of the statute. It cannot be said to be unjustified unless the reasons for it are entirely perverse or unreasonable. Whether particular strike is justified or not is a question of fact, which has to be judged in the light of the fact and circumstances of each case.
Most strikes are about pay and better working conditions. Workers have the right to strike if the employer refuses to listen to them. Without the threat of strikes, employers will be make bigger profits, while working conditions will get worse. Strike is part of a worker's bargaining tool. Striking is sometimes their last legal option. Employees shall have the right to strike. One of the objectives of striking workers is to change the balance of power between workers and employer.
The right to strike is a fundamental right recognized by a large majority of countries around the world. It is legal for workers to strike. Striking will Increase wages for all including full retroactive pay, provides health and safety improvements, allows workers to take a sick leave. All these things can be gained through striking.
If workers do not strike they will be at the mercy of employers and will work in uncomfortable conditions.
Strikes can occur because of the following reasons:
Dissatisfaction with company policy
Salary and incentive problems
Increment not up to the mark
Wrongful discharge or dismissal of workmen
Withdrawal of any concession or privilege
Hours of work and rest intervals
Leaves with wages and holidays
Bonus, profit sharing, Provident fund and gratuity
Retrenchment of workmen and closure of establishment
Dispute connected with minimum wages
This is a clear indication that strikes are more likely to reduce the production of an organization, as well as result in a firm losing customers.
Going on strike is not a good idea for every workers no matter the type of work they engage themselves into .
It's a clear indication that Strike are more likely to reduce the production of an organization,as well as a result in a firm losing customers .
During a strike , workers don't work for the organization or company that is employ them .
The major cause of Strike is
Inadequacy of agreement i.e a situation whereby an agreement has been made between the employee and employer whi
Continuation to the post:
Causes of strikes are as follows:
Inadequacy of argument, that s a situation whereby an agreement has been between the employer and employee which gives different interpretations, reduction of salary or unpaid salaries.
Consequences of strikes: sacking of the workers, closing down of the organisation.
The problem of persistent strike actions in an organisation apart from causing organisational ineffectiveness resulting to the loss of recognition (goodwill), it reduces productivity and high labour.
Strikes in any organisation will either disrupt or reduce the productivity of an organisation which will eventually affect the overall performance of the organisation.
My opinion about this is yes workers have the right:
Workers generally have the legal right to go on strike, but whether or not they should exercise that right depends on the specific circumstances of the situation.
To begin with, strikes can be an effective means for workers to assert their rights and improve their working conditions. When workers feel that their needs and concerns are not being addressed through negotiation or other forms of advocacy, a strike may be necessary to draw attention to their issues and force the employer to take action.
Strikes can have negative consequences for the workers themselves, as well as for the organization they work for and the wider community. Strikes can result in lost wages, reduced productivity, and damage to the organization's reputation and profitability. In some cases, strikes can also lead to conflicts and violence between the workers and management or between the workers and non-striking employees.
So basically in conclusion, while workers have the right to strike, it is important for them to carefully consider the potential consequences of such action and weigh them against the benefits. It is also important for employers to work with their employees to create a positive work environment where the needs and concerns of workers are addressed through dialogue and negotiation, rather than resorting to a strike.
Strikes can have a negative impact on other individuals around us if,for example, the emergency services do not arrive to aid one in need. So, in order to maybe avoid people going on strike, the boss should have discussions with their employees on a weekly basis to see if they are satisfied with the conditions they need to work in and if they have any problems within the working field. By doing so,the boss can take on a more subtle approach and people need to think before they speak because that can affect whether they get paid a higher wage or not. I have a poem:
True. Are the things you state or the promises you make reliable and true?
Helpful. Are the things you state or the promises you make helpful to another person?
Inspiring. What you say can motivate other people to act in a different way!
Necessary. Are the things you state or the promises you make relevant to another person?
Kind. The most important of all is how you speak to another person. Are the things you speak to one another with kindness and respect?
Everyone should remember THINK ( TRUE< HELPFUL<INSPIRING<NECESSARY<KIND) not just for things you want to get, but just as a simple act of respect to another person. With this, people will generate positive energy and a light-hearted atmosphere.
I believe that they should not take a strike as their first step, and that they should resort to other methods before they take up the idea of striking. Other methods are to meet, for example, with the employer and tell him about their problems, whether they are in working hours or in salary, and take steps to solve these problems. And to give the employer an opportunity or two to solve the problems, and if he does not respond, then we resort to a strike, and at that time this is their right. Why do I not like the strike because it will affect our lives, for example, the workers will affect work and production, the teacher will affect the students and scientific life, the doctor will affect the patients and the cleaners will affect the environment ..
I believe that the strike can have many negative effects on us as human beings. If the firefighters strike for a short period of time, and if a fire occurs somewhere, there is no one to save them from the fire, they will all burn to death. Likewise, if the police strike for a short period, the killers will spread more and spread to crimes, theft, and the death of many people, in this way, we will be the losers, as well as the doctors. If they strike, the patients who went for treatment will die. Therefore, I think that not allowing the workers to strike and meet all their needs is a good solution so that it does not affect our daily lives and we do not lose huge losses to people. Also, I do not think that one of the reasons that work to advance their interests is strike only spreading poverty. I believe that they have the right to strike in order to express their feelings after talking with the official and the government without benefit. If you do not agree with them who have the right to strike, then I hope from my heart that these governments agree with the workers because their absence from work affects us a lot. This is my point of view, thank you.
