consistent_skill has not published standpoints yet. Comments by consistent_skill Comment Post Date Comment: Hello, I’m here to inform you that the art museum is going to reopen on Saturday 20th June at... Post: #40 - An Advert for Art Date: 19/6/20 Comment: My title is: Never the same I've chosen this title because as we can all tell that this world... Post: #32 - Give it a title! Date: 23/4/20 Comment: My seven words are: Help, NHS, Coronavirus, Care, Understanding, Independent and illness. I... Post: #31 - Say it in Seven! Date: 16/4/20 Comment: My pick is ''NHS battle plan to save millions of lives'' This is making us think that the NHS... Post: #25 - Behind the Headlines - Winners Announced! Date: 05/3/20 Comment: I used to think that all Politicians were very mature and responsible, However, now I think... Post: #22 - I used to think... Now I think... Date: 13/2/20 Comment: I'm in the middle because many politicians in Britain have acted very silly in the past but then... Post: #21 - Poll - Do politicians deserve more respect? Date: 07/2/20 Comment: My suggestion is: I think that all politicians have to listen to the public more often because... Post: #20 - What One Change....? Date: 31/1/20 Comment: What responsibility means to me- Now I am older I have more responsibility, such as to feed the... Post: #19 - Concept Comments Date: 24/1/20 Comment: My question for Jeremy Paxman, Do you ever get angry when you are interviewing someone? I am... Post: #18 - Question the Questioner - Winners Announced! Date: 17/1/20 Comment: Thank you for trusting me, and as Prime Minister I will make sure we will find different methods... Post: #17 - Winners Announced Date: 09/1/20 Comment: My chosen space job would be a space doctor/ human biologist because I would like to know the... Post: #14 - Space Job Skills - Winners Announced! Date: 13/12/19 Comment: Out of the 6 developments, I think most important is 'New satellites to help us understand... Post: #13- Breaking News Reaction - Winners Announced! Date: 06/12/19 Comment: My motto:'Yesterday we started, Today we explore, Tomorrow we go further than our dreams!' I... Post: #11 - Make a Motto for NASA Date: 22/11/19 Comment: Dear Diary, Last night was a was the worst night of my life. I couldn't sleep at all with all... Post: #4 Diary Entry - Winners Announced! Date: 29/9/19 Comment: I think that picture C is the odd one out because it looks like the person taking the picture is... Post: #3: Odd-One-Out - Winners Announced! Date: 27/9/19