The existence of a stand-alone law regulating the exercise of the right to strike is in itself a guarantee to create a balance between the exercise of this right and maintain the principle of the regular and steady functioning of the public facility. The control of the administrative judge and his role establishing legal rules in the event of a lack of legislation is enough to achieve this balance between the principle and the One of the negative demonstrations and strikes is to strike at daily working hours and not on public holidays and not going to work, which causes this to take legal measures by deducting from their vacations or deducting from their salaries without permission from the head of their work center.When it comes to rights and duties, the theory of relativity looms. What the worker considers a right that the employer sees as a request that may be accepted and may be rejected. And if he accepts, he is a right and a favor from him. What the employer considers his right in terms of increasing working hours or responsibilities or overlooking stressful working conditions is injustice, aggression and oppression from the worker's point of view.
I'm not sure about that however. The workers cannot always be right, because it is possible for a person to make a mistake, and if he is not right, then there is an argument that he is (sick - the students do not wait until they study - he does not have his right).
A strike is an intentional and collective cessation of work, and its aim is to put pressure on the employer by the wage-earners. They are also called accident strikes that constitute a non-action stoppage, such as the strike of merchants, the strike of members of the liberal professions, the strike of students, and the strike of citizens for the payment of taxes.
I believe that not everyone has the right to strike. Some workers have a very great importance in our daily lives, and their absence from us affects us a lot. If some workers strike, we will be in complete turmoil, but I hope that all governments and agencies that grant work to workers will be a fair ruler who loves everyone and everyone loves her. Be soft. You can talk to her if there is something wrong with the work, for example, if the workers want an increase in the salary because it is not enough for their families and the needs of the house, or reduce the working hours because they get tired a lot and do not find rest. Some workers are afraid to go to the president, the government, or the agency and refuse their requirements because they are fools. And they only love themselves, so the governments, agencies and presidents who work to develop the work must be kind so that it is easy to talk to them and not think about the strike so that we do not lose heavy losses if it is from crimes. Some professions are very important in our lives and should not be struck because we will be losers I hope you like my point of view, thank you
From my point of view, I believe that they should not strike because this strike will greatly affect individuals and societies. For example, when a teacher goes on strike, it will affect the students by lowering their academic achievement, and they will not have much important scientific and cultural information. When he reaches the secondary level, he will have a storehouse of little information, and thus society will back away from a scientific point of view. Also, when the doctor strikes, it will greatly affect the patients, because there are patients who need to see doctors daily, and if they do not see them, the patient’s health condition deteriorates, and this may lead day after day to his death. On the other hand, I think they should strike because this is their right because of their long working hours and low wages and they think the solution to this problem is strike so they must strike to solve these problems.
I think that yes, workers have the right to strike always, although it affects us as human beings a lot, and we may lose economic or human losses, but this is not the fault of the workers or their fault. I think they are right when they strike for days. Why? In order to make the government and the presidents regret that they did not meet their demands, therefore I believe that they have the right to strike, and I believe that the strike is a bargaining tool when dialogue and reasoning do not work, and it will lead to a state of chaos and turmoil....
Also, the government and the agency must meet the needs that the workers need in order to reduce strikes, even though strikes are not allowed in some countries. The president may be fair, so strikes are not allowed.....
Workers have the right to strike because it is a means for them to express themselves. without the right to strike, workers have no effective recourse against unhealthy conditions, inadequate wage e.t.c. Workers have right to strike depending on the reason for the strike,strike may depend on the object, or purpose, of the strike, on its timing, or on the conduct of the strikers. The object, or objects, of a strike and whether the objects are lawful are matters that are not always easy to determine.
First...... hello👋
◼I agree with you on every word you said....but I was told that the workers should talk to the manager to increase their salary...
But the one who gives the salary is not the boss but the department responsible for the entire work......
◼ It is possible for the president to speak with the highest rank of him until he reaches those who increase and decrease salaries...
◼ And as I think here in Palestine we have the Ministry of Finance that is responsible for salaries..
And if the responsible authority rejects the workers’ demands, they have the right to go on strikes🗣.....
🔚 End... Thank you for your opinion....
I am not in favor of a strike and totally reject it. The workers may overreact in the strike. I do not oppose the worker. He likes to take his full right, and the employer must give every worker his right and the wage he deserves. I am disturbed by the issue of the strike that the workers are setting up because the strike is a reason for the spread of corruption in society. Rather, it is a tool that destroys society and destroys it completely. If it is practiced by all workers who want demands from their employers, but it has many negative effects on the individual, even though he achieves these demands, but what do we do!! If the teachers strike, the students' achievement level will deteriorate and ignorance will spread in this society if the strike is prolonged. And emergency workers will also increase deaths due to the lack of first aid. It is likely that doctors will strike from their work, as the virus will spread and it will be difficult to eradicate it, and disease cases will rise. Even the cleaners are striking, and if they strike, the garbage will increase in the streets, and the environment will become polluted with the waste that fills the streetsFor this reason, I hate strikes, as I said, dear expert. We must find another solution, and the solutions I proposed are the best and most appropriate for those workers who are on strike